Changes between Version 169 and Version 170 of j2p
- Timestamp:
- 11/18/24 16:39:29 (3 months ago)
- Unmodified
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- Modified
v169 v170 534 534 ||Everything compiles fine but I get {{{ImportError: cannot import name ... from partially initialized module}}} when running in python ||Typically this happened if your java code has a cyclic reference: class A refers to B and class B refers to A. Python can not handle such cyclic references. We suggest using the {{{@Defer}}} annotation to help the translator, or to refactor the code.|| 535 535 ||My java for loop seems to be translated to a weird looking while loop||That's correct. The java for loop is quite special, and you can use continue and break statements inside it that require us to do some tricks|| 536 ||I get UnsolvedSymbolException{context='null', name='We are unable to find the method declaration corresponding to ...||Sometimes the javaparser we use has a problem. Nothing we can do about that. For the moment you will have to manually translate problem spots to python with #PY.|| 536 ||I get {{{UnsolvedSymbolException ...... Method '...' cannot be resolved in context ...}}} from the javaparser||The javaparser has problems resolving the method when the provided argument does exactly not match the actual argument, eg when your method call uses an int while the actual method takes a long. Try changing your call so that the argument type is exactly matching the method type.|| 537 ||I get UnsolvedSymbolException{context='null', name='We are unable to find the method declaration corresponding to ...||See the previous issue.|| 537 538 ||I get an error in python on an overloaded method ({{{@dispatch}}}), incorrect number of arguments.||{{{@dispatch}}} has a problem with Optional arguments. Try making the arguments {{{@NonNull}}} in java.|| 538 ||I get {{{Method '...' cannot be resolved in context ...}}} from the javaparser||The javaparser has problems resolving the method when the provided argument does exactly not match the actual argument, eg when your method call uses an int while the actual method takes a long. Try changing your call so that the argument type is exactly matching the method type.||539 539 ||I get an {{{UnsupportedOperationException}}} inside javaparser LambdaExprContext||Javaparser seems to sometimes have trouble with resolving argument types inside lambda expressions. Try explicitly typing the left side of your lambda expression||