1 | package geniusweb.exampleparties.simpleshaop;
2 |
3 | import java.math.BigDecimal;
4 |
5 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid;
6 |
7 |
8 | public class NegotiationStrategy {
9 | private CompRegress compRegress;
10 | private NegotiationInfo negotiationInfo;
11 |
12 | private BigDecimal reserveValue;
13 |
14 | private BigDecimal A11 = BigDecimal.ZERO; // utility - A: hardliner, B: hardliner
15 | private BigDecimal A12 = BigDecimal.ZERO; // utility - A: hardliner, B: conceder
16 | private BigDecimal A21 = BigDecimal.ZERO; // utility - A: conceder, B; hardliner
17 | private BigDecimal A22 = BigDecimal.ZERO; // utility - A: conceder, B: conceder
18 |
19 | //static private BigDecimal timeFinal = BigDecimal.ONE;
20 | static private BigDecimal probFinal = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.5); // probability of own agent compromising first on last round when both agents concede
21 |
22 |
23 | public NegotiationStrategy(CompRegress compRegress, NegotiationInfo negotiationInfo, Bid reserveBid) {
24 | this.compRegress = compRegress;
25 | this.negotiationInfo = negotiationInfo;
26 | this.reserveValue = compRegress.getUtil(reserveBid);
27 | }
28 |
29 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 | // select methods for accept and end negotiation
31 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 |
33 | /**
34 | * selectAccept - decide whether to perform Action: Accept
35 | *
36 | * @param offeredBid - Bid; the bid offered by opponent
37 | * @param time - double; time of negotiation
38 | *
39 | * @return boolean - true if our agent should accept the offered bid
40 | */
41 | public boolean selectAccept(Bid offeredBid, BigDecimal time) {
42 | try {
43 | BigDecimal offeredBidUtil = compRegress.getUtil(offeredBid);
44 | return offeredBidUtil.compareTo(getThreshold(time)) >= 0;
45 | } catch (Exception e) {
46 | System.out.println("selectAccept failed");
47 | e.printStackTrace();
48 | return false;
49 | }
50 | }
51 |
52 | /**
53 | * selectEndNegotiation - decide whether to end negotiation
54 | */
55 | public boolean selectEndNegotiation(BigDecimal time) {
56 | return reserveValue.compareTo(getThreshold(time)) >= 0;
57 | }
58 |
59 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
60 | // method getThreshold and its helper methods
61 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
62 |
63 | /**
64 | * getThreshold - returns threshold
65 | */
66 | public BigDecimal getThreshold(BigDecimal time) {
67 | BigDecimal threshold = BigDecimal.ONE;
68 | updateGameMatrix();
69 | BigDecimal target = getExpectedUtilInFinal();
70 |
71 | threshold = target.add((BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(target)).multiply(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(time)));
72 |
73 | return threshold;
74 | }
75 |
76 | /**
77 | * updateGameMatrix - used in getThreshold
78 | */
79 | private void updateGameMatrix() {
80 | BigDecimal utilConcede = negotiationInfo.getBestOfferedUtil();
81 |
82 | A11 = reserveValue;
83 | A12 = BigDecimal.ONE;
84 |
85 | if (utilConcede.compareTo(reserveValue) >= 0) A21 = utilConcede;
86 | else A21 = reserveValue;
87 |
88 | A22 = (probFinal.multiply(A21)).add((BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(probFinal)).multiply(A12));
89 | }
90 |
91 | /**
92 | * getExpectedUtilInFinal - used in getThreshold
93 | */
94 | private BigDecimal getExpectedUtilInFinal() {
95 | BigDecimal q = getOpponentProbHardliner();
96 | return (q.multiply(A21)).add((BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(q)).multiply(A22));
97 | }
98 |
99 | /**
100 | * getOpponentProbHardliner - used in getExpectedUtilInFinal, calculate opponent's probability of choosing hardliner strategy in final round
101 | */
102 | private BigDecimal getOpponentProbHardliner() {
103 | double q = 1.0;
104 | double A11d = A11.doubleValue();
105 | double A12d = A12.doubleValue();
106 | double A21d = A21.doubleValue();
107 | double A22d = A22.doubleValue();
108 |
109 | if ((A12d - A22d != 0) && (1.0 - (A11d - A21d) / (A12d - A22d) != 0)) {
110 | q = 1.0 / (1.0 - (A11d - A21d) / (A12d -A22d));
111 | }
112 | if (q < 0.0 || q > 1.0) {
113 | q = 1.0;
114 | }
115 | return BigDecimal.valueOf(q);
116 | }
117 |
118 |
119 | }