import curses import itertools import os import random import time from multiprocessing import Process, Manager from Group18_NegotiationAssignment_Agent import Group18_NegotiationAssignment_Agent from utils.runners import run_tournament from Group18_NegotiationAssignment_Project.Group18_NegotiationAssignment_Agent.ranker import * class AgentProcess: def __init__(self, id, process, return_dict): = id self.process = process self.return_dict = return_dict return_dict[f"status_{}"] = self.get_starting() def get_score(self): return return_dict[f"score_{}"] def get_status(self): return return_dict[f"status_{}"] @staticmethod def get_finished(): return f"Process --: finished!" @staticmethod def get_starting(): return f"Process --: starting process..." @staticmethod def get_waiting(): return f"Process --: waiting for process..." def start(self): return self.process.start() def join(self): return self.process.join() def is_alive(self): return self.process.is_alive() class HiddenPrints: def __enter__(self): self._original_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = self._original_stdout def mutant_filename(i, my_agent): split_agent_string = my_agent.split('.') split_agent_string[2] = split_agent_string[2] + f"_calibration_temp_{i}" return '.'.join(split_agent_string) def agent_worker(i, my_file, my_agent, deadline_rounds, sample_size, num_domains, agent_pool, domains, thresholds, counter, start, return_dict): proc_num = i + 1 start_agent = time.time() out = open(my_file[:len(my_file) - 3] + f"_calibration_temp_{i}.py", 'w') with open(my_file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if "self.thresholds: [float] = [" in line: lines[index] = f" self.thresholds: [float] = {thresholds[i]}\n" break out.writelines(lines) out.close() new_agent = mutant_filename(i, my_agent) results = [] agent_iter = itertools.cycle(agent_pool) for j in range(sample_size): pick = [new_agent, next(agent_iter)] settings = { "agents": pick, "profile_sets": random.sample(domains, k=num_domains), "deadline_rounds": deadline_rounds, } with HiddenPrints(): results_trace, results_summary = run_tournament(settings, new_agent, verbose=False) results.append(results_summary) # add the result of the process to the return data structure return_dict[f"status_{i}"] = \ f"Thresholds {int(proc_num):-2}: [{''.join(['=' if k <= j else '_' for k in range(sample_size)])}] |" \ f" process runtime: {int(time.time() - start_agent):-3}s" return_dict[f"status_{i}"] = AgentProcess.get_finished() score = metric(results) return_dict[f"score_{i}"] = score[new_agent.split('.')[-1]] def report_progress(stdscr, outs): stdscr.clear() # If the programme crashes with "_curses.error: addwstr() returned ERR", resize the console bigger for n, out in enumerate(outs): stdscr.addstr(n, 0, out) stdscr.refresh() def refresh_console_output(stdscr, active_processes, num_processes_left, num_total, epoch, number_of_epochs): output = [f"[Epoch {epoch+1} / {number_of_epochs}] Processes [remaining/active/finished/total]: " f"[{num_processes_left}/{len(active_processes)}/{num_total - num_processes_left - len(active_processes)}/{num_total}]"] for id, process in enumerate(active_processes): try: if process: output.append(process.get_status()) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: output.append(AgentProcess.get_waiting()) output.append(f"Overall runtime: {int(time.time() - start):-3}s") report_progress(stdscr, output) def pick_thresholds(number_of_agents, reff): thresholds = [] number_of_thresholds = len(reff.thresholds) for _ in range(number_of_agents): temp = [] i = 0 while len(temp) != number_of_thresholds: pick = random.uniform(reff.threshold_checks[i][0], reff.threshold_checks[i][1]) temp.append(pick) i += 1 thresholds.append(temp) return thresholds if __name__ == '__main__': # create results directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists("results"): os.mkdir("results") agent_pool = { "Shreker": "agents.shreker.shreker.Shreker", "AveragedTitForTat": "agents.averaged_tit_for_tat_agent.averaged_tit_for_tat_agent.AveragedTitForTat", "TradeOffAgent": "agents.trade_off_agent.trade_off_agent.TradeOffAgent", "SocialWelfareAgent": "agents.social_welfare_agent.social_welfare_agent.SocialWelfareAgent", "BoulwareAgent": "agents.boulware_agent.boulware_agent.BoulwareAgent", "ConcederAgent": "agents.conceder_agent.conceder_agent.ConcederAgent", "HardlinerAgent": "agents.hardliner_agent.hardliner_agent.HardlinerAgent", "ConcedeOneAgent": "agents.concede_one_agent.concede_one_agent.ConcedeOneAgent", "LinearAgent": "agents.linear_agent.linear_agent.LinearAgent", "RandomAgent": "agents.random_agent.random_agent.RandomAgent", "TimeDependentAgent": "agents.time_dependent_agent.time_dependent_agent.TimeDependentAgent", "AgreeableAgent": "agents.agreeable_agent.agreeable_agent.AgreeableAgent" } domains = [ ["domains/domain00/profileA.json", "domains/domain00/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain01/profileA.json", "domains/domain01/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain02/profileA.json", "domains/domain02/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain03/profileA.json", "domains/domain03/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain04/profileA.json", "domains/domain04/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain05/profileA.json", "domains/domain05/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain06/profileA.json", "domains/domain06/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain07/profileA.json", "domains/domain07/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain08/profileA.json", "domains/domain08/profileB.json"], ["domains/domain09/profileA.json", "domains/domain09/profileB.json"], ] sample_size = 50 # How many times to run your agent against another random agent in several random domains number_of_agents = 20 # How many times to generate random thresholds for your agent max_num_processes = 10 # How many processes to run at once num_domains = 10 # How many unique domains within which to run the agents. number_of_epochs = 5 # How many epochs between sets of agents will take place # All data needed to create an agent mutant deadline_rounds = 100 references = { "agents.shreker.shreker.Shreker": [Group18_NegotiationAssignment_Agent(), "agents/shreker/"], } counter = 1 start = time.time() manager = Manager() return_dict = manager.dict() # For getting scores out of the processes results = None # Displaying multiline output stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() # Iterate over all epochs for epoch in range(number_of_epochs): # Fill process queue with all processes process_queue = [] ranking = dict() id_to_agent = dict() for index, my_agent in enumerate(references): thresholds = pick_thresholds(len(references) * number_of_agents, references[my_agent][0]) for n in range(number_of_agents): id_to_agent[index * number_of_agents + n] = mutant_filename(index * number_of_agents + n, my_agent) python_process = Process( target=agent_worker, args=(index * number_of_agents + n, references[my_agent][1], my_agent, deadline_rounds, sample_size, num_domains, list(agent_pool.values()), domains, thresholds, counter, start, return_dict) ) agent_process = AgentProcess(index * number_of_agents + n, python_process, return_dict) process_queue.append(agent_process) active_processes = np.empty(np.min([max_num_processes, len(references) * number_of_agents]), dtype=Process) process_queue.reverse() processes = [] while len(process_queue) != 0 or any(map(lambda p: not p or p.is_alive(), active_processes)): refresh_console_output(stdscr, active_processes, len(process_queue), number_of_agents, epoch, number_of_epochs) for i in range(10): time.sleep(0.5) if len(process_queue) != 0: for i in range(len(active_processes)): if not active_processes[i] or not active_processes[i].is_alive(): next_process = process_queue.pop() next_process.start() active_processes[i] = next_process processes.append(next_process) break for process in processes: ranking[id_to_agent[]] = process.get_score() # Prepare agent pool for the next epoch by replacing with calibrated agents results = sorted([agent for agent in ranking], key=lambda agent: ranking[agent])[:10] visited = [] for agent in results: if agent in visited: continue temp = agent.split('.') my_file = '/'.join(temp[:-1]) + '.py' out = open(temp[0] + '/' + temp[1] + f"/{temp[-1]}_calibration_saved_epoch_{epoch}.py", 'w') with open(my_file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() out.writelines(lines) out.close() temp[-2] = f"{temp[-1]}_calibration_saved_epoch_{epoch}" agent_pool[agent.split('.')[-1]] = '.'.join(temp) visited.append(agent) curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() curses.endwin() print(f"Total time taken: {int(time.time() - start):-3}s") # Pick the top 10 scores time_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") w = open(f"metric_{time_str}.log", "w") w.write(f"Top 10 metric agents: \n") [w.write(str(tup) + "\n") for tup in results] w.close()