= Welcome to the Health Psychology software repository The health psychology software repository contains tools for developing software for health psychology. == Motivating for Therapy The [wiki:MotivateDuringTherapy ModivateDuringTherapy] tool is a tool that generates messages to motivate people to continue their therapy. The messages are guided by the measured trust and PCL trend. Under the hood there are tools for translation. Click on image to run live demo: [[Image(motivatepersisting.png, link=https://webswing.ewi.tudelft.nl/motivateduringtherapy/)]] == Trauma Ontologies The [wiki:TraumaOntologies TraumaOntologies] tool is a tool that interviews a person to revive his memories for trauma therapy. Under the hood, there are tools for translation, storing the interview state, and reading a hierarchy of interview topics from OWL. Click on image to run live demo: [[Image(traumaontologies.png, link=http://webswing.ewi.tudelft.nl/traumaontologies/)]] == [wiki:PerfectFit PerfectFit (click for details)] In this dialog with the virtual coach Jody, the user sets a SMART long-term goal for running or walking. The dialog was developed for a study on using personalized vicarious experiences to motivate users during a goal-setting dialog ([https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-022-01899-9 see paper]) as part of the Perfect Fit project ([https://perfectfit-research.com/en]). The original Rasa-based implementation of the virtual coach can be found [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6647381 here]. [[Image(PerfectFit.png, 90%, link=http://webswing.ewi.tudelft.nl:8080/chatserver-1.0.0/form.html)]] == Download all You can download or browse all source codes in our repository. Browse sources: https://tracinsy.ewi.tudelft.nl/pubtrac/HealthPsychology/browser download all code: {{{ svn checkout http://tracinsy.ewi.tudelft.nl/pub/svn/HealthPsychology/ }}}