Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of dialogmanager

12/03/19 15:06:29 (5 years ago)



  • dialogmanager

    v6 v7  
    1919* Distance between two parameters is the euclidean distance (sqrt of the sum of squares) of the difference between the two parameter values, on a per-key basis. Only values for which both parameters have the key are compared. For non-numeric values, the difference is usually 0 if the values are equal, or else 1.
    21 The dialog manager contains a number of key objects
    22 * Dialog specification. A kind of finite state machine. The nodes are "dialog phases" and each have a unique label. The START and END phase indicate the usual start and end of the dialog.
    23 * Dialog phase. Each dialog phase represents a situation where we want the user to answer some question. This question can be formulated in different ways depending on the situation and user's previous answers.  Therefore the phase contains a number of DialogOptions
    24 * A DialogOption is a concrete sentence with a question for the user, plus the expected type of the answer (boolean (yes/no), number, text).
    25 * Dialog state. The current state of the dialog, comprising the situation and the user's answers so far. Stored as a set of Parameters.
    26 * Parameters. A set of key-value pairs where the keys are unique string labels and the values are a ParameterValue (a String, Double, or boolean).
     21== Dialog specification
     22The dialog specification specifies the different states/phases of the dialog, and the set of questions (options) available at each phase. The following objects are used to represent this
     24* DialogSpecification. A kind of finite state machine. The nodes and edges are contained on  a per-node basis in  DialogPhases.
     25* DialogPhase. Each dialog phase represents a situation where we want the user to answer some question. Each has a unique label. The START and END label indicate the usual start and end of the dialog.
     26In each phase, a number of similar questions called DialogOption are available. Also the DialogPhase defines the NestPhase which can determine what is the next DialogPhase to go.
     27*  A DialogOption is one of multiple ways to proceed in a given {@link DialogPhase}. It consists of a simulation (something presented to the user, eg a question) and the answer type expected from the user (eg, a number between 0 and 10).
     28* Dialog state. The current state of the dialogL the DialogSpecification, a set of Parameters comprising the culmination of the user's answers so far, and the (randomly) chosen DialogOption for the current Phase.
    2831* All data structures can be (de)serialized to JSON.