1 | package geniusweb.blingbling;
2 |
3 | //old one not used.
4 | import java.util.ArrayList;
5 | import java.util.Collections;
6 | import java.util.Comparator;
7 | import java.util.HashMap;
8 | import java.util.HashSet;
9 | import java.util.LinkedList;
10 | import java.util.List;
11 | import java.util.Set;
12 | import java.util.logging.Level;
13 |
14 | import org.neuroph.core.Layer;
15 | import org.neuroph.core.NeuralNetwork;
16 | import org.neuroph.core.Neuron;
17 | import org.neuroph.core.data.DataSet;
18 | import org.neuroph.core.data.DataSetRow;
19 | import org.neuroph.core.learning.LearningRule;
20 | import org.neuroph.nnet.learning.BackPropagation;
21 | import org.neuroph.util.ConnectionFactory;
22 |
23 | import geniusweb.profile.DefaultPartialOrdering;
24 | import geniusweb.profile.Profile;
25 | import geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.UtilitySpace;
26 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid;
27 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain;
28 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Value;
29 |
30 | //ranknet
31 | import geniusweb.blingbling.Ranknet.NeuralRankNet;
32 | import geniusweb.blingbling.Ranknet.*;
33 |
34 |
35 | import tudelft.utilities.logging.Reporter;
36 |
37 |
38 | public class MyUtilitySpace {
39 | //my estimate utility space class.
40 | private Domain domain;
41 | private List<Bid> bidlist = new ArrayList<>();
42 | private List<Bid> sortedbidlist = new LinkedList<>();
43 | private Bid reservationbid;
44 | private Bid maxBid;
45 | private Bid minBid;
46 | private HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Integer>> valuefrequency = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Integer>>();//new?or null?
47 | private NeuralNetwork<LearningRule> ann = new NeuralNetwork<LearningRule>();// the network
48 | private HashMap<String, Integer> issueToNeuron = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //track the neuron position of issue
49 | private HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Integer>> valueToNeuron = new HashMap<String, HashMap<Value, Integer>>();
50 | int maxIter = 500; //Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
51 | double maxError = 0.01; // Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
52 | double learningRate = 0.0005 ; // Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
53 |
54 | DefaultPartialOrdering prof;
55 | List<List<Integer>> betterlist;
56 |
57 |
58 | public MyUtilitySpace(Profile profile, Reporter reporter) {
59 |
60 | DefaultPartialOrdering prof = (DefaultPartialOrdering) profile;
61 |
62 | this.domain = prof.getDomain();
63 | this.bidlist = prof.getBids();
64 | this.reservationbid = prof.getReservationBid();
65 | this.sortedbidlist = setSortedBids(prof);
66 | this.maxBid = sortedbidlist.get(sortedbidlist.size()-1);
67 | this.minBid = sortedbidlist.get(0);
68 | this.betterlist = prof.getBetter();//for learning to rank method.
69 |
70 |
71 | initValueFrequency();
72 | setvaluefrequency(prof.getBids());//for elicit compare.
73 | buildNetwork(prof.getDomain());
74 | initweight();
75 | DataSet ds = setDataset(this.sortedbidlist);
76 | trainNetwork(ds);
77 | }
78 |
79 |
80 | public void buildNetwork(Domain domain) {
81 | //neural network model.
82 | Set<String> issueset = domain.getIssues();//get all the issues.
83 | Layer inputlayer = new Layer(); // set the input layer.
84 | Layer weightlayer = new Layer(); // set the weight layer.
85 | int weightind = 0; // the ind tracks the issue position in weight layer
86 | int valueind = 0; // the ind tracks the value position in input layer
87 | for (String issue: issueset) {//iterate the issues
88 | weightlayer.addNeuron(weightind, new Neuron()); // add one neuron to the weight layer as
89 | issueToNeuron.put(issue, weightind);//put the index to the issue
90 | weightind ++;//update the weight index
91 |
92 | HashMap<Value, Integer> temp = new HashMap<Value, Integer>();
93 | for (Value value: domain.getValues(issue)) {
94 | inputlayer.addNeuron(valueind, new Neuron());// add neuron for every value.
95 | temp.put(value, valueind);
96 | valueToNeuron.put(issue, temp);
97 | valueind ++; //update the value index(position)
98 | }
99 | }
100 | ann.addLayer(0, inputlayer);//set layer position
101 | ann.addLayer(1, weightlayer);
102 | Layer outputlayer = new Layer();
103 | outputlayer.addNeuron(0, new Neuron());//add one neuron to the output layer.
104 | ann.addLayer(2, outputlayer);
105 | ann.setInputNeurons(inputlayer.getNeurons());
106 | ann.setOutputNeurons(outputlayer.getNeurons());
107 | }
108 |
109 | public void initweight() {
110 | //init the NN weight via a specific method. And create connections.
111 | Set<String> issueset = domain.getIssues();// get all the issues
112 | for (String issue: issueset) {
113 | for (Value value: domain.getValues(issue)) {
114 | //create connections from value neurons to issue neurons
115 | if(valuefrequency.get(issue).get(value) == 0) {
116 | ann.createConnection(ann.getLayerAt(0).getNeuronAt(valueToNeuron.get(issue).get(value)),
117 | ann.getLayerAt(1).getNeuronAt(issueToNeuron.get(issue)),
118 | 0.0);// if one value never shows in the partial data, then we assign 0 to the weight of this value.
119 | continue;
120 | }
121 | ann.createConnection(ann.getLayerAt(0).getNeuronAt(valueToNeuron.get(issue).get(value)),
122 | ann.getLayerAt(1).getNeuronAt(issueToNeuron.get(issue)),
123 | 0.5);// otherwise we assign 0.5 to the weight. If there is another proper way to init this weight?
124 | }
125 | ann.createConnection(ann.getLayerAt(1).getNeuronAt(issueToNeuron.get(issue)),
126 | ann.getLayerAt(2).getNeuronAt(0),
127 | 1.0/issueset.size());//equal issueweight according to number of issues. Is there a way to control the sum of the weight to be 1.0?
128 | }
129 | }
130 |
131 | public void initValueFrequency() {
132 | // create an all-0 hashmap
133 | for (String issue: domain.getIssues()) {
134 | HashMap<Value, Integer> vmap = new HashMap<Value, Integer>();
135 | for (Value value: domain.getValues(issue)) {
136 | vmap.put(value, 0);
137 | }
138 | this.valuefrequency.put(issue, vmap);
139 | }
140 | }
141 |
142 | public void setvaluefrequency(List<Bid> inbidlist) {
143 | //init and update the valuefrequency.
144 | for (Bid bid: inbidlist) {
145 | for (String issue: bid.getIssues()) {
146 | Value v = bid.getValue(issue);
147 | HashMap<Value, Integer> temp = valuefrequency.get(issue);
148 | int cnt = temp.get(v);
149 | temp.put(v, cnt+1);
150 | valuefrequency.put(issue, temp);
151 | }
152 | }
153 | }
154 |
155 | public HashMap<String, List<Value>> getmostinformative(){
156 | HashMap<String, List<Value>> infovalue = new HashMap<String, List<Value>>();
157 | for (String issue : domain.getIssues()) {
158 | List<Value> elicitvalueset = new ArrayList<Value>();
159 | int minfreq = 0;
160 | for (Value value: domain.getValues(issue)) {
161 | int freq = valuefrequency.get(issue).get(value);
162 | if (elicitvalueset.isEmpty()) {
163 | elicitvalueset.add(value);
164 | minfreq = freq;
165 | }else {
166 | if (freq<minfreq) {
167 | elicitvalueset.clear();
168 | elicitvalueset.add(value);
169 | }else if(freq == minfreq) {
170 | elicitvalueset.add(value);
171 | }
172 | }
173 | }
174 | infovalue.put(issue, elicitvalueset);
175 |
176 | }
177 | return infovalue;
178 | }
179 |
180 | public DataSet setDataset(List<Bid> inbidlist) {
181 | //Construct the training dataset.
182 | // input sorted bidlist. Utility from low to high. Trained using assigned utility.
183 | int inputsize = ann.getInputsCount();
184 | int outputsize = ann.getOutputsCount();
185 | DataSet ds = new DataSet(inputsize, outputsize);
186 | int datasize = inbidlist.size();// the size
187 | double cnt = 0;//
188 | for (Bid bid: inbidlist) {
189 | double[] input = new double[inputsize];
190 | double[] output = new double[outputsize];
191 | Set<Integer> indset = new HashSet<Integer>();
192 | for (String issue: domain.getIssues()) {
193 | Value v = bid.getValue(issue);//get bid's value of issue.
194 | indset.add(valueToNeuron.get(issue).get(v));// keep a set of the position of the bid values.
195 | //ValuetoNeural is a map maps every possible value into the position of input value.
196 | }
197 |
198 | for (int ind =0; ind<inputsize; ind++) { //construct input vector.
199 | if (indset.contains(ind)) {
200 | input[ind] = 1.0; // assign 1.0 to the bid's value position
201 | }else {
202 | input[ind] =0.0;// assign 0 to others
203 | }
204 | }
205 | output[0] = 0.9*(cnt/datasize)+0.1;//the uniform distribution between [0.1, 1], the minimum set to 0.1?
206 | DataSetRow dsr = new DataSetRow(input, output);// combine the input vector and the output values.
207 | ds.add(dsr);//add this row to the dataset
208 | cnt = cnt+1.0; //update the cnt by +1.
209 | }
210 | return ds;
211 | }
212 |
213 | public void trainNetwork(DataSet ds) {
214 | //update the NN via the given compared bids. retrain the
215 | // is there space to improve? maybe a better learning rule?
216 | BackPropagation bp = new BackPropagation();
217 | bp.setMaxIterations(maxIter);
218 | //bp.setMaxError(maxError);
219 | bp.setLearningRate(learningRate);
220 | ann.setLearningRule(bp);
221 | ann.learn(ds);
222 | }
223 |
224 | private List<Bid> setSortedBids(Profile profile) {
225 | //returns a sortedlist here. from low utility to high utility.
226 | DefaultPartialOrdering prof = (DefaultPartialOrdering) profile;
227 | List<Bid> bidslist = prof.getBids(); //get all the bid in the partial information.
228 | // NOTE sort defaults to ascending order.
229 | Collections.sort(bidslist, new Comparator<Bid>() {
230 |
231 | @Override
232 | public int compare(Bid b1, Bid b2) {
233 | return prof.isPreferredOrEqual(b1, b2) ? 1 : -1; //
234 | }
235 |
236 | });
237 |
238 | return bidslist;
239 | }
240 |
241 | //get and update method
242 | public void update(Bid bid, List<Bid> worseBids) {//note the frequency also need to be updated
243 | //relist the bids
244 | int n = 0;
245 | while (n < sortedbidlist.size() && worseBids.contains(sortedbidlist.get(n)))
246 | n++;
247 | LinkedList<Bid> newbids = new LinkedList<Bid>(sortedbidlist);
248 | newbids.add(n, bid);
249 | sortedbidlist = newbids;
250 |
251 | DataSet ds = setDataset(sortedbidlist);
252 | trainNetwork(ds);
253 |
254 | bidlist.add(bid);//this is unsorted bid list.
255 | }
256 |
257 | public double getUtility(Bid bid) {
258 | int inputsize = ann.getInputsCount();
259 | double[] input = new double[inputsize];
260 |
261 | Set<Integer> indset = new HashSet<Integer>();
262 | for (String issue: domain.getIssues()) {
263 | Value v = bid.getValue(issue);
264 | indset.add(valueToNeuron.get(issue).get(v));
265 | }
266 |
267 | for (int ind =0; ind<inputsize; ind++) { //construct input
268 | if (indset.contains(ind)) {
269 | input[ind] = 1.0;
270 | }else {
271 | input[ind] = 0.0;
272 | }
273 | }
274 | ann.setInput(input);
275 | ann.calculate();
276 | return ann.getOutput()[0];//transfer double[] to double.
277 | }
278 |
279 | public Domain getDomain() {
280 | return this.domain;
281 | }
282 |
283 | public Bid getReservationBid() {
284 | return this.reservationbid;
285 | }
286 |
287 | public List<Bid> getSortedBids(){
288 | return this.sortedbidlist;
289 | }
290 |
291 | public Bid getBestBid() {
292 | return this.maxBid;
293 | }
294 |
295 | public Bid getWorstBid() {
296 | return this.minBid;
297 | }
298 | public NeuralNetwork getann() {
299 | return this.ann;
300 | }
301 |
302 | // The following is for the learning to rank method. use deeplearning4j.
303 | public DataSet setPairwiseDataset() {
304 |
305 | betterlist= prof.getBetter();
306 |
307 | return null;
308 | }
309 |
310 | public void trainPairwise(DataSet ds) {
311 | //using pairwise information
312 | }
313 |
314 | }