package geniusweb.blingbling.Ranknet4j; /** * Copyright 2010 Neuroph Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.neuroph.core.Connection; import org.neuroph.core.Layer; import org.neuroph.core.Neuron; import org.neuroph.core.Weight; import; import; import org.neuroph.core.learning.error.ErrorFunction; //import org.neuroph.core.learning.error.MeanSquaredError; import org.neuroph.core.learning.stop.MaxErrorStop; import org.neuroph.core.learning.IterativeLearning; import org.neuroph.core.transfer.Sigmoid; /** * Base class for all supervised learning algorithms. * It extends IterativeLearning, and provides general supervised learning principles. * Based on Template Method Pattern with abstract method calculateWeightChanges * * TODO: random pattern order * * @author Zoran Sevarac */ abstract public class SupervisedLearning extends IterativeLearning implements Serializable { /** * The class fingerprint that is set to indicate serialization * compatibility with a previous version of the class */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L; /** * Total network error in previous epoch */ protected transient double previousEpochError; /** * Max allowed network error (condition to stop learning) */ protected double maxError = 0.01d; /** * Stopping condition: training stops if total network error change is smaller than minErrorChange * for minErrorChangeIterationsLimit number of iterations */ private double minErrorChange = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; /** * Stopping condition: training stops if total network error change is smaller than minErrorChange * for minErrorChangeStopIterations number of iterations */ private int minErrorChangeIterationsLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** * Count iterations where error change is smaller then minErrorChange. */ private transient int minErrorChangeIterationsCount; /** * Setting to determine if learning (weights update) is in batch mode. * False by default. */ private boolean batchMode = false; private ErrorFunction errorFunction; /** * Creates new supervised learning rule */ public SupervisedLearning() { super(); errorFunction = new CrossEntropyError(); // stopConditions.add(new MaxErrorStop(this)); } /** * This method should implement the weights update procedure for the whole network * for the given output error vector. * * @param outputError output error vector for some network input (aka. patternError, network error) * usually the difference between desired and actual output */ abstract protected void calculateWeightChanges(double[] outputError); /** * Trains network for the specified training set and maxError * * @param trainingSet training set to learn * @param maxError learning stop condition. If maxError is reached learning stops */ public final void learn(DataSet trainingSet, double maxError) { this.maxError = maxError; learn(trainingSet); } /** * Trains network for the specified training set, maxError and number of iterations * * @param trainingSet training set to learn * @param maxError learning stop condition. if maxError is reached learning stops * @param maxIterations maximum number of learning iterations */ public final void learn(DataSet trainingSet, double maxError, int maxIterations) { this.trainingSet = trainingSet; this.maxError = maxError; setMaxIterations(maxIterations); learn(trainingSet); } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); // reset iteration counter minErrorChangeIterationsCount = 0; previousEpochError = 0d; } @Override protected void beforeEpoch() { previousEpochError = errorFunction.getTotalError(); errorFunction.reset(); } @Override protected void afterEpoch() { // calculate abs error change and count iterations if its below specified min error change (used for stop condition) double absErrorChange = Math.abs(previousEpochError - errorFunction.getTotalError()); if (absErrorChange <= this.minErrorChange) { minErrorChangeIterationsCount++; } else { minErrorChangeIterationsCount = 0; } // if learning is performed in batch mode, apply accumulated weight changes from this epoch if (batchMode == true) { doBatchWeightsUpdate(); } } /** * This method implements basic logic for one learning epoch for the * supervised learning algorithms. Epoch is the one pass through the * training set. This method iterates through the training set * and trains network for each element. It also sets flag if conditions * to stop learning has been reached: network error below some allowed * value, or maximum iteration count * * @param trainingSet training set for training network */ @Override public void doLearningEpoch(DataSet trainingSet) { Iterator iterator = trainingSet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && !isStopped()) { // iterate all elements from training set - maybe remove isStopped from here DataSetRow dataSetRow =; learnPattern(dataSetRow); // learn current input/output pattern defined by SupervisedTrainingElement } } /** * Trains network with the input and desired output pattern from the specified training element * * @param trainingElement supervised training element which contains input and desired output */ protected final void learnPattern(DataSetRow trainingElement) { int size = trainingElement.getInput().length/2; double[] input1 = new double[size]; double[] input2 = new double[size]; for (int i=0; i layers = neuralNetwork.getLayers(); for (int i = neuralNetwork.getLayersCount() - 1; i > 0; i--) { // iterate neurons at each layer for (Neuron neuron : layers.get(i).getNeurons()) { // iterate connections/weights for each neuron for (Connection connection : neuron.getInputConnections()) { // for each connection weight apply accumulated weight change Weight weight = connection.getWeight(); weight.value += weight.weightChange / getTrainingSet().size(); // apply delta weight which is the sum of delta weights in batch mode - TODO: add mini batch weight.weightChange = 0; // reset deltaWeight } } } } /** * Returns true if learning is performed in batch mode, false otherwise * * @return true if learning is performed in batch mode, false otherwise */ public boolean isBatchMode() { return batchMode; } /** * Sets batch mode on/off (true/false) * * @param batchMode batch mode setting */ public void setBatchMode(boolean batchMode) { this.batchMode = batchMode; } /** * Sets allowed network error, which indicates when to stopLearning training * * @param maxError network error */ public void setMaxError(double maxError) { this.maxError = maxError; } /** * Returns learning error tolerance - the value of total network error to stop learning. * * @return learning error tolerance */ public double getMaxError() { return maxError; } /** * Returns total network error in previous learning epoch * * @return total network error in previous learning epoch */ public double getPreviousEpochError() { return previousEpochError; } /** * Returns min error change stopping criteria * * @return min error change stopping criteria */ public double getMinErrorChange() { return minErrorChange; } /** * Sets min error change stopping criteria * * @param minErrorChange value for min error change stopping criteria */ public void setMinErrorChange(double minErrorChange) { this.minErrorChange = minErrorChange; } /** * Returns number of iterations for min error change stopping criteria * * @return number of iterations for min error change stopping criteria */ public int getMinErrorChangeIterationsLimit() { return minErrorChangeIterationsLimit; } /** * Sets number of iterations for min error change stopping criteria * * @param minErrorChangeIterationsLimit number of iterations for min error change stopping criteria */ public void setMinErrorChangeIterationsLimit(int minErrorChangeIterationsLimit) { this.minErrorChangeIterationsLimit = minErrorChangeIterationsLimit; } /** * Returns number of iterations count for for min error change stopping criteria * * @return number of iterations count for for min error change stopping criteria */ public int getMinErrorChangeIterationsCount() { return minErrorChangeIterationsCount; } public ErrorFunction getErrorFunction() { return errorFunction; } public void setErrorFunction(ErrorFunction errorFunction) { this.errorFunction = errorFunction; } public double getTotalNetworkError() { return errorFunction.getTotalError(); } private void applyWeightChanges() { List layers = neuralNetwork.getLayers(); for (int i = neuralNetwork.getLayersCount() - 1; i > 0; i--) { // iterate neurons at each layer for (Neuron neuron : layers.get(i)) { // iterate connections/weights for each neuron for (Connection connection : neuron.getInputConnections()) { // for each connection weight apply accumulated weight change Weight weight = connection.getWeight(); if (!isBatchMode()) { weight.value += weight.weightChange; } else { weight.value += (weight.weightChange / getTrainingSet().size()); } weight.weightChange = 0; // reset deltaWeight } } } } }