import logging import math import os.path import random import pickle from time import time from typing import cast from collections import defaultdict from typing import List from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileInterface import ProfileInterface from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.bidspace.AllBidsList import AllBidsList from import Capabilities from import DefaultParty from geniusweb.utils import val from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value from geniusweb.issuevalue import DiscreteValue from geniusweb.issuevalue import NumberValue from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory import ( ProfileConnectionFactory, ) from geniusweb.progress.ProgressRounds import ProgressRounds from .utils.utils import get_ms_current_time from .utils.pair import Pair from .utils.persistent_data import PersistentData from .utils.negotiation_data import NegotiationData class SuperAgent(DefaultParty): """ A Super party that places empty bids because it can't download the profile, and accepts the first incoming offer. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is initialized") self._last_received_bid: Bid = None self._me = None self._profile_interface: ProfileInterface = None self._progress = None self._protocol = None self._parameters: Parameters = None self._utility_space = None self._domain = None self._settings: Settings = None self._best_offer_bid: Bid = None self._profile = None self._persistent_path: str = None self._persistent_data: PersistentData = None # NeogtiationData self._negotiation_data: NegotiationData = None self._data_paths_raw: List[str] = [] # self._data_paths: List[str] = [] self._negotiation_data_paths: List[str] = [] self._opponent_name = None self._freq_map = defaultdict() self._avg_utility = 0.95 self._std_utility = 0.15 self._util_threshold = 0.95 self._min_utility = 0.6 self.default_alpha = 10.7 self.alpha = self.default_alpha self.t_split = 40 self.op_counter = [0] * self.t_split self.op_sum = [0.0] * self.t_split self.op_threshold = [0.0] * self.t_split self.t_phase = 0.2 self.t_social_welfare = 0.997 self._max_bid_space_iteration = 50000 self._optimal_bid: Bid = None self._all_bid_list: AllBidsList = None self._sorted_bid_list: List = None self._len_sorted_bid_list: int = 0 self._storage_dir: str = None def create_empty_negotiation_data(self, opponent_name): self._negotiation_data = NegotiationData(opponent_name=opponent_name) def initialize_negotiation_data(self, opponent_name): self._negotiation_data_paths = [] data_path_raw = os.path.join(self._storage_dir, f"negotiation_data_{opponent_name}.log") self._negotiation_data_paths.append(data_path_raw) if self._negotiation_data is not None and os.path.exists(data_path_raw): # print("non-empty NegotiationData") with open(data_path_raw, "rb") as negotiation_data_file: self._negotiation_data: NegotiationData = pickle.load(negotiation_data_file) else: # print("empty NegotiationData") self.create_empty_negotiation_data(opponent_name=opponent_name) def initialize_persistent_data(self, opponent_name): self._persistent_path = os.path.join(self._storage_dir, f"persistent_data_{opponent_name}.log") if self._persistent_path is not None and os.path.exists(self._persistent_path): # json load # print("non-empty PersistentData") with open(self._persistent_path, "rb") as persistent_file: self._persistent_data: PersistentData = pickle.load(persistent_file) self._avg_utility = self._persistent_data.get_avg_utility() self._std_utility = self._persistent_data.get_std_utility() else: self._persistent_data: PersistentData = PersistentData() def first_better_then(self, utility): idx = None try: idx = next(len(self._sorted_bid_list) - 1 - x for x, val in enumerate(self._sorted_bid_list[-1::-1]) if self.calc_utility(val) > utility) except StopIteration: pass finally: return idx def last_bids(self, good_bid: int): # this session's max utility got if self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) <= 0.97 and self.is_good(self._best_offer_bid): return self._best_offer_bid # all session's max utility got avg_max_util = self._persistent_data.get_avg_max_utility(self._opponent_name) if not avg_max_util: return self._best_offer_bid if self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) <= 0.99: idx = self.first_better_then(avg_max_util) if idx != None: self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "avg_max_util: {0}, bid_utility: {1}".format(avg_max_util, self._utility_space.getUtility( self._sorted_bid_list[ idx]))) if self.is_good(self._sorted_bid_list[idx]): return self._sorted_bid_list[idx] # last try we give him the best possible suggestion we have if good_bid == 0: bid = self._optimal_bid else: bid = max(self._sorted_bid_list[0:good_bid], key=self.calc_op_value) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "chosen bid utility: {}".format(self._utility_space.getUtility(bid))) return bid @classmethod def parse_opponent_name(cls, full_opponent_name): agent_index = full_opponent_name.rindex("_") if agent_index != -1: return full_opponent_name[:agent_index] return None def initialize_storage(self, opponent_name): if self._storage_dir is not None: self.initialize_persistent_data(opponent_name=opponent_name) self.initialize_negotiation_data(opponent_name=opponent_name) else: self.create_empty_negotiation_data(opponent_name=opponent_name) self._persistent_data: PersistentData = PersistentData() # Override def notifyChange(self, info: Inform): # self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "received info:" + str(info)) if isinstance(info, Settings): # self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "SETTINGS") settings: Settings = cast(Settings, info) self._settings = settings self._me: PartyId = settings.getID() self._progress = settings.getProgress() self._protocol = str(settings.getProtocol().getURI()) self._parameters = settings.getParameters() if "storage_dir" in self._parameters.getParameters(): self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "storage_dir is on parameters") self._storage_dir = self._parameters.get("storage_dir") try: self._profile_interface: ProfileInterface = ProfileConnectionFactory.create( settings.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter() ) self._profile = self._profile_interface.getProfile() self._domain = self._profile.getDomain() if self._freq_map is None: self._freq_map = defaultdict() else: self._freq_map.clear() issues = self._domain.getIssues() for issue in issues: p = Pair() vs = self._domain.getValues(issue) if isinstance(vs.get(0), DiscreteValue.DiscreteValue): p.value_type = 0 elif isinstance(vs.get(0), NumberValue.NumberValue): p.value_type = 1 for v in vs: vstr = self.value_to_str(v, p) p.vlist[vstr] = 0 self._freq_map[issue] = p self._utility_space = self._profile_interface.getProfile() self._all_bid_list: AllBidsList = AllBidsList(domain=self._domain) self._sorted_bid_list = sorted(AllBidsList(domain=self._domain), key=self._utility_space.getUtility, reverse=True) self._len_sorted_bid_list = len(self._sorted_bid_list) # after sort of bid list the optimal bid is in the first element self._optimal_bid = self._sorted_bid_list[0] except Exception as e: print("error in settings:{}", e) self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "Error in {}".format(str(e))) elif isinstance(info, ActionDone): # self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "ActionDone") # TODO: initalizie with negotiaiondata action: Action = cast(ActionDone, info).getAction() if self._me is not None and self._me != action.getActor(): opponent_name = self.parse_opponent_name(full_opponent_name=action.getActor().getName()) if self._opponent_name is None and opponent_name is not None: self.initialize_storage(opponent_name) # which means index found self._opponent_name = opponent_name self._negotiation_data.set_opponent_name(self._opponent_name) self.op_threshold = self._persistent_data.get_smooth_threshold_over_time(self._opponent_name ) if self.op_threshold is not None: for i in range(1, self.t_split): self.op_threshold[i] = self.op_threshold[i] if self.op_threshold[i] > 0 else \ self.op_threshold[i - 1] self.alpha = self._persistent_data.get_opponent_alpha(self._opponent_name) self.alpha = self.alpha if self.alpha > 0.0 else self.default_alpha self.process_action(action) elif isinstance(info, YourTurn): # This is a super party # self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "YourTurn") if isinstance(self._progress, ProgressRounds): self._progress = self._progress.advance() # self.initialize_storage(self._opponent_name) action = self._my_turn() val(self.getConnection()).send(action) elif isinstance(info, Finished): # TODO:: handle NEGOTIATIONDATA finished_info = cast(Finished, info) agreements: Agreements = finished_info.getAgreements() self.process_agreements(agreements) self.learn() if self._negotiation_data_paths is not None and len( self._negotiation_data_paths) > 0 and self._negotiation_data is not None: for negotiation_path in self._negotiation_data_paths: try: with open(negotiation_path, "wb") as negotiation_file: pickle.dump(self._negotiation_data, negotiation_file) except Exception as e: self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "Error in {}".format(str(e))) self.terminate() else: self.getReporter().log( logging.WARNING, "Ignoring unknown info " + str(info) ) # Override def getCapabilities(self) -> Capabilities: return Capabilities( set(["SAOP", "Learn"]), set(["geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive"]), ) # Override def getDescription(self) -> str: return "This is a party of ANL 2022. It can handle the Learn protocol and learns simple characteristics of the opponent." # Override def terminate(self): self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is terminating:") super().terminate() if self._profile_interface is not None: self._profile_interface.close() def value_to_str(self, v: Value, p: Pair) -> str: v_str = "" if p.value_type == 0: v_str = str(cast(DiscreteValue, v).getValue()) elif p.value_type == 1: v_str = str(cast(NumberValue, v).getValue()) if v_str == "": self.getReporter().log(logging.WARNING, "Warning: Value wasn't found") return v_str def process_action(self, action: Action): if isinstance(action, Offer): self._last_received_bid = cast(Offer, action).getBid() self.update_freq_map(self._last_received_bid) util_value = float(self._utility_space.getUtility(self._last_received_bid)) self._negotiation_data.add_bid_util(util_value) def update_freq_map(self, bid: Bid): if bid is not None: issues = bid.getIssues() for issue in issues: p: Pair = self._freq_map[issue] v: Value = bid.getValue(issue) vs: str = self.value_to_str(v, p) p.vlist[vs] = p.vlist[vs] + 1 def calc_op_value(self, bid: Bid): value: float = 0 issues: set[str] = bid.getIssues() val_util: list[float] = [0] * len(issues) is_weight: list[float] = [0] * len(issues) k: int = 0 for issue in issues: p: Pair = self._freq_map[issue] v: Value = bid.getValue(issue) vs: str = self.value_to_str(v=v, p=p) sum_of_values = 0 max_value = 1 for vString in p.vlist.keys(): sum_of_values = sum_of_values + p.vlist.get(vString) max_value = max(max_value, p.vlist.get(vString)) val_util[k] = float(p.vlist.get(vs)) / max_value mean = sum_of_values / len(p.vlist) for v_string in p.vlist.keys(): is_weight[k] = is_weight[k] + math.pow(p.vlist.get(v_string) - mean, 2) is_weight[k] = 1 / math.sqrt((is_weight[k] + 0.1) / len(p.vlist)) k = k + 1 sum_of_weight = 0 for k in range(len(issues)): value = value + val_util[k] * is_weight[k] sum_of_weight = sum_of_weight + is_weight[k] return value / sum_of_weight def is_op_good(self, bid: Bid): if bid is None: return False value = self.calc_op_value(bid=bid) index = int( ((self.t_split - 1) / (1 - self.t_phase) * (self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) - self.t_phase))) op_threshold = max(1 - 2 * self.op_threshold[index], 0.2) if self.op_threshold is not None else 0.6 return value > op_threshold # index = (int)((t_split - 1) / (1 - t_phase) * (progress.get(System.currentTimeMillis()) - t_phase)); def is_last_turn(self): return self._progress.get(time() * 1000) > 0.997 def is_near_negotiation_end(self): return self._progress.get(time() * 1000) > self.t_phase def is_social_welfare_time(self): return self._progress.get(time() * 1000) > self.t_social_welfare def calc_utility(self, bid): # get utility from utility space return self._utility_space.getUtility(bid) def calc_social_welfare(self, bid: Bid): return 0.8 * float(self.calc_utility(bid)) + math.fabs(1 - 0.8) * float(self.calc_op_value(bid)) def cmp_social_welfare(self, first_bid, second_bid): return self.calc_social_welfare(first_bid) >= self.calc_social_welfare(second_bid) def is_good(self, bid): if bid is None: return False max_value = 0.95 if self._optimal_bid is None else 0.95 * float(self.calc_utility(self._optimal_bid)) avg_max_utility = self._persistent_data.get_avg_max_utility(self._opponent_name) \ if self._persistent_data._known_opponent(self._opponent_name) \ else self._avg_utility self._util_threshold = max_value - ( max_value - 0.55 * self._avg_utility - 0.4 * avg_max_utility + 0.5 * pow(self._std_utility, 2)) * \ (math.exp(self.alpha * self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time())) - 1) / (math.exp( self.alpha) - 1) if self._util_threshold < self._min_utility: self._util_threshold = self._min_utility return float(self.calc_utility(bid)) >= self._util_threshold def first_is_good_idx(self): for i in range(len(self._sorted_bid_list)): if not self.is_good(self._sorted_bid_list[i]): return i return len(self._sorted_bid_list) - 1 def on_negotiation_near_end(self): slice_idx = self.first_is_good_idx() end_slice = int(min(slice_idx + 0.005 * self._len_sorted_bid_list - 1, self._len_sorted_bid_list - 1)) idx = random.randint(0, slice_idx) if self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) >= 0.95: bid = self.last_bids(idx) if self.calc_utility(bid) <= 0.5: bid = self._optimal_bid return bid # if self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) > 0.992 and self.is_good(self._best_offer_bid): # return self._best_offer_bid return self._sorted_bid_list[idx] def on_negotiation_continues(self): bid: Bid = None slice_idx = self.first_is_good_idx() end_slice = int(min(slice_idx + 0.005 * self._len_sorted_bid_list - 1, self._len_sorted_bid_list - 1)) for i in range(slice_idx, 0, -1): tmp_bid = self._sorted_bid_list[i] if tmp_bid == self._optimal_bid or self.is_op_good(tmp_bid): bid = tmp_bid break if self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) > 0.992 and self.is_good(self._best_offer_bid): bid = self._best_offer_bid if bid is None or not self.is_good(bid): idx = random.randint(0, slice_idx) bid = self._sorted_bid_list[idx] return bid def cmp_utility(self, first_bid, second_bid): # return 1 if first_bid with higher utility, 0 else return self._utility_space.getUtility(first_bid) > self._utility_space.getUtility(second_bid) def _find_bid(self): bid: Bid = None if self._best_offer_bid is None: self._best_offer_bid = self._last_received_bid elif self.cmp_utility(self._last_received_bid, self._best_offer_bid): self._best_offer_bid = self._last_received_bid # if self.is_social_welfare_time(): # self.on_negotiation_social_welfare() if self.is_near_negotiation_end(): bid = self.on_negotiation_near_end() else: bid = self.on_negotiation_continues() action: Offer = Offer(self._me, bid) return action def _my_turn(self): # save average of the last avgSplit offers (only when frequency table is stabilized) if self._opponent_name is None: return Offer(self._me, self._optimal_bid) if self.is_near_negotiation_end(): index = int( (self.t_split - 1) / (1 - self.t_phase) * (self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()) - self.t_phase)) self.op_sum[index] += self.calc_op_value(self._last_received_bid) self.op_counter[index] += 1 if self.is_good(self._last_received_bid) or (self.is_last_turn() and self.calc_utility(self._last_received_bid)>=0.5): # if the last bid is good - accept it. action = Accept(self._me, self._last_received_bid) else: action = self._find_bid() return action def learn(self): self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "party is learning") # probably have to shift to self._negotiation_data_paths for path in self._negotiation_data_paths: try: with open(path, "rb") as f: nego_data = pickle.load(f) self._persistent_data.update(nego_data) except Exception as e: print("error in learn function - persistent data update, error:{}", str(e)) try: with open(self._persistent_path, "wb") as pers_file: pickle.dump(self._persistent_data, pers_file) except Exception as e: print("error in persistent path dump:{}", str(e)) def process_agreements(self, agreements: Agreements): # Check if we reached an agreement (walking away or passing the deadline # results in no agreement) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "Length of agreements: {} :{}".format(len(agreements.getMap().items()), agreements.getMap())) if len(agreements.getMap().items()) > 0: # Get the bid that is agreed upon and add it's value to our negotiation data agreement: Bid = agreements.getMap().values().__iter__().__next__() self._negotiation_data.add_agreement_util(float(self.calc_utility(agreement))) self._negotiation_data.set_opponent_util(self.calc_op_value(agreement)) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "Agreement in time: {} percent".format(self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()))) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "MY OWN THRESHOLD: {}".format(self._util_threshold)) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "MY OWN UTIL:{}".format(self.calc_utility(agreement))) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "EXP OPPONENT UTIL:{}".format(self.calc_op_value(agreement))) else: if self._best_offer_bid is not None: self._negotiation_data.add_agreement_util(float(self.calc_utility(self._best_offer_bid))) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO AGREEMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// MY THRESHOLD: {}".format( self._util_threshold)) self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "TIME OF AGREEMENT: {}".format(self._progress.get(get_ms_current_time()))) # update the opponent offers map, regardless of achieving agreement or not try: self._negotiation_data.update_opponent_offers(self.op_sum, self.op_counter) except Exception as e: self.getReporter().log(logging.INFO, "Error in process_agreements,{}".format(str(e)))