1 | package geniusweb.exampleparties.simpleshaop;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 | import java.util.HashMap;
5 | import java.util.List;
6 | import java.util.Map;
7 | import java.util.Set;
8 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid;
9 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.DiscreteValue;
10 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain;
11 | import geniusweb.issuevalue.Value;
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | public class GravityEs {
16 |
17 | private static final double HALF_OF_TIME = 0.5;
18 | Bid sampleBid;
19 | private List<Bid> orderedBidListInAscendingOrder;
20 | private List<String> listOfIssues;
21 | private int numberOfIssues;
22 |
23 | Map<Integer, double[][]> eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap;
24 | Map<Integer, double[]> eachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap;
25 |
26 | double[] sumOfSquaredErrorsOfIssueValues;
27 | Map<Integer, Double> eachIssueAndItsUtilityMap;
28 |
29 | // opponent modeling
30 | Bid lastReceivedBid;
31 | Map<Integer, double[]> eachIssueAndItsValuesFrequencyArrayMap;
32 | Map<Integer, double[]> opponentEachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap;
33 | double[] opponentSumOfSquaredErrosOfEachIssueMatrix;
34 | Map<Integer, Double> opponentEachIssueAndItsUtilityMap;
35 |
36 | double lastOfferingTime;
37 | Bid lastOfferedBid;
38 | Bid nextBid;
39 |
40 | private List<Bid> bidOrder;
41 | private Set<String> issList;
42 | private Domain domain;
43 |
44 | HashMap<String,List<Value>> issueValindex = new HashMap<String, List<Value>>();
45 |
46 | public GravityEs(Domain domain, List<Bid> bidOrder) {
47 |
48 | this.bidOrder = bidOrder;
49 | this.domain = domain;
50 | issList = domain.getIssues();
51 |
52 |
53 | for ( String iss : issList ) {
54 | List<Value> vaList = new ArrayList<Value>();
55 | for ( Value val : domain.getValues(iss) ) {
56 | vaList.add(val);
57 | }
58 | issueValindex.put(iss, vaList);
59 | }
60 |
61 | initAgentVariables();
62 | initOpponentVars();
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 | }
69 |
70 | // uncertain preferences
71 | private void initAgentVariables() {
72 | initUncertainPrefVariables();
73 | createCopelandMatrices();
74 | fillAgentVars();
75 | }
76 |
77 | private void fillAgentVars() {
78 | fillCopelandMatrices();
79 | setValueUtilities();
80 | fillMatriceOfNoChangeOfEachIssue();
81 | setIssueUtilitiesWithNormalization();
82 | }
83 |
84 | // opponent modeling
85 | private void initOpponentVars() {
86 | initOpponentModelingVars();
87 | createFrequencyArrays();
88 | }
89 |
90 | private void initUncertainPrefVariables() {
91 |
92 | //this.outcomeSpace = new SortedOutcomeSpace(utilitySpace);
93 |
94 | this.orderedBidListInAscendingOrder = bidOrder;
95 | this.sampleBid = orderedBidListInAscendingOrder.get(0);
96 | //this.listOfIssues = space.getDomain().getIssues();
97 | this.numberOfIssues = issList.size();
98 |
99 | this.eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap = new HashMap<Integer, double[][]>();
100 | this.eachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap = new HashMap<Integer, double[]>();
101 |
102 | this.sumOfSquaredErrorsOfIssueValues = new double[numberOfIssues];
103 | this.eachIssueAndItsUtilityMap = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
104 | }
105 |
106 | private void initOpponentModelingVars() {
107 | this.eachIssueAndItsValuesFrequencyArrayMap = new HashMap<Integer, double[]>();
108 | this.opponentEachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap = new HashMap<Integer, double[]>();
109 | this.opponentSumOfSquaredErrosOfEachIssueMatrix = new double[numberOfIssues];
110 | this.opponentEachIssueAndItsUtilityMap = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
111 | }
112 |
113 | private void createCopelandMatrices() {
114 |
115 | int i = 0;
116 | for ( String iss : issList ) {
117 | int valueSize = domain.getValues(iss).size().intValue() ;
118 | eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap.put(i, new double[valueSize][valueSize]);
119 | i++;
120 | }
121 |
122 | }
123 |
124 | private void createFrequencyArrays() {
125 |
126 | int i = 0;
127 | for ( String issue : issList ) {
128 | int valueSize = domain.getValues(issue).size().intValue();
129 | eachIssueAndItsValuesFrequencyArrayMap.put(i, new double[valueSize]);
130 | i++;
131 | }
132 |
133 |
134 | }
135 |
136 | /*
137 | * Gets the bigger bid from the sorted list . Gets the smaller bids from the
138 | * sorted list. Does pairwise Copeland comparison with one bigger bid and
139 | * smaller bids. depending on the bigger bid > all smaller bids
140 | */
141 | private void fillCopelandMatrices() {
142 | for (int i = orderedBidListInAscendingOrder.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
143 | Bid biggerBid = orderedBidListInAscendingOrder.get(i);
144 | for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
145 | Bid smallerBid = orderedBidListInAscendingOrder.get(j);
146 | fillCopelandMatriceWithBiggerAndSmaller(biggerBid, smallerBid, i, j);
147 | }
148 | //System.out.println(biggerBid);
149 | }
150 | //printIntDoubleDoubleArrMap(eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap);
151 | }
152 |
153 | /*
154 | * pairwise Copeland comparison in each issue value, update the frequency
155 | * matrices for different issue values depending on the similarity.
156 | */
157 | private void fillCopelandMatriceWithBiggerAndSmaller(Bid biggerBid, Bid smallerBid, int biggerIndex,
158 | int smallerIndex) {
159 | int i = 0;
160 | for (String issue : domain.getIssues()) {
161 | DiscreteValue biggerBidValue = (DiscreteValue) ( biggerBid.getValue(issue) );
162 | int biggerBidValueIndex = getIndexOfValueInIssue(biggerBid, issue, biggerBidValue);
163 | DiscreteValue smallerValue = (DiscreteValue) (smallerBid.getValue(issue) );
164 | int smallerBidValueIndex = getIndexOfValueInIssue(smallerBid, issue, smallerValue);
165 | int numberOfSimilarities = countEqualValues(smallerBid, biggerBid);
166 | if (numberOfSimilarities > 0) {
167 | eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap.get(i)[biggerBidValueIndex][smallerBidValueIndex] += (1d
168 | / (biggerIndex - smallerIndex)) * numberOfSimilarities;
169 | }
170 | i++;
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | private int getIndexOfValueInIssue(Bid bid, String issue, Value value) {
175 |
176 | List<Value> valList = issueValindex.get(issue);
177 |
178 | for ( int i = 0; i < valList.size(); i++ )
179 | if ( valList.get(i).equals(value) )
180 | return i;
181 |
182 | return -1;
183 |
184 | }
185 |
186 | private void setValueUtilities() {
187 |
188 | int i = 0;
189 | for ( String issueDiscrete : issList ) {
190 |
191 | int valueSize = domain.getValues(issueDiscrete).size().intValue();
192 | double[] valuesBeingBigInfoArray = new double[valueSize];
193 | double[][] matrix = eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap.get(i);
194 | for (int j = 0; j < valueSize; j++) {
195 | double sumOfRowInMatrix = getSumOfRowInMatrix(matrix, j);
196 | double sumOfColInMatrix = getSumOfColInMatrix(matrix, j);
197 | double total = sumOfColInMatrix + sumOfRowInMatrix;
198 | if (total == 0) {
199 | valuesBeingBigInfoArray[j] = 0;
200 | } else {
201 | double beingBigPercentage = (sumOfRowInMatrix) / total;
202 | valuesBeingBigInfoArray[j] = beingBigPercentage;
203 | }
204 | }
205 | normalize(i, valueSize, valuesBeingBigInfoArray);
206 | i++;
207 | }
208 |
209 | //System.out.println("------------AGENT------------");
210 | //printIntDoubleArrMap(eachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap);
211 |
212 | }
213 |
214 | private void normalize(int i, int valueSize, double[] valuesBeingBigInfoArray) {
215 | double[] utilityArr = new double[valueSize];
216 | double totalSum = getSumOfRowInOneDimensionalMatrix(valuesBeingBigInfoArray);
217 | for (int j = 0; j < valueSize; j++) {
218 | if (totalSum == 0) {
219 | utilityArr[j] = 0;
220 | } else {
221 | utilityArr[j] = valuesBeingBigInfoArray[j] / totalSum;
222 | }
223 | }
224 | eachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap.put(i, utilityArr);
225 | }
226 |
227 | private void fillMatriceOfNoChangeOfEachIssue() {
228 | for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIssues; i++) {
229 | double[][] matrix = eachIssueAnItsIndexingValuesDoubleArrayMap.get(i);
230 | double sumOfMatrix = 0;
231 | for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) {
232 | sumOfMatrix += getSumOfRowInMatrix(matrix, j);
233 | }
234 | //System.out.println("Sum of matrix: " + sumOfMatrix);
235 | double average = sumOfMatrix / (matrix.length * matrix.length);
236 | //System.out.println("average of matrix: " + average);
237 | double sumOfSquaredErrors = 0;
238 | for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) {
239 | for (int k = 0; k < matrix.length; k++) {
240 | sumOfSquaredErrors += Math.pow(matrix[j][k] - average, 2);
241 | }
242 | }
243 | sumOfSquaredErrorsOfIssueValues[i] = Math.sqrt(sumOfSquaredErrors / (matrix.length * matrix.length));
244 | }
245 | }
246 |
247 | private int getSumOfRowInMatrix(double[][] matrix, int row) {
248 | int rowSum = 0;
249 | for (int col = 0; col < matrix[row].length; col++) {
250 | rowSum += matrix[row][col];
251 | }
252 | return rowSum;
253 | }
254 |
255 | private int getSumOfColInMatrix(double[][] matrix, int col) {
256 | int colSum = 0;
257 | for (int row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
258 | colSum += matrix[row][col];
259 | }
260 | return colSum;
261 | }
262 |
263 | private void setIssueUtilitiesWithNormalization() {
264 | double totalOfsumOfSquares = 0;
265 | for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIssues; i++) {
266 | totalOfsumOfSquares += sumOfSquaredErrorsOfIssueValues[i];
267 | }
268 | for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIssues; i++) {
269 | eachIssueAndItsUtilityMap.put(i, sumOfSquaredErrorsOfIssueValues[i] / totalOfsumOfSquares);
270 | }
271 |
272 | //System.out.println("----------------------AGENT------------------");
273 | //printIntDoubleMap(eachIssueAndItsUtilityMap);
274 | }
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 | /*
279 | private void printIntDoubleDoubleArrMap(Map<Integer, double[][]> eachIssueAnItsValuesDoubleArrayMap) {
280 | System.out.println("EACH ISSUE AND ITS VALUES");
281 | for (Entry<Integer, double[][]> entry : eachIssueAnItsValuesDoubleArrayMap.entrySet()) {
282 | System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " ");
283 | double[][] values = entry.getValue();
284 | for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
285 | for (int k = 0; k < values.length; k++) {
286 | System.out.print(values[j][k] + " ");
287 | }
288 | System.out.println();
289 | }
290 | System.out.println();
291 | }
292 | }
293 |
294 | private void printIntDoubleArrMap(Map<Integer, double[]> map) {
295 | System.out.println("EACH ISSUE AND ITS VALUES UTILITIES");
296 | for (Entry<Integer, double[]> entry : map.entrySet()) {
297 | System.out.print(entry.getKey() + " ");
298 | double[] values = entry.getValue();
299 | for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
300 | System.out.print(values[j] + " ");
301 | }
302 | System.out.println();
303 | }
304 | System.out.println();
305 | }
306 |
307 | private void printIntDoubleMap(Map<Integer, Double> map) {
308 | System.out.println("----------------------EACH ISSUE AND ITS UTILITIES------------------");
309 | for (Entry<Integer, Double> entry : map.entrySet()) {
310 | System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
311 | }
312 | System.out.println();
313 | }
314 | */
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 | private double getSumOfRowInOneDimensionalMatrix(double[] matrix) {
320 | double rowSum = 0;
321 | for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
322 | rowSum += matrix[i];
323 | }
324 | return rowSum;
325 | }
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 | /**
330 | * Counts the number of equal values with another bid (assuming they are defined on the same domain)
331 | */
332 | public int countEqualValues(Bid b,Bid bOwn)
333 | {
334 | int count = 0;
335 | for ( String iss : bOwn.getIssueValues().keySet() )
336 | if ( bOwn.getValue(iss).equals(b.getValue(iss)) )
337 | count++;
338 | return count;
339 | }
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 | public double getUtilityForBid(Bid bid) {
346 |
347 | double totalUtility = 0;
348 | if (bid != null) {
349 | int i = 0;
350 | for (String issue : issList) {
351 | Double utilityOfIssue = eachIssueAndItsUtilityMap.get(i);
352 | DiscreteValue biggerBidValue = (DiscreteValue) (bid.getValue(issue));
353 | int indexOfValue = getIndexOfValueInIssue(bid, issue, biggerBidValue );
354 | double[] valueUtilities = eachIssueAndItsValuesUtilityMap.get(i);
355 | double utilityOfValue = valueUtilities[indexOfValue];
356 |
357 | totalUtility += utilityOfIssue * utilityOfValue;
358 | i++;
359 | }
360 | return totalUtility;
361 | }
362 | return totalUtility;
363 |
364 | }
365 |
366 |
367 |
368 | public GravityEs updateGravityModel( List<Bid> bidOrder2 ) {
369 | return new GravityEs(this.domain, bidOrder2);
370 | }
371 |
372 |
373 | }