44 | | == Parameters |
45 | | * The user's answers, current dialog state label, and other parameters relevant for the dialog are stored in a set of parameters. This is just a map with keys and values both strings. The keys are called the "variable name" and the values the "variable value". |
46 | | * Distance between two parameters is the euclidean distance (sqrt of the sum of squares) of the difference between the two parameter values, on a per-key basis. Only values for which both parameters have the key are compared. For non-numeric values, the difference is usually 0 if the values are equal, or else 1. The exact definition differes per implementation. |
47 | | * The parameter values are BoolValue ("bool"), DoubleValue ("num"), KeywordsValue ("keywords"), StringValue ("txt") and VectorValue ("vector"). Check the javadocs for more details. |
48 | | * The Keywords parameters is useful if you want to do keyword matching. It contains a list of (case-insensitive) keywords. The distance to a list of words (eg another Keywords parameter or the words in a StringParameter) is the minimu distance of any of the words to any of the keywords. Here the Levenshtein distance is used to determine the distance between a word and a keyword. |
| 53 | |
| 54 | |
| 55 | == Parameters |
| 56 | * The user's answers, current dialog state label, and other parameters relevant for the dialog are stored in a set of parameters. This is just a map with keys and values both strings. The keys are called the "variable name" and the values the "variable value". |
| 57 | * Distance between two parameters is the euclidean distance (sqrt of the sum of squares) of the difference between the two parameter values, on a per-key basis. Only values for which both parameters have the key are compared. For non-numeric values, the difference is usually 0 if the values are equal, or else 1. The exact definition differes per implementation. |
| 58 | * The parameter values are BoolValue ("bool"), DoubleValue ("num"), KeywordsValue ("keywords"), StringValue ("txt") and VectorValue ("vector"). Check the javadocs for more details. |
| 59 | * The Keywords parameters is useful if you want to do keyword matching. It contains a list of (case-insensitive) keywords. The distance to a list of words (eg another Keywords parameter or the words in a StringParameter) is the minimu distance of any of the words to any of the keywords. Here the Levenshtein distance is used to determine the distance between a word and a keyword. |
| 60 | |