1 | from collections import defaultdict
2 |
3 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid
4 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.DiscreteValueSet import DiscreteValueSet
5 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain
6 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value
7 |
8 |
9 | class OpponentModel:
10 | def __init__(self, domain: Domain):
11 | self.offers = []
12 | self.domain = domain
13 |
14 | self.issue_estimators = {
15 | i: IssueEstimator(v) for i, v in domain.getIssuesValues().items()
16 | }
17 |
18 | def update(self, bid: Bid):
19 | # keep track of all bids received
20 | self.offers.append(bid)
21 |
22 | # update all issue estimators with the value that is offered for that issue
23 | for issue_id, issue_estimator in self.issue_estimators.items():
24 | issue_estimator.update(bid.getValue(issue_id))
25 |
26 | def get_predicted_utility(self, bid: Bid):
27 | if len(self.offers) == 0 or bid is None:
28 | return 0
29 |
30 | # initiate
31 | total_issue_weight = 0.0
32 | value_utilities = []
33 | issue_weights = []
34 |
35 | for issue_id, issue_estimator in self.issue_estimators.items():
36 | # get the value that is set for this issue in the bid
37 | value: Value = bid.getValue(issue_id)
38 |
39 | # collect both the predicted weight for the issue and
40 | # predicted utility of the value within this issue
41 | value_utilities.append(issue_estimator.get_value_utility(value))
42 | issue_weights.append(issue_estimator.weight)
43 |
44 | total_issue_weight += issue_estimator.weight
45 |
46 | # normalise the issue weights such that the sum is 1.0
47 | if total_issue_weight == 0.0:
48 | issue_weights = [1 / len(issue_weights) for _ in issue_weights]
49 | else:
50 | issue_weights = [iw / total_issue_weight for iw in issue_weights]
51 |
52 | # calculate predicted utility by multiplying all value utilities with their issue weight
53 | predicted_utility = sum(
54 | [iw * vu for iw, vu in zip(issue_weights, value_utilities)]
55 | )
56 |
57 | return predicted_utility
58 |
59 |
60 | class IssueEstimator:
61 | def __init__(self, value_set: DiscreteValueSet):
62 | if not isinstance(value_set, DiscreteValueSet):
63 | raise TypeError(
64 | "This issue estimator only supports issues with discrete values"
65 | )
66 |
67 | self.bids_received = 0
68 | self.max_value_count = 0
69 | self.num_values = value_set.size()
70 | self.value_trackers = defaultdict(ValueEstimator)
71 | self.weight = 0
72 |
73 | def update(self, value: Value):
74 | self.bids_received += 1
75 |
76 | # get the value tracker of the value that is offered
77 | value_tracker = self.value_trackers[value]
78 |
79 | # register that this value was offered
80 | value_tracker.update()
81 |
82 | # update the count of the most common offered value
83 | self.max_value_count = max([value_tracker.count, self.max_value_count])
84 |
85 | # update predicted issue weight
86 | # the intuition here is that if the values of the receiverd offers spread out over all
87 | # possible values, then this issue is likely not important to the opponent (weight == 0.0).
88 | # If all received offers proposed the same value for this issue,
89 | # then the predicted issue weight == 1.0
90 | equal_shares = self.bids_received / self.num_values
91 | self.weight = (self.max_value_count - equal_shares) / (
92 | self.bids_received - equal_shares
93 | )
94 |
95 | # recalculate all value utilities
96 | for value_tracker in self.value_trackers.values():
97 | value_tracker.recalculate_utility(self.max_value_count, self.weight)
98 |
99 | def get_value_utility(self, value: Value):
100 | if value in self.value_trackers:
101 | return self.value_trackers[value].utility
102 |
103 | return 0
104 |
105 |
106 | class ValueEstimator:
107 | def __init__(self):
108 | self.count = 0
109 | self.utility = 0
110 |
111 | def update(self):
112 | self.count += 1
113 |
114 | def recalculate_utility(self, max_value_count: int, weight: float):
115 | if weight < 1:
116 | mod_value_count = ((self.count + 1) ** (1 - weight)) - 1
117 | mod_max_value_count = ((max_value_count + 1) ** (1 - weight)) - 1
118 |
119 | self.utility = mod_value_count / mod_max_value_count
120 | else:
121 | self.utility = 1