1 | package tudelft.healthpsychology.traumaontologies.answerstate;
2 |
3 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
4 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
5 | import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
6 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
7 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
8 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
9 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
10 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
11 | import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
12 |
13 | import java.io.File;
14 | import java.util.Arrays;
15 | import java.util.Collection;
16 | import java.util.LinkedList;
17 | import java.util.List;
18 |
19 | import org.junit.Before;
20 | import org.junit.Test;
21 | import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager;
22 | import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntology;
23 | import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyCreationException;
24 | import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyManager;
25 |
26 | import tudelft.healthpsychology.traumaontologies.owltree.OwlOntologyNode;
27 | import tudelft.healthpsychology.traumaontologies.owltree.OwlTreeReasoner;
28 | import tudelft.healthpsychology.traumaontologies.questiontypes.QuestionType;
29 | import tudelft.utilities.junit.GeneralTests;
30 | import tudelft.utilities.tree.Tree;
31 |
32 | public class OntologyAnswerStateTest extends GeneralTests<OntologyAnswerState> {
33 |
34 | private final static OntologyNode persoon = ontonode("persoon");
35 | private final static OntologyNode familie = ontonode("familie");
36 | private final static OntologyNode ouder = ontonode("ouder");
37 | private final static OntologyNode grootouder = ontonode("grootouder");
38 | private final static OntologyNode vriend = ontonode("vriend");
39 | private final static OntologyNode collega = ontonode("collega");
40 | private final static OntologyNode vader = ontonode("vader");
41 | private final static OntologyNode moeder = ontonode("moeder");
42 | private final static OntologyNode opa = ontonode("opa");
43 | private final static OntologyNode oma = ontonode("oma");
44 | private final Tree<String, Collection<Property>, OntologyNode> tree = mock(
45 | Tree.class);
46 |
47 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state1 = new OntologyAnswerState(
48 | "persoon", 1, false, false, "hij");
49 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state1a = new OntologyAnswerState(
50 | "persoon", 1, false, false, "hij");
51 |
52 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state2 = new OntologyAnswerState(
53 | "familie", 1, false, false, "hij");
54 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state3 = new OntologyAnswerState(
55 | "persoon", 2, false, false, "hij");
56 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state4 = new OntologyAnswerState(
57 | "persoon", 1, true, false, "hij");
58 |
59 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state5 = new OntologyAnswerState(
60 | "persoon", 1, false, true, "hij");
61 | private final static OntologyAnswerState state6 = new OntologyAnswerState(
62 | "persoon", 1, false, false, "zij");
63 |
64 | @Before
65 | public void before() {
66 | // when-doReturn is raising compilation troubles for no reason...
67 |
68 | // make crazy large set, so that it will not be the max depth.
69 | List<OntologyNode> largesublist = new LinkedList<OntologyNode>();
70 | for (int n = 0; n < 20; n++)
71 | largesublist.add(ontonode("test" + n));
72 |
73 | when(tree.get("persoon")).thenReturn(persoon);
74 | when(tree.get("familie")).thenReturn(familie);
75 | when(tree.get("ouder")).thenReturn(ouder);
76 | when(tree.get("grootouder")).thenReturn(grootouder);
77 | when(tree.get("vriend")).thenReturn(vriend);
78 | when(tree.get("collega")).thenReturn(collega);
79 | when(tree.get("vader")).thenReturn(vader);
80 | when(tree.get("moeder")).thenReturn(moeder);
81 | when(tree.get("opa")).thenReturn(opa);
82 | when(tree.get("oma")).thenReturn(oma);
83 |
84 | // The persoon hierarchy
85 | doReturn(Arrays.asList(familie, vriend, collega)).when(persoon)
86 | .getChildren(1);
87 | doReturn(Arrays.asList(ouder, grootouder, vriend, collega))
88 | .when(persoon).getChildren(2);
89 | doReturn(Arrays.asList(vader, moeder, opa, oma, vriend, collega))
90 | .when(persoon).getChildren(3);
91 | doReturn(largesublist).when(persoon).getChildren(4);
92 |
93 | // the familie hierarchy
94 | doReturn(Arrays.asList(ouder, grootouder)).when(familie).getChildren();
95 | doReturn(Arrays.asList(ouder, grootouder)).when(familie).getChildren(1);
96 | doReturn(Arrays.asList(vader, moeder, opa, oma)).when(familie)
97 | .getChildren(2);
98 | doReturn(largesublist).when(oma).getChildren();
99 | doReturn(largesublist).when(familie).getChildren(3);
100 | when(familie.getParent()).thenReturn(persoon);
101 |
102 | }
103 |
104 | @Override
105 | public List<List<OntologyAnswerState>> getGeneralTestData() {
106 | return Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(state1, state1a),
107 | Arrays.asList(state2), Arrays.asList(state3),
108 | Arrays.asList(state4), Arrays.asList(state5),
109 | Arrays.asList(state6));
110 | }
111 |
112 | @Override
113 | public List<String> getGeneralTestStrings() {
114 | return Arrays.asList(
115 | "OntologyAnswerState\\[.*persoon,false,1,false,hij\\]",
116 | "OntologyAnswerState\\[.*familie,false,1,false,hij\\]",
117 | "OntologyAnswerState\\[.*persoon,false,2,false,hij\\]",
118 | "OntologyAnswerState\\[.*persoon,true,1,false,hij\\]",
119 | "OntologyAnswerState\\[.*persoon,false,1,true,hij\\]",
120 | "OntologyAnswerState\\[.*persoon,false,1,false,zij\\]");
121 | }
122 |
123 | @Test
124 | public void smokeTest() {
125 | new OntologyAnswerState(persoon, null);
126 | }
127 |
128 | @Test
129 | public void depthPersoonTest() {
130 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(persoon, null);
131 | assertEquals(3, state.getDepth());
132 | }
133 |
134 | @Test
135 | public void depthFamilieTest() {
136 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
137 | assertEquals(2, state.getDepth());
138 | }
139 |
140 | @Test
141 | public void getOptionsTest() {
142 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(persoon, null);
143 | QuestionType options = state.getOptions(tree);
144 | System.out.println("options=" + options);
145 |
146 | }
147 |
148 | @Test
149 | public void withtNullWithoutParentTest() {
150 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(persoon, null);
151 | OntologyAnswerState newstate = state.with((OntologyNode) null, tree);
152 | assertEquals("persoon", newstate.getNode());
153 | assertEquals(state.getDepth() - 1, newstate.getDepth());
154 | }
155 |
156 | @Test
157 | public void withNullWithParentTest() {
158 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
159 | int zoom = state.getDepth();
160 | OntologyAnswerState newstate = state.with((OntologyNode) null, tree);
161 | assertNotNull("new state should be nonfinal as familie has parent",
162 | newstate.getOptions(tree));
163 | // we should stick with familie node but zoom out 1.
164 | assertEquals("familie", newstate.getNode());
165 | assertEquals(zoom - 1, newstate.getDepth());
166 | }
167 |
168 | @Test
169 | public void withLeafTest() {
170 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
171 | OntologyAnswerState newstate = state.with("vader", tree);
172 | assertNull("new state should be final as vader is leaf",
173 | newstate.getOptions(tree));
174 | }
175 |
176 | @Test
177 | public void withNonLeafTest() {
178 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
179 | OntologyAnswerState newstate = state.with("oma", tree);
180 | assertNotNull("new state should be nonfinal as oma is not a leaf",
181 | newstate.getOptions(tree));
182 | }
183 |
184 | @Test
185 | public void withOtherTest() {
186 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
187 | OntologyAnswerState spystate = spy(state);
188 | spystate.with("anders", tree);
189 | verify(spystate, times(1)).with((OntologyNode) null, tree);
190 | }
191 |
192 | @Test
193 | public void withVaderTest() {
194 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
195 | OntologyAnswerState spystate = spy(state);
196 | spystate.with("vader", tree);
197 | verify(spystate, times(1)).with(vader, tree);
198 | }
199 |
200 | @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
201 | public void withNonsenseTest() {
202 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState(familie, null);
203 | state.with("nonsense", tree);
204 | }
205 |
206 | @Test
207 | public void testParkState() throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
208 | OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
209 | OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
210 | new File("src/main/resources/Child Sexual Abuse.owl"));
211 | OwlTreeReasoner reas = new OwlTreeReasoner(ontology);
212 | OwlOntologyNode park = new OwlOntologyNode("Park", reas);
213 |
214 | OntologyAnswerState state = new OntologyAnswerState("park", 2, false,
215 | false, "it");
216 |
217 | }
218 |
219 | private static OntologyNode ontonode(String label) {
220 | OntologyNode m = mock(OntologyNode.class);
221 | when(m.getLabel()).thenReturn(label);
222 | when(m.toString()).thenReturn("mock ontonode " + label);
223 | return m;
224 | }
225 |
226 | }