1 | package geniusweb.exampleparties.newagentgg;
2 |
3 | import java.math.BigDecimal;
4 | import java.math.RoundingMode;
5 | import java.util.Collections;
6 | import java.util.Comparator;
7 | import java.util.LinkedList;
8 | import java.util.List;
9 |
10 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid;
11 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain;
12 | import geniusweb.profile.DefaultPartialOrdering;
13 | import geniusweb.profile.Profile;
14 | import geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.UtilitySpace;
15 |
16 | /**
17 | * A simple list of bids, but all bids are fully ordered (better or worse than
18 | * other bids in the list).
19 | */
20 | public class SimpleLinearOrdering implements UtilitySpace {
21 |
22 | private final Domain domain;
23 | private final List<Bid> bids; // worst bid first, best bid last.
24 |
25 | SimpleLinearOrdering(Profile profile) {
26 | this(profile.getDomain(), getSortedBids(profile));
27 | }
28 |
29 | /**
30 | *
31 | * @param domain
32 | * @param bids a list of bids, ordered from lowest to highest util. The first
33 | * bid will have utility 0, the last utility 1. If only 0 or 1 bid
34 | * in the list, or if the bid is not known, it will have utility
35 | * 0.
36 | */
37 | SimpleLinearOrdering(Domain domain, List<Bid> bids) {
38 | this.domain = domain;
39 | this.bids = bids;
40 | }
41 |
42 | @Override
43 | public String getName() {
44 | throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
45 | }
46 |
47 | @Override
48 | public Domain getDomain() {
49 | return domain;
50 | }
51 |
52 | @Override
53 | public Bid getReservationBid() {
54 | throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
55 | }
56 |
57 | @Override
58 | public BigDecimal getUtility(Bid bid) {
59 | if (bids.size() < 2 || !bids.contains(bid)) {
60 | return BigDecimal.ZERO;
61 | }
62 | // using 8 decimals, we have to pick something here
63 | return new BigDecimal(bids.indexOf(bid)).divide(new BigDecimal((bids.size() - 1)), 8, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
64 | }
65 |
66 | /**
67 | *
68 | * @param bid
69 | * @return true iff bid is contained in this ordering
70 | */
71 | public boolean contains(Bid bid) {
72 | return bids.contains(bid);
73 | }
74 |
75 | /**
76 | *
77 | * @return list of all bids in the current ordering.
78 | */
79 | public List<Bid> getBids() {
80 | return Collections.unmodifiableList(bids);
81 | }
82 |
83 | /**
84 | *
85 | * @param profile
86 | * @return a list of bids in the profile sorted from low to high utility.
87 | */
88 | private static List<Bid> getSortedBids(Profile profile) {
89 | if (!(profile instanceof DefaultPartialOrdering)) {
90 | throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only DefaultPartialOrdering supported");
91 | }
92 | DefaultPartialOrdering prof = (DefaultPartialOrdering) profile;
93 | List<Bid> bidslist = prof.getBids();
94 | // NOTE sort defaults to ascending order, this is missing in docs.
95 | Collections.sort(bidslist, new Comparator<Bid>() {
96 |
97 | @Override
98 | public int compare(Bid b1, Bid b2) {
99 | return prof.isPreferredOrEqual(b1, b2) ? 1 : -1;
100 | }
101 |
102 | });
103 |
104 | return bidslist;
105 | }
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * @param bid a new bid to be inserted
109 | * @param worseBids all bids that are worse than this bid.
110 | * @return a SimpleLinearOrdering, updated with the given comparison. Thee bid
111 | * will be inserted after the first bid that is not worse than bid.
112 | */
113 | public SimpleLinearOrdering with(Bid bid, List<Bid> worseBids) {
114 | int n = 0;
115 | while (n < bids.size() && worseBids.contains(bids.get(n)))
116 | n++;
117 | LinkedList<Bid> newbids = new LinkedList<Bid>(bids);
118 | newbids.add(n, bid);
119 | return new SimpleLinearOrdering(domain, newbids);
120 | }
121 |
122 | }