import logging import time from random import randint, uniform from typing import cast from math import log10, floor from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.bidspace.AllBidsList import AllBidsList from geniusweb.bidspace.BidsWithUtility import BidsWithUtility from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive import LinearAdditive from geniusweb.bidspace.Interval import Interval from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from import Capabilities from import DefaultParty from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory import ProfileConnectionFactory from geniusweb.progress.ProgressRounds import ProgressRounds from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter import heapq from decimal import * from .Group55OpponentModel import FrequencyOpponentModel class Agent55(DefaultParty): """ Template agent that offers random bids until a bid with sufficient utility is offered. """ def __init__(self, reporter: Reporter = None): super().__init__(reporter) self._utilspace: LinearAdditive = None self._bidutils = None self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is initialized") self._profile = None self._lastReceivedBid: Bid = None """ this will create the opponent model """ self.opponentModel = FrequencyOpponentModel.create() """ baselineAcceptableUtility is a utility value for which we accept immediately """ self.baselineAcceptableUtility = 0.95 """ hardballOpponentUtilityDelta is the opponent utility change value over which an opponnent is considered to be playing hardball """ self.hardballOpponentUtilityDelta = -0.005 """ timePassedAccept is a fixed amount of time passed in the negotiation after which we accept """ self.timePassedAccept = 0.95 """ timePassedConcede is a fixed amount of time passed in the negotiation when our agent starts conceding more """ self.timePassedConcede = 0.75 """ These two variables will show the average utility-change of their and our agent, throughout their offerings. This excludes the jump from no offer to the initial offer. Note that the first bid this will return None, so there must be a check for this. """ self.theirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids = None self.ourAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids = None """ These variables help with the calculation of 'theirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids' and 'ourAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids'. """ self.sumChangeOurUtilitiesByTheirBids = 0 self.sumChangeTheirUtilitiesByTheirBids = 0 self.ourUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids = 0 self.theirUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids = 0 """ Matas: These variables enable our bidding strategy """ self.ourBestBids = [] self.opponentsBestBids = [] self.roundsSinceBidRecalibration = 0 self.reCalibrateEveryRounds = 10 self.randomBidDiscoveryAttemptsPerTurn = 500 self.acceptableUtilityNormalizationWidth = 0.1 self.utilityThresholdAdjustmentStep = 0.1 self.percentOfTimeWeUseOpponentsBestBidIfItIsBetter = 0.7 self.paddingForUsingRandomBid = 0.1 self.amountOfBestBidsToKeep = 50 self.bidsToKeepBasedOnProgressScale = 0.3 self.opponentNicenessConceedingContributionScale = 0.3 def notifyChange(self, info: Inform): """This is the entry point of all interaction with your agent after is has been initialised. Args: info (Inform): Contains either a request for action or information. """ # a Settings message is the first message that will be send to your # agent containing all the information about the negotiation session. if isinstance(info, Settings): self._settings: Settings = cast(Settings, info) self._me = self._settings.getID() # progress towards the deadline has to be tracked manually through the use of the Progress object self._progress: ProgressRounds = self._settings.getProgress() # the profile contains the preferences of the agent over the domain self._profile = ProfileConnectionFactory.create( info.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter() ) # create and initialize opponent-model profile = self._profile.getProfile() self.opponentModel = self.opponentModel.With( profile.getDomain(), profile.getReservationBid()) # ActionDone is an action send by an opponent (an offer or an accept) elif isinstance(info, ActionDone): action: Action = cast(ActionDone, info).getAction() # if it is an offer, set the last received bid if isinstance(action, Offer): self._lastReceivedBid = cast(Offer, action).getBid() """ Important caveat: anytime we do an offer the program also passes this part and updates the last_received bid with the offer we made. The reason that their variable is called 'lastReceivedBid' is that we access it during our turn and during our turn this is always the last bid done by the opponent. For this reason, we first check if the Action does not contain our id before updating the opponent model. """ if cast(Offer, action).getActor() is not self._me: self.opponentModel = self.opponentModel.WithAction( action, self._progress) self._updateOpponentModel() # YourTurn notifies you that it is your turn to act elif isinstance(info, YourTurn): action = self._myTurn() if isinstance(self._progress, ProgressRounds): self._progress = self._progress.advance() self.getConnection().send(action) # Finished will be send if the negotiation has ended (through agreement or deadline) elif isinstance(info, Finished): # terminate the agent MUST BE CALLED self.terminate() else: self.getReporter().log( logging.WARNING, "Ignoring unknown info " + str(info) ) # lets the geniusweb system know what settings this agent can handle # leave it as it is for this competition def getCapabilities(self) -> Capabilities: return Capabilities( set(["SAOP"]), set(["geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive"]), ) # terminates the agent and its connections # leave it as it is for this competition def terminate(self): self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is terminating:") super().terminate() if self._profile is not None: self._profile.close() self._profile = None # give a description of your agent def getDescription(self) -> str: return "Agent55" # execute a turn def _myTurn(self): self._updateUtilSpace() # Generate a bid according to our current acceptable utility (aGoodBid, nashProduct) = self._generateAGoodBid() # Update our best bid store and fetch the best bid (currentBestOurBid, currentBestOurBidNashProduct) = self._updateBidsAndGetBestBid( self.ourBestBids, aGoodBid, nashProduct, floor(self.amountOfBestBidsToKeep * (1 - self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000)) * self.bidsToKeepBasedOnProgressScale)) currentBestBid = currentBestOurBid currentBestBidNashProduct = currentBestOurBidNashProduct # If we have a bid from the opponent, store it in the opponent's best bid store (currentBestTheirBid, currentBestTheirBidNashProduct) = (None, 0) if self._lastReceivedBid is not None: (currentBestTheirBid, currentBestTheirBidNashProduct) = self._updateBidsAndGetBestBid( self.opponentsBestBids, self._lastReceivedBid, self._getNashProduct(self._lastReceivedBid), 1) # print("Our best stored bid: {}, their best stored bid: {}".format( # currentBestOurBidNashProduct, currentBestTheirBidNashProduct)) # Pick which best bid we are using as base. Slight random bias towards our best bid. Also the opponent best bid must be more favorable to us. if currentBestOurBidNashProduct < currentBestTheirBidNashProduct \ and self.percentOfTimeWeUseOpponentsBestBidIfItIsBetter > uniform(0, 1) \ and self._profile.getProfile().getUtility(currentBestTheirBid) > self.opponentModel.getUtility(currentBestTheirBid): currentBestBid = currentBestTheirBid currentBestBidNashProduct = currentBestTheirBidNashProduct # Use a newly generated bid instead of offering an optimal one with a random chance that is higher at the beginning and lower at the end. # Moreover, use the freshly generated bids if we are conceding. if currentBestBid is None or self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) + self.paddingForUsingRandomBid < uniform(0, 1) or self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) > self.timePassedConcede: currentBestBid = aGoodBid currentBestBidNashProduct = nashProduct if self._isAcceptable(self._lastReceivedBid, currentBestBid): # if so, accept the offer action = Accept(self._me, self._lastReceivedBid) else: # if not, propose a counter offer action = Offer(self._me, currentBestBid) # send the action return action def _isOpponentPlayingHardball(self) -> bool: if self.theirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids is None: return False return self.theirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids > self.hardballOpponentUtilityDelta def _getHardballFactor(self) -> Decimal: timeLeft = self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) # high hardball factor before conceding time if timeLeft <= self.timePassedConcede: return 20 # opponent is not playing hardball so we can concede less if not self._isOpponentPlayingHardball(): return 14 return 8 def _getAcceptableUtility(self) -> Decimal: timePassed = self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) timeLeft = 1 - timePassed # the higher the factor the less we concede hardballFactor = self._getHardballFactor() return Decimal(log10(timeLeft) / hardballFactor + self.baselineAcceptableUtility) # method that checks if we should accept an offer def _isAcceptable(self, lastReceivedBid: Bid, proposedBid: Bid) -> bool: if lastReceivedBid is None or proposedBid is None: return False profile = self._profile.getProfile() if profile.getUtility(lastReceivedBid) >= profile.getUtility(proposedBid): return True return self._isGood(lastReceivedBid) # method that checks if an offer is considered good def _isGood(self, lastReceivedBid: Bid) -> bool: if lastReceivedBid is None: return False progress = self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) if progress >= self.timePassedAccept: return True profile = self._profile.getProfile() utility = profile.getUtility(lastReceivedBid) if utility >= self.baselineAcceptableUtility: return True return utility >= self._getAcceptableUtility() def _generateAGoodBid(self) -> tuple[Bid, Decimal]: # Use the expexted opponent utility to set a range to find a bid that is acceptable to us # Starting points acceptableUtility = self._getAcceptableUtility() maxUtility = 1 # Decrease our max utility if the opponent is taking losses according to our model if self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000) > self.timePassedConcede: maxUtility -= (Decimal(self._progress.get(time.time() * 1000)) * Decimal(self.opponentNicenessConceedingContributionScale) * (1 - self.theirUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids)) # Normalize in case we decrease maxUtil by too much. if maxUtility <= acceptableUtility: acceptableUtility = maxUtility - \ Decimal(self.acceptableUtilityNormalizationWidth) # Attempt to generate a bid, and adjust our utility thresholds if necessary while maxUtility <= 1 or acceptableUtility >= 0: generatedBid, nash = self._generateAGoodBidGivenMinMaxUtil( acceptableUtility, maxUtility) if generatedBid is None: # Adjust thresholds. First expand the max utility, then reduce the min utility. if maxUtility < 1: maxUtility = min( maxUtility + Decimal(self.utilityThresholdAdjustmentStep), 1) else: acceptableUtility = max( acceptableUtility - Decimal(self.utilityThresholdAdjustmentStep), 0) else: return generatedBid, nash # All atempts have failed. Generate a random bid. return self._generateRandomBid() def _generateAGoodBidGivenMinMaxUtil(self, acceptableUtility, maxUtility) -> tuple[Bid, Decimal]: currentAvailableBids = self._bidutils.getBids( Interval(acceptableUtility, Decimal(maxUtility)) ) # If no available bids, we can't generate a bid. if currentAvailableBids.size() == 0: return None, 0 goodBid = currentAvailableBids.get( randint(0, currentAvailableBids.size() - 1)) nash = self._getNashProduct(goodBid) return goodBid, nash def _updateBidsAndGetBestBid(self, bestBids, bestBidFromThisTurn, nashProduct, nBestBids) -> Bid: self.roundsSinceBidRecalibration += 1 # Must at least pick one option if nBestBids < 1: nBestBids = 1 # After a certain amount of rounds has passed, we recallibrate our bid storage if self.roundsSinceBidRecalibration >= self.reCalibrateEveryRounds: self.roundsSinceBidRecalibration = 0 # Update and prune updatedRaw = [self._popAndUpdate(bestBids) for i in range(min(len(bestBids), self.amountOfBestBidsToKeep))] bestBids.clear() [heapq.heappush(bestBids, x) for x in updatedRaw] # Invert the nash product since heapq is a min queue invertedNashProduct = 1 - nashProduct heapq.heappush(bestBids, (invertedNashProduct, MaxHeapObj(bestBidFromThisTurn))) # Pick a bid close to the Nash Equilibrium toPickFrom = heapq.nsmallest(min(nBestBids, len(bestBids)), bestBids) (currentBestInvertedNashProduct, currentBestBid) = toPickFrom[randint(0, len(toPickFrom) - 1)] # Invert nash product and return return currentBestBid.val, 1 - currentBestInvertedNashProduct def _getNashProduct(self, bid) -> Decimal: utility = self._profile.getProfile().getUtility(bid) opponentUtility = self.opponentModel.getUtility(bid) return utility * opponentUtility def _popAndUpdate(self, bestBids): x = heapq.heappop(bestBids) return (self._getNashProduct(x[1].val), x[1]) def _updateUtilSpace(self) -> LinearAdditive: newutilspace = self._profile.getProfile() if not newutilspace == self._utilspace: self._utilspace = newutilspace self._bidutils = BidsWithUtility.create(self._utilspace) return self._utilspace def _generateRandomBid(self) -> tuple[Bid, Decimal]: domain = self._profile.getProfile().getDomain() all_bids = AllBidsList(domain) bid = None # Try to generate a good random bid for _ in range(self.randomBidDiscoveryAttemptsPerTurn): candidate = all_bids.get(randint(0, all_bids.size() - 1)) if self._isGood(candidate): bid = candidate break # If no good ones found within the allocated attempt count, pick at random if bid is None: bid = all_bids.get(randint(0, all_bids.size() - 1)) nash = self._getNashProduct(bid) return bid, nash """ This method maintains all extensions of the opponent model. Everytime the opponent makes an offer, this gets updated. Currently the method maintains the following extensions: * theirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids * ourAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids """ def _updateOpponentModel(self): ###This block calculates: ourAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids and TheirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids ######## ourUtilityThisBid = self._profile.getProfile().getUtility(self._lastReceivedBid) theirUtilityThisBid = self.opponentModel.getUtility( self._lastReceivedBid) bidCount = self.opponentModel._totalBids # if it's the first offer if bidCount == 1: self.ourUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids = ourUtilityThisBid self.theirUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids = theirUtilityThisBid else: ourDifference = ourUtilityThisBid - self.ourUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids theirDifference = theirUtilityThisBid - self.theirUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids self.sumChangeOurUtilitiesByTheirBids += ourDifference self.sumChangeTheirUtilitiesByTheirBids += theirDifference self.theirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids = self.sumChangeTheirUtilitiesByTheirBids / \ (bidCount - 1) self.ourAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids = self.sumChangeOurUtilitiesByTheirBids / \ (bidCount - 1) self.ourUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids = ourUtilityThisBid self.theirUtilityLastTimeByTheirBids = theirUtilityThisBid ###End of calculation: ourAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids and TheirAverageUtilityChangeByTheirBids ######## # helper for heap class MaxHeapObj(object): def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def __lt__(self, other): return True def __eq__(self, other): return True