[INFO] another test [INFO] The time for IP to scan the input (in milliseconds): 0 The total run time (in milliseconds): 3 The best coalition structure found is: [[3, 4], [1, 2]] The value of this coalition structure is: 4.0 The number of expansions made by IP: 14 Based on this, the percentage of search-space that was searched is: 37.83783783783784% [INFO] textbook test [INFO] The time for IP to scan the input (in milliseconds): 0 The total run time (in milliseconds): 0 The best coalition structure found is: [[3, 4], [1], [2]] The value of this coalition structure is: 150.0 The number of expansions made by IP: 20 Based on this, the percentage of search-space that was searched is: 54.054054054054056%