source: anac2020/agentKT/src/main/java/geniusweb/exampleparties/simpleshaop/ 14

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#1910 added anac2020 parties

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1package geniusweb.exampleparties.simpleshaop;
3import java.math.BigDecimal;
4import java.util.ArrayList;
5import java.util.Collections;
6import java.util.HashMap;
7import java.util.Iterator;
8import java.util.List;
9import java.util.Map;
10import java.util.Map.Entry;
11import java.util.Set;
12import java.util.TreeMap;
14import geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid;
15import geniusweb.issuevalue.Value;
16import geniusweb.issuevalue.ValueSet;
18public class NegotiationInfo {
19 private CompRegress compRegress;
20 private List<String> issues;
21 private ArrayList<Bid> myBidHistory = null;
22 private ArrayList<Bid> bestOfferedBidHistory = null;
23 private ArrayList<Bid> opponentBidHistory = null;
24 private BigDecimal opponentSum;
25 private BigDecimal opponentPowSum;
26 private BigDecimal opponentAvg;
27 private BigDecimal opponentVar;
28 private HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, BigDecimal>> valueRelativeUtil = null;
29 private HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Integer>> opponentValueFreq = null;
30 private BigDecimal bestOfferedUtil = BigDecimal.ZERO;
32 private HashMap<String, Double> opponentTheta;
33 private HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Double>> estOpponentUtil;
35 /**
36 * NegotiationInfo - constructor
37 *
38 * @param utilitySpace
39 * @param isPrinting
40 */
41 public NegotiationInfo(CompRegress compRegress) {
42 this.compRegress = compRegress;
43 this.issues = compRegress.getIssues();
45 this.myBidHistory = new ArrayList<>();
46 this.bestOfferedBidHistory = new ArrayList<>();
48 this.valueRelativeUtil = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, BigDecimal>>();
50 this.opponentBidHistory = new ArrayList<Bid>();
51 this.opponentSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
52 this.opponentPowSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
53 this.opponentAvg = BigDecimal.ZERO;
54 this.opponentVar = BigDecimal.ZERO;
56 this.opponentValueFreq = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Integer>>();
58 this.opponentTheta = new HashMap<String, Double>();
59 this.estOpponentUtil = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Double>>();
61 try {
62 initValueRelativeUtil();
63 } catch (Exception e) {
64 System.out.println("initValueRelativeUtil failed");
65 e.printStackTrace();
66 }
67 }
69 /**
70 * initValueRelativeUtil - initialize the relative utilities of all values
71 *
72 * @throws Exception
73 */
74 private void initValueRelativeUtil() throws Exception {
75 ArrayList<Value> values = null;
76 for (String issue : issues) {
77 valueRelativeUtil.put(issue, new HashMap<Value, BigDecimal>());
78 values = getValues(issue);
79 for (Value value : values) {
80 valueRelativeUtil.get(issue).put(value, BigDecimal.ZERO);
81 }
82 }
83 }
85 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86 // method initOpponent and its helper functions used in ShaopParty
87 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
89 /**
90 * initOpponent - initialize the opponent related parameters
91 * calls private methods initOpponentInfo, initOpponentsValueFreq
92 *
93 * @param sender - the opponent agent to initialize
94 */
95 public void initOpponent() {
96 initOpponentValueFreq();
97 }
99 /**
100 * initOpponetsValueFreq - initialize opponent's frequency of all values
101 *
102 * @param sender - the opponent agent to initialize
103 * @throws Exception
104 */
105 private void initOpponentValueFreq() {
106 for (String issue : issues) {
107 opponentValueFreq.put(issue, new HashMap<Value, Integer>());
108 ArrayList<Value> values = getValues(issue);
109 for (Value value : values) {
110 opponentValueFreq.get(issue).put(value, 0);
111 }
112 }
113 }
115 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
116 // method updateInfo and its helper functions used in ShaopParty
117 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119 /**
120 * updateInfo - updates negotiation information
121 * calls updateNegotiatingInfo, updateFreqLists
122 *
123 * @param sender - the opponent agent to update
124 * @param offeredBid - Bid; the offered Bid
125 */
126 public void updateInfo(Bid offeredBid) {
127 try {
128 updateNegotiatingInfo(offeredBid);
129 } catch (Exception e) {
130 System.out.println("updateNegotiatingInfo failed");
131 e.printStackTrace();
132 }
133 try {
134 updateFreqLists(offeredBid);
135 } catch (Exception e) {
136 System.out.println("updateFreqLists failed");
137 e.printStackTrace();
138 }
139 }
141 /**
142 * updateNegotiatingInfo - updates negotiating info of opponent and offered bid
143 *
144 * @param sender - the opponent agent to update
145 * @param offeredBid - Bid; the offered Bid
146 * @throws Exception
147 */
148 private void updateNegotiatingInfo(Bid offeredBid) throws Exception {
149 BigDecimal util = compRegress.getUtil(offeredBid);
151 opponentBidHistory.add(offeredBid);
152 opponentSum = opponentSum.add(util);
153 opponentPowSum = opponentPowSum.add(util.pow(2));
155 BigDecimal roundNum = BigDecimal.valueOf(opponentBidHistory.size());
157 opponentAvg = opponentSum.divide(roundNum);
158 opponentVar = (opponentPowSum.divide(roundNum)).subtract(opponentAvg.pow(2));
159 if (opponentVar.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
160 opponentVar = BigDecimal.ZERO;
161 }
163 if (util.compareTo(bestOfferedUtil) > 0) {
164 bestOfferedBidHistory.add(offeredBid);
165 bestOfferedUtil = util;
166 }
167 }
169 /**
170 * updateFreqLists - updates the two frequency HashMaps
171 *
172 * @param sender - the opponent agent to update
173 * @param offeredBid - Bid; the offered Bid
174 * @throws Exception
175 */
176 private void updateFreqLists(Bid offeredBid) throws Exception {
177 for (String issue : issues) {
178 Value value = offeredBid.getValue(issue);
179 opponentValueFreq.get(issue).put(value, opponentValueFreq.
180 get(issue).get(value) + 1);
181 }
182 }
184 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
185 // method updateMyBidHistory used in ShaopParty
186 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
188 /**
189 * updateMyBidHistory
190 *
191 * @param offerBid - the bid to be added to history list
192 */
193 public void updateMyBidHistory(Bid offerBid) {
194 myBidHistory.add(offerBid);
195 }
197 /**
198 * getBestOfferedBid
199 * @return the offered bid with the highest estimated utility
200 */
201 public Bid getBestOfferedBid() {
202 if (bestOfferedBidHistory.isEmpty()) return null;
203 else return bestOfferedBidHistory.get(bestOfferedBidHistory.size()-1);
204 }
207 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
208 // public methods used in NegotiationStrategy
209 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
211 /**
212 * getBestOfferedUtil - gets the best offered utility
213 *
214 * @return bestOfferedUtil
215 */
216 public BigDecimal getBestOfferedUtil() {
217 return bestOfferedUtil;
218 }
221 /**
222 * getValues - returns an ArrayList of all the values of an issue
223 *
224 * @param issue - String; the issue name
225 * @return a list of all the values associated with the input issue
226 */
227 private ArrayList<Value> getValues(String issue) {
228 ArrayList<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value>();
229 ValueSet valueSet = compRegress.getValues(issue);
230 for (Value value : valueSet) {
231 values.add(value);
232 }
233 return values;
234 }
236 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
237 // public methods used to model opponent
238 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
240 /**
241 * estimates the theta values and acceptance probabilities of opponent
242 */
243 public void initOpponentProbs() {
244 TreeMap<Double, List<String>> importanceMap =
245 new TreeMap<Double, List<String>>();
246 for (String issue : issues) {
247 int totalFreq = 0;
248 int squaredSum = 0;
249 int maxFreq = 0;
250 Value maxFreqValue = null;
251 ValueSet values = compRegress.getValues(issue);
252 estOpponentUtil.put(issue, new HashMap<Value, Double>());
253 for (Value value : values) {
254 int freq = opponentValueFreq.get(issue).get(value);
255 totalFreq += freq;
256 squaredSum += freq * freq;
257 if (freq > maxFreq) {
258 maxFreq = freq;
259 maxFreqValue = value;
260 }
261 }
263 for (Value value : values) {
264 int freq = opponentValueFreq.get(issue).get(value);
265 double estUtil;
266 if (value == maxFreqValue) estUtil = 1.0;
267 else {
268 if (totalFreq-maxFreq == 0) estUtil = 0.0;
269 else estUtil = freq*1.0/(totalFreq-maxFreq);
270 }
271 estOpponentUtil.get(issue).put(value, estUtil);
272 }
273 double importance;
274 if (totalFreq - maxFreq == 0) importance = 1.0;
275 else importance = (((squaredSum - maxFreq * maxFreq) * 1.0 /
276 (totalFreq - maxFreq)) + maxFreq) / totalFreq;
277 List<String> issueList;
278 if (importanceMap.get(importance) == null) issueList =
279 new ArrayList<String>();
280 else issueList = importanceMap.get(importance);
281 issueList.add(issue);
282 importanceMap.put(importance, issueList);
284 }
286 initOpponentTheta(importanceMap);
287 }
289 /**
290 * creates the opponent theta values for corresponding issues
291 * @param importanceMap - map of importance and issues in descending order
292 */
293 private void initOpponentTheta(TreeMap<Double, List<String>> importanceMap) {
294 double multInverse = 1.0 / issues.size();
295 double minTheta = multInverse / 2.0;
296 double incr = multInverse / (issues.size() - 1);
298 int i = 0;
299 for (Map.Entry<Double, List<String>> mapElement : importanceMap.entrySet()) {
300 List<String> issueList = mapElement.getValue();
301 int listSize = issueList.size();
302 double theta = minTheta + incr * (i + 0.5*(listSize - 1));
303 for (int j = 0; j < listSize; j++) {
304 String issue = issueList.get(j);
305 opponentTheta.put(issue, theta);
306 }
307 i += listSize;
308 }
309 }
311 /**
312 * gets a list of bids in descending order of preference
313 * @param myPrefBids - a list of bids to order
314 * @param time - current time
315 * @return an ordered list of bids based on joint utility
316 */
317 public List<Bid> getJointPref(List<Bid> myPrefBids, double time) {
318 BigDecimal biasFactor = BigDecimal.valueOf(1.8 - time * time * 0.3);
319 TreeMap<BigDecimal, Bid> jointUtil = new TreeMap<BigDecimal,
320 Bid>(Collections.reverseOrder());
321 for (Bid bid : myPrefBids) {
322 BigDecimal opponentUtil = BigDecimal.valueOf(opponentAcceptProb(bid));
323 BigDecimal util = compRegress.getUtil(bid).multiply(biasFactor).
324 add(opponentUtil);
325 jointUtil.put(util, bid);
326 }
327 List<Bid> bidOrder = new ArrayList<Bid>();
328 Set<Entry<BigDecimal, Bid>> set = jointUtil.entrySet();
329 Iterator<Entry<BigDecimal, Bid>> i = set.iterator();
330 while (i.hasNext()) {
331 Map.Entry<BigDecimal, Bid> map = (Map.Entry<BigDecimal, Bid>);
332 bidOrder.add(map.getValue());
333 }
334 return bidOrder;
335 }
337 /**
338 * gets the estimated acceptance probability of a bid
339 * @param bid - the bid we want to know the acceptance probability
340 * @return the estimate acceptance probability of the input bid
341 */
342 private double opponentAcceptProb(Bid bid) {
343 double prob = 0.0;
344 for (String issue : issues) {
345 Value value = bid.getValue(issue);
346 prob += opponentTheta.get(issue) * estOpponentUtil.get(issue).get(value);
347 }
348 return prob;
349 }
351 /**
352 * updates the compRegress
353 * @param newCompRegress - the new compRegress
354 */
355 public void updateCompRegress(CompRegress newCompRegress) {
356 this.compRegress = newCompRegress;
357 }
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