import copy import logging import time from random import randint, choice from typing import cast, Dict from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.bidspace.AllBidsList import AllBidsList from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn from geniusweb.issuevalue import Value from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.opponentmodel.FrequencyOpponentModel import FrequencyOpponentModel from import Capabilities from import DefaultParty from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace import LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory import ( ProfileConnectionFactory, ) from geniusweb.progress.ProgressRounds import ProgressRounds from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter class Agent61(DefaultParty): """ Template agent that offers random bids until a bid with sufficient utility is offered. """ def __init__(self, reporter: Reporter = None): super().__init__(reporter) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is initialized") self._profile = None self._received_bids = list() self._sent_bids = list() self._best_bid = None self._last_received_bid: Bid = None self._last_sent_bid: Bid = None self._opponent_model: FrequencyOpponentModel = None self._reservation_value = None def notifyChange(self, info: Inform): """This is the entry point of all interaction with your agent after is has been initialised. Args: info (Inform): Contains either a request for action or information. """ # a Settings message is the first message that will be send to your # agent containing all the information about the negotiation session. if isinstance(info, Settings): self._settings: Settings = cast(Settings, info) self._me = self._settings.getID() # progress towards the deadline has to be tracked manually through the use of the Progress object self._progress: ProgressRounds = self._settings.getProgress() # the profile contains the preferences of the agent over the domain self._profile = ProfileConnectionFactory.create( info.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter() ) # ActionDone is an action send by an opponent (an offer or an accept) elif isinstance(info, ActionDone): action: Action = cast(ActionDone, info).getAction() # if it is an offer, set the last received bid if isinstance(action, Offer) and self._me.getName() != action.getActor().getName(): self._last_received_bid = cast(Offer, action).getBid() # Add the action to the opponent model, create one if it doesn't exist if self._opponent_model is None: self._opponent_model = FrequencyOpponentModel.create() self._opponent_model = self._opponent_model \ .With(newDomain=(self._profile.getProfile()).getDomain(), newResBid=None) self._opponent_model = FrequencyOpponentModel.WithAction(self._opponent_model, action, self._progress) else: self._opponent_model = FrequencyOpponentModel.WithAction(self._opponent_model, action, self._progress) # YourTurn notifies you that it is your turn to act elif isinstance(info, YourTurn): action = self._myTurn() if isinstance(self._progress, ProgressRounds): self._progress = self._progress.advance() self.getConnection().send(action) # Finished will be send if the negotiation has ended (through agreement or deadline) elif isinstance(info, Finished): # terminate the agent MUST BE CALLED self.terminate() else: self.getReporter().log( logging.WARNING, "Ignoring unknown info " + str(info) ) # lets the geniusweb system know what settings this agent can handle # leave it as it is for this competition def getCapabilities(self) -> Capabilities: return Capabilities( set(["SAOP"]), set(["geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive"]), ) # terminates the agent and its connections # leave it as it is for this competition def terminate(self): self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is terminating:") super().terminate() if self._profile is not None: self._profile.close() self._profile = None # give a description of your agent def getDescription(self) -> str: return "Agent61" # Creates the ideal bid for the agent def _createBestBid(self): own_prof = self._profile.getProfile() bidVals: dict[str, Value] = dict() prof_vals = own_prof.getDomain().getIssuesValues() for issue in prof_vals.keys(): utilvals = own_prof.getUtilities()[issue] bidVals[issue] = max(utilvals.getUtilities(), key=utilvals.getUtilities().get) self._best_bid = Bid(bidVals) # execute a turn def _myTurn(self): if self._best_bid is None: self._createBestBid() # If a reservation bid exists, its utility is the lower bound for accepting / sending offers if self._reservation_value is None: if self._profile.getProfile().getReservationBid() is None: self._reservation_value = 0 else: self._reservation_value = self._profile.getProfile().getUtility(self._profile.getProfile().getReservationBid()) # check if the last received offer if the opponent is good enough if self._isGood(self._last_received_bid): # if so, accept the offer action = Accept(self._me, self._last_received_bid) else: # if not, find a bid to propose as counter offer # bid = self._findBid() bid = self._findCounterBid() action = Offer(self._me, bid) # send the action return action # method that checks if we would agree with an offer def _isGood(self, bid: Bid) -> bool: if bid is None: return False profile = self._profile.getProfile() progress = self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) diff = (self._opponent_model.getUtility(bid) - profile.getUtility(bid)) # Ensure that bid is above reservation value. Additionally, in the early-mid game, # the utility should be above a time-dependent threshold. After that, the difference # in utilities between the agent and the opponent should be lower that 0.1 return (profile.getUtility(bid) > self._reservation_value) and \ (profile.getUtility(bid) > (0.9 - 0.1 * progress) or \ (progress > 0.8 and diff < 0.1)) # Defines the bidding strategy of the agent, returing the ideal # bid at the beginning, and otherwise generating intelligent counter-bids. # The method also saves sent bids for future bidding. def _findCounterBid(self) -> Bid: if self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) < 0.1: selected_bid = self._best_bid else: selected_bid = self._findCounterBidMutate() self._last_sent_bid = selected_bid self._sent_bids.append(copy.deepcopy(selected_bid)) return selected_bid # Creates a bid by mutating the agent's ideal bid to fit closer # to what the opponent model believes is beneficial to the other # party. The more time has passed, the more the ideal bid is mutated def _mutateBid(self, bid: Bid) -> Bid: own_prof = self._profile.getProfile() bw = own_prof.getWeights() sorted_weights = sorted(bw, key=bw.get) issues_vals = copy.deepcopy(bid.getIssueValues()) current_index = int((len(sorted_weights) - 1.0) * self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000)) while current_index >= 0 and own_prof.getUtility(Bid(issues_vals)) > self._reservation_value: sel_issue_vals = own_prof.getDomain().getIssuesValues()[sorted_weights[current_index]] issues_vals[sorted_weights[current_index]] = sel_issue_vals.get(randint(0, sel_issue_vals.size() - 1)) current_index = current_index - 1 return Bid(issues_vals) # Finds an intelligent counter bid, relying on opponent modelling and the # mutateBid function to find a bid that maximizes the Nash product, tries # to equalize both parties' utility value and that is above reservation def _findCounterBidMutate(self) -> Bid: own_prof = self._profile.getProfile() selected_bid = copy.deepcopy(self._last_sent_bid) max_nash_prod = (own_prof.getUtility(selected_bid) * self._opponent_model.getUtility(selected_bid)) for _ in range(50): newbid = self._mutateBid(copy.deepcopy(self._best_bid)) new_nash_prod = (own_prof.getUtility(newbid) * self._opponent_model.getUtility(newbid)) diff = (self._opponent_model.getUtility(newbid) - own_prof.getUtility(newbid)) if new_nash_prod > max_nash_prod and diff < 0.1 and own_prof.getUtility(newbid) > self._reservation_value: # print("OLD: " + str(max_nash_prod) + ", NEW: " + str(new_nash_prod)) max_nash_prod = new_nash_prod selected_bid = copy.deepcopy(newbid) if self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) > 0.95: for bid in self._sent_bids: if abs(self._opponent_model.getUtility(bid) - own_prof.getUtility(bid)) < 0.1 and \ self._opponent_model.getUtility(bid) > self._opponent_model.getUtility(selected_bid) and \ own_prof.getUtility(bid) > self._reservation_value: selected_bid = bid return selected_bid