import logging import random import time from typing import cast, Dict, List, Union from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.LearningDone import LearningDone from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value from import Capabilities from import DefaultParty from geniusweb.profile.Profile import Profile from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.UtilitySpace import UtilitySpace from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory import ProfileConnectionFactory from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileInterface import ProfileInterface from geniusweb.progress.Progress import Progress from geniusweb.progress.ProgressRounds import ProgressRounds from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.ImmutableList import ImmutableList from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.Outer import Outer import numpy as np from uri.uri import URI from geniusweb.progress.ProgressRounds import ProgressRounds from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter class Agent25(DefaultParty): def __init__(self, reporter: Reporter = None): super().__init__(reporter) # How linearly the agent concedes over time. 1 = linear concession. # Concession parameter for ideal bid offer function. self._offer_concession_param = 1.2 # Concession parameter for minimum acceptance function. self._accept_concession_param = 1.2 # The amount of randomization in bids the agent makes. Usually values 0-10. self._randomization_param = 3 self._opponent_bid_utilities: List[float] = [] self._opponent_model: Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] = {} self._best_bid = None self._all_bids: List[(float, Dict[str, Value])] = [] self._min_utility: Union[float, None] = None self._max_utility: Union[float, None] = None self._id: Union[PartyId, None] = None self._last_received_bid: Union[Bid, None] = None self._profile: Union[ProfileInterface, None] = None self._session_progress: Union[Progress, None] = None self._session_settings: Union[Settings, None] = None self._uri: Union[URI, None] = None self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "Agent initialized") # Informs the GeniusWeb system what protocols the agent supports and what type of profile it has. def getCapabilities(self) -> Capabilities: return Capabilities({"SAOP"}, {'geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive'}) # Gives a description of the agent. def getDescription(self) -> str: return 'Custom agent created by CAI group 25.' # Handles all interaction between the agent and the session. def notifyChange(self, info: Inform): # First message sent in the negotiation - informs the agent about details of the negotiation session. if isinstance(info, Settings): self._session_settings = cast(Settings, info) self._id = self._session_settings.getID() self._session_progress = self._session_settings.getProgress() self._uri: str = str(self._session_settings.getProtocol().getURI()) if "Learn" == str(self._session_settings.getProtocol().getURI()): self.getConnection().send(LearningDone(self._id)) else: self._profile = ProfileConnectionFactory.create(info.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter()) profile = self._profile.getProfile() # Finds all possible bids the agent can make and their corresponding utilities. if isinstance(profile, UtilitySpace): issues = list(profile.getDomain().getIssues()) values: List[ImmutableList[Value]] = [profile.getDomain().getValues(issue) for issue in issues] all_bids: Outer = Outer[Value](values) for i in range(all_bids.size()): bid = {} for j in range(all_bids.get(i).size()): bid[issues[j]] = all_bids.get(i).get(j) utility = float(profile.getUtility(Bid(bid))) self._all_bids.append((utility, bid)) # Sorts by highest utility first. self._all_bids = sorted(self._all_bids, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) self._max_utility = self._all_bids[0][0] self._min_utility = self._all_bids[len(self._all_bids) - 1][0] # Indicates that the opponent has ended their turn by accepting your last bid or offering a new one. elif isinstance(info, ActionDone): action: Action = cast(ActionDone, info).getAction() if isinstance(action, Offer): self._last_received_bid = cast(Offer, action).getBid() # Indicates that it is the agent's turn. The agent can accept the opponent's last bid or offer a new one. elif isinstance(info, YourTurn): action = self._execute_turn() if isinstance(self._session_progress, ProgressRounds): self._session_progress = self._session_progress.advance() self.getConnection().send(action) # Indicates that the session is complete - either the time has expired or a bid has been agreed on. elif isinstance(info, Finished): finished = cast(Finished, info) self.terminate() # Indicates that the information received was of an unknown type. else: self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "Ignoring unknown info: " + str(info)) # Terminates the agent and its connections. def terminate(self): self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "Agent is terminating...") super().terminate() if self._profile is not None: self._profile.close() self._profile = None ############################################################### # Functions below determine the agent's negotiation strategy. # ############################################################### # Processes the opponent's last bid and offers a new one if it isn't satisfactory. def _execute_turn(self): if self._last_received_bid is not None: # Updates opponent preference profile model by incrementing issue values which appeared in the bid. issues = self._last_received_bid.getIssues() for issue in issues: value = self._last_received_bid.getValue(issue) if issue in self._opponent_model and value in self._opponent_model[issue]: self._opponent_model[issue][value] += 1 else: if issue not in self._opponent_model: self._opponent_model[issue] = {} self._opponent_model[issue][value] = 1 # Creates normalized opponent profile with updated values opponent_normalized_model: Dict[str, dict[Value, float]] = {} for issue, value in self._opponent_model.items(): opponent_normalized_model[issue] = {} if len(self._opponent_model.get(issue).values()) > 0: max_count = max(self._opponent_model.get(issue).values()) for discrete_value, count in self._opponent_model.get(issue).items(): opponent_normalized_model[issue][discrete_value] = count / max_count # Calculates the predicted utility that the opponent gains from their last proposed bid. opponent_utility = 0 for issue in self._last_received_bid.getIssues(): if issue in opponent_normalized_model: value = self._last_received_bid.getValue(issue) if value in opponent_normalized_model.get(issue): opponent_utility += opponent_normalized_model.get(issue).get(value) opponent_utility = opponent_utility / len(self._last_received_bid.getIssues()) self._opponent_bid_utilities.append(opponent_utility) # Predicts how much the opponent is conceding based on best-fit line gradient of previous proposed bids. opponent_concession_estimate = -1.0 self._session_settings.getProgress().getTerminationTime() if self._session_progress.get(int(time.time())) > 0.1: variables = np.polyfit( [x for x in range(0, 20)], self._opponent_bid_utilities[ len(self._opponent_bid_utilities) - 21: len(self._opponent_bid_utilities) - 1 ], 1 ) opponent_concession_estimate = variables[0] * 10 # Checks if opponent is hard-lining and adjusts strategy. if abs(opponent_concession_estimate) < 0.001: self._accept_concession_param = self._accept_concession_param * 0.9 self._offer_concession_param = self._offer_concession_param * 0.9 if self._accept_bid(self._last_received_bid): action = Accept(self._id, self._last_received_bid) else: bid = self._create_bid() action = Offer(self._id, bid) return action # Checks if a bid should be accepted. def _accept_bid(self, bid: Bid) -> bool: if bid is None: return False profile: Profile = self._profile.getProfile() if isinstance(profile, UtilitySpace): time_modifier = self._session_progress.get(int(time.time())) ** self._accept_concession_param # The minimum bid utility the agent can accept this round according to its strategy. min_acceptance = 1.0 - time_modifier min_acceptance = min_acceptance * (self._max_utility - self._min_utility) min_acceptance = min_acceptance + self._min_utility #This tracks the best possibile bid we have received from the opposing agent if self._best_bid == None or profile.getUtility(bid) > profile.getUtility(self._best_bid): self._best_bid = bid return profile.getUtility(bid) > min_acceptance raise Exception("Can not handle this type of profile") # Creates a new bid to offer. def _create_bid(self) -> Bid: time_modifier = self._session_progress.get(int(time.time())) ** self._offer_concession_param profile: Profile = self._profile.getProfile() # The target utility for the agent's bid this round according to its strategy. ideal_utility = 1.0 - time_modifier ideal_utility = ideal_utility * (self._max_utility - self._min_utility) ideal_utility = ideal_utility + self._min_utility closest_bid = min(self._all_bids, key=lambda x: abs(x[0] - ideal_utility)) closest_bid_index = [y[0] for y in self._all_bids].index(closest_bid[0]) # Bids we can make this round which give the agent a utility close to the ideal utility. possible_bids = self._all_bids[ max(closest_bid_index - self._randomization_param * 2, 0): min(closest_bid_index + self._randomization_param * 2, len(self._all_bids) - 1) ] # Bids we can make this round sorted by expected opponent utility. opponent_best_bids: List[(int, Dict[str, Value])] = [] for i in range(len(possible_bids)): bid: Dict[str, Value] = possible_bids[i][1] count = 0 for issue, value in bid.items(): if issue in self._opponent_model and value in self._opponent_model[issue]: count += self._opponent_model[issue][value] opponent_best_bids.append((count, bid)) opponent_best_bids = sorted(opponent_best_bids, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) # Small randomization in case the opponent's profile model isn't perfect. opponent_best_bids = opponent_best_bids[0: self._randomization_param] # Edge case for starting first - opponent's profile model isn't initialized. if len(self._opponent_model) == 0: final_bid = Bid(possible_bids[random.randint(0, len(possible_bids) - 1)][1]) else: final_bid = Bid(opponent_best_bids[random.randint(0, len(opponent_best_bids) - 1)][1]) if self._best_bid != None and profile.getUtility(final_bid) <= profile.getUtility(self._best_bid): return self._best_bid return final_bid