136 | | ||ContainsWord||returns BooleanValue, true iff the parameter contains the value within given tolerance. ||parameter: the parameter name, value:the {@link ParameterValue} to compare with, tolerance: the tolerance to weigh with.|| |
| 136 | |
| 137 | |
| 138 | == Condition |
| 139 | A number of {{{UpdateFunction}}}s contain a condition. There are a number of variants. The return value here is what is returned from {{{getTruth(params)}}}. 1 if condition totally holds, 0 if condition is completely false,and somewhere in between when condition is partially true, eg when the values are close to expected. |
| 140 | ||And||returns product of all argument truth values||condition: list if Condition|| |
| 141 | ||Or||returns 1-((1-truth of c1) * (1-truth of c2)...) where c1... are the contained conditions||condition: list if Condition|| |
| 142 | ||Not||returns 1-the truth value of the contained condition||condition: one Condition|| |
| 143 | ||ContainsWord||returns 1 if the word is contained. ||parameter: the parameter name, value:the {@link ParameterValue} to compare with, tolerance: the tolerance to weigh with.|| |
| 144 | ||Equal||returns (1-distance to the given value )/ tolerance.||parameter, value, tolerance|| |
| 145 | }}Less||returns 1 if the parameter value is less than given value, else 0.||parameter name (string), value (ParameterValue)|| |
| 146 | ||Maybe||returns the given value||value: number in [0,1]|| |