131 | | ||Name||University||task|| |
132 | | ||WillemPaul||Delft|| manager|| |
133 | | ||Wouter||TUDelft||dialog rasa translation|| |
134 | | ||Walter ||escience center||manager <w.baccinelli@esciencecenter.nl>|| |
135 | | ||Nele Albers||TUDelft||manager?|| |
136 | | ||Alkis||TUDelft||VR app, chatbot with AI|| |
137 | | ||Milon van Vliet m.h.m.van_vliet@lumc.nl||LUMC (Leiden)||psychology, what causes cravings|| |
138 | | ||Milan Vliet||LUMC||Dialog writing. || |
139 | | ||Kristel Penitornas||Leiden||PhD Leiden Psychologie - dialog writing - the smoking dialog|| |
140 | | ||Tess||LUMC||Social Health research assistent - dialog writing|| |
141 | | ||Robin Richardson||Escience center|| || |
142 | | ||Bendik ||TUDelft||student 3 months now on perfectfit|| |
143 | | ||Bouke Scheltinga||UTwente||activity profiles, sensor data eg stappenteller,create & analyse users|| |
| 134 | Some previously developed software for this project: |
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147 | | There are several software systems built for this project |
148 | | * A stand-alone system with VR [wiki:CravingCues]. |
149 | | * An app with virtual coach [https://github.com/PerfectFit-project/virtual-coach-main VirtualCoach] with a [https://github.com/PerfectFit-project/virtual-coach-issues/projects/15 ticket system] |
| 136 | * The implementation of a full virtual coach that helps people quit smoking and become more physically active: https://github.com/PerfectFit-project/virtual-coach-main. |
| 137 | * A project to present (personalized) environments in VR: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6390738. This project was developed as part of the Master's thesis by Alkis Antoniades: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:4786dd32-eba2-41da-9079-f539cf62e72c. |
| 138 | * A dialog with the virtual coach Mel for proposing preparatory activities for quitting smoking that build competencies for quitting smoking: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8302492 |
| 139 | * A dialog with the virtual coach Sam for proposing preparatory activities for quitting smoking and persuading users to do these activities: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6319356. More information on the virtual coach can be found in this accompanying paper: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277295. |
| 140 | * A dialog with the virtual coach Steph for collaboratively setting daily step goals: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8382413. |
| 141 | * A dialog with the virtual coach Jamie for collaboratively creating a physical activity plan: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10126244. This dialog was developed as part of the Master's thesis by Andrei Ştefan: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:04ab8ebc-f254-4928-9c44-b509b07ee22f. |