import json import math import os from decimal import Decimal from os.path import exists from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements from geniusweb.issuevalue.ValueSet import ValueSet from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value from geniusweb.issuevalue.DiscreteValue import DiscreteValue from geniusweb.issuevalue.NumberValue import NumberValue import logging from random import randint import time from typing import cast from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.bidspace.AllBidsList import AllBidsList from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain from import Capabilities from import DefaultParty from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.UtilitySpace import UtilitySpace from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory import ( ProfileConnectionFactory, ) from geniusweb.progress.ProgressTime import ProgressTime from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters from numpy import long from tudelft_utilities_logging.ReportToLogger import ReportToLogger from .LearnedData import LearnedData from .NegotiationData import NegotiationData from .Pair import Pair # static vars defualtAlpha: float = 10.7 # estimate opponent time - variant threshold function tSplit: int = 40 # agent has 2 - phases - learning of the opponent and offering bids while considering opponent utility, this constant define the threshold between those two phases tPhase: float = 0.2 class CompromisingAgent(DefaultParty): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.logger: ReportToLogger = self.getReporter() self.lastReceivedBid: Bid = None PartyId = None self.progress: ProgressTime = None self.protocol: str = None self.parameters: Parameters = None self.utilitySpace: UtilitySpace = None self.domain: Domain = None self.learnedData: LearnedData = None self.negotiationData: NegotiationData = None self.learnedDataPath: str = None self.negotiationDataPath: str = None self.storage_dir: str = None self.opponentName: str = None # Expecting Lower Limit of Concession Function behavior # The idea here that we will keep for a negotiation scenario the most frequent # Issues - Values, afterwards, as a counter offer bid for each issue we will select the most frequent value. self.freqMap: dict = None # average and standard deviation of the competition for determine "good" utility threshold self.avgUtil: float = 0.95 self.stdUtil: float = 0.15 self.utilThreshold: float = 0.95 self.alpha: float = defualtAlpha self.opCounter: list = [0] * tSplit self.opSum: list = [0.0] * tSplit self.opThreshold: list = [0.0] * tSplit self.opReject: list = [0.0] * tSplit # Best bid for agent, exists if bid space is small enough to search in self.MAX_SEARCHABLE_BIDSPACE: long = 50000 self.MIN_UTILITY: float = 0.6 self.optimalBid: Bid = None self.bestOfferBid: Bid = None self.allBidList: AllBidsList = None self.lastOfferBid = None # our last offer to the opponent def notifyChange(self, data: Inform): """ Args: data (Inform): Contains either a request for action or information. """ try: # a Settings message is the first message that will be send to your # agent containing all the information about the negotiation session. if isinstance(data, Settings): self.settingsFunction(cast(Settings, data)) # ActionDone informs you of an action (an offer or an accept) # that is performed by one of the agents (including yourself). elif isinstance(data, ActionDone): self.actionDoneFunction(cast(ActionDone, data)) # YourTurn notifies you that it is your turn to act elif isinstance(data, YourTurn): # execute a turn self.myTurn() # Finished will be send if the negotiation has ended (through agreement or deadline) elif isinstance(data, Finished): self.finishedFunction(cast(Finished, data)) else: self.logger.log(logging.WARNING, "Ignoring unknown info " + str(data)) except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "error notifyChange") def getDescription(self) -> str: """Returns a description of your agent. Returns: str: Agent description """ return "This is party of ANL 2022. It can handle the Learn protocol and learns utility function and threshold of the opponent." def getCapabilities(self) -> Capabilities: """ Method to indicate to the protocol what the capabilities of this agent are. Leave it as is for the ANL 2022 competition Returns: Capabilities: Capabilities representation class """ return Capabilities( set(["SAOP"]), set(["geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive"]), ) def finishedFunction(self, data: Finished): # object also contains the final agreement( if any). agreements: Agreements = data.getAgreements() self.processAgreements(agreements) # Write the negotiation data that we collected to the path provided. if not (self.negotiationDataPath == None or self.negotiationData == None): try: with open(self.negotiationDataPath, "w") as f: # w means overwritten json.dump(self.negotiationData.__dict__, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=5, fp=f) except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "Failed to write negotiation data to disk") # Write the learned data to the path provided. if not (self.learnedDataPath == None or self.learnedData == None): try: with open(self.learnedDataPath, "w") as f: # w means overwritten json.dump(self.learnedData.__dict__, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=9, fp=f) except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "Failed to learned data to disk") self.logger.log(logging.INFO, "party is terminating:") super().terminate() def actionDoneFunction(self, data: ActionDone): # The info object is an action that is performed by an agent. action: Action = data.getAction() actor = action.getActor() # Check if this is not our own action if is not None and not ( == actor): # Check if we already know who we are playing against. if self.opponentName == None: # The part behind the last _ is always changing, so we must cut it off. self.opponentName = str(actor).rsplit("_", 1)[0] # path depend on opponent name self.negotiationDataPath = self.getPath("negotiationData", self.opponentName) self.learnedDataPath = self.getPath("learnedData", self.opponentName) # update and load learnedData self.updateAndLoadLearnedData() # Add name of the opponent to the negotiation data self.negotiationData.setOpponentName(self.opponentName) # avg opponent offer utility self.opThreshold = self.learnedData.getSmoothThresholdOverTime() \ if self.learnedData != None else None if not (self.opThreshold == None): for i in range(tSplit): self.opThreshold[i] = self.opThreshold[i] if self.opThreshold[i] > 0 else self.opThreshold[ i - 1] # max offer the opponent reject self.opReject = self.learnedData.getSmoothRejectOverTime() \ if self.learnedData != None else None if not (self.opReject == None): for i in range(tSplit): self.opReject[i] = self.opReject[i] if self.opReject[i] > 0 else self.opReject[ i - 1] # decay rate of threshold function self.alpha = self.learnedData.getOpponentAlpha() if self.learnedData != None else 0.0 self.alpha = self.alpha if self.alpha > 0.0 else defualtAlpha # Process the action of the opponent. self.processAction(action) def settingsFunction(self, data: Settings): # info is a Settings object that is passed at the start of a negotiation settings: Settings = data # ID of my agent = settings.getID() # The progress object keeps track of the deadline self.progress = settings.getProgress() # Protocol that is initiate for the agent self.protocol = str(settings.getProtocol().getURI().getPath()) # Parameters for the agent (can be passed through the GeniusWeb GUI, or a JSON-file) self.parameters = settings.getParameters() self.storage_dir = self.parameters.get("storage_dir") # We are in the negotiation step. # Create a new NegotiationData object to store information on this negotiation. # See ''. self.negotiationData = NegotiationData() # Obtain our utility space, i.e.the problem we are negotiating and our # preferences over it. try: # the profile contains the preferences of the agent over the domain profile_connection = ProfileConnectionFactory.create(data.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter()) self.domain = profile_connection.getProfile().getDomain() # Create a Issues-Values frequency map if self.freqMap == None: # Map wasn't created before, create a new instance now self.freqMap = {} else: # Map was created before, but this is a new negotiation scenario, clear the old map. self.freqMap.clear() # Obtain all of the issues in the current negotiation domain issues: set = self.domain.getIssues() for s in issues: # create new list of all the values for p: Pair = Pair() p.vList = {} # gather type of issue based on the first element vs: ValueSet = self.domain.getValues(s) if isinstance(vs.get(0), DiscreteValue): p.type = 0 elif isinstance(vs.get(0), NumberValue): p.type = 1 # Obtain all of the values for an issue "s" for v in vs: # Add a new entry in the frequency map for each(s, v, typeof(v)) vStr: str = self.valueToStr(v, p) p.vList[vStr] = 0 self.freqMap[s] = p except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "error settingsFunction") # self.utilitySpace = cast(profile_connection.getProfile(), UtilitySpace) self.utilitySpace = profile_connection.getProfile() profile_connection.close() self.allBidList = AllBidsList(self.domain) # Attempt to find the optimal bid in a search-able bid space, if bid space size # is small / equal to MAX_SEARCHABLE_BIDSPACE if self.allBidList.size() <= self.MAX_SEARCHABLE_BIDSPACE: mx_util: Decimal = Decimal(0) for i in range(self.allBidList.size()): b: Bid = self.allBidList.get(i) canidate: Decimal = self.utilitySpace.getUtility(b) if canidate > mx_util: mx_util = canidate self.optimalBid = b else: mx_util: Decimal = Decimal(0) # Iterate randomly through list of bids until we find a good bid for attempt in range(self.MAX_SEARCHABLE_BIDSPACE.intValue()): i: long = randint(0, self.allBidList.size()) b: Bid = self.allBidList.get(i) canidate: Decimal = self.utilitySpace.getUtility(b) if canidate > mx_util: mx_util = canidate self.optimalBid = b def isNearNegotiationEnd(self): return 0 if self.progress.get(int(time.time() * 1000)) < tPhase else 1 def processAction(self, action: Action): """Processes an Action performed by the opponent.""" if isinstance(action, Offer): # If the action was an offer: Obtain the bid self.lastReceivedBid = cast(Offer, action).getBid() self.updateFreqMap(self.lastReceivedBid) # add it's value to our negotiation data. utilVal: float = float(self.utilitySpace.getUtility(self.lastReceivedBid)) self.negotiationData.addBidUtil(utilVal) def processAgreements(self, agreements: Agreements): """ This method is called when the negotiation has finished. It can process the" final agreement. """ # Check if we reached an agreement (walking away or passing the deadline # results in no agreement) if agreements.getMap() != None and not (agreements.getMap() == {}): # Get the bid that is agreed upon and add it's value to our negotiation data agreement: Bid = list(agreements.getMap().values())[0] self.negotiationData.addAgreementUtil(float(self.utilitySpace.getUtility(agreement))) self.negotiationData.setOpponentUtil(self.calcOpValue(agreement)) # negotiation failed else: if not (self.bestOfferBid == None): self.negotiationData.addAgreementUtil(float(self.utilitySpace.getUtility(self.bestOfferBid))) # update opponent reject list if self.lastOfferBid != None: self.negotiationData.addRejectUtil(tSplit - 1, self.calcOpValue(self.lastOfferBid)) # update the opponent offers map, regardless of achieving agreement or not try: self.negotiationData.updateOpponentOffers(self.opSum, self.opCounter); except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "error processAgreements") # send our next offer def myTurn(self): action: Action = None # save average of the last avgSplit offers (only when frequency table is stabilized) if self.isNearNegotiationEnd() > 0: index: int = (int)((tSplit - 1) / (1 - tPhase) * (self.progress.get(int(time.time() * 1000)) - tPhase)) if self.lastReceivedBid != None: self.opSum[index] += self.calcOpValue(self.lastReceivedBid) self.opCounter[index] += 1 if self.lastOfferBid != None: self.negotiationData.addRejectUtil(index, self.calcOpValue(self.lastOfferBid)) # evaluate the offer and accept or give counter-offer if self.isGood(self.lastReceivedBid): # If the last received bid is good: create Accept action action = Accept(, self.lastReceivedBid) else: # there are 3 phases in the negotiation process: # 1. Send random bids that considered to be GOOD for our agent # 2. Send random bids that considered to be GOOD for both of the agents bid: Bid = None if self.bestOfferBid == None: self.bestOfferBid = self.lastReceivedBid elif self.lastReceivedBid != None and self.utilitySpace.getUtility(self.lastReceivedBid) > self.utilitySpace \ .getUtility(self.bestOfferBid): self.bestOfferBid = self.lastReceivedBid isNearNegotiationEnd = self.isNearNegotiationEnd() if isNearNegotiationEnd == 0: attempt = 0 while attempt < 1000 and not self.isGood(bid): attempt += 1 i: long = randint(0, self.allBidList.size()) bid = self.allBidList.get(i) bid = bid if (self.isGood( bid)) else self.optimalBid # if the last bid isn't good, offer (default) the optimal bid elif isNearNegotiationEnd == 1: if self.progress.get(int(time.time() * 1000)) > 0.95: maxOpponentUtility: float = 0.0 maxBid: Bid = None i = 0 while i < 10000 and self.progress.get(int(time.time() * 1000)) < 0.99: i: long = randint(0, self.allBidList.size()) bid = self.allBidList.get(i) if self.isGood(bid) and self.isOpGood(bid): opValue = self.calcOpValue(bid) if opValue > maxOpponentUtility: maxOpponentUtility = opValue maxBid = bid i += 1 bid = maxBid else: # look for bid with max utility for opponent maxOpponentUtility: float = 0.0 maxBid: Bid = None for i in range(2000): i: long = randint(0, self.allBidList.size()) bid = self.allBidList.get(i) if self.isGood(bid) and self.isOpGood(bid): opValue = self.calcOpValue(bid) if opValue > maxOpponentUtility: maxOpponentUtility = opValue maxBid = bid bid = maxBid bid = bid if self.isGood( bid) else self.optimalBid # if the last bid isn't good, offer (default) the optimal bid bid = self.bestOfferBid if (self.progress.get(int(time.time() * 1000)) > 0.99) else bid # Create offer action action = Offer(, bid) self.lastOfferBid = bid # Send action self.getConnection().send(action) def isGood(self, bid: Bid): """ The method checks if a bid is good. param bid the bid to check return true iff bid is good for us. """ if bid == None: return False maxVlue: float = 0.95 * float( self.utilitySpace.getUtility(self.optimalBid)) if not self.optimalBid == None else 0.95 avgMaxUtility: float = self.learnedData.getAvgMaxUtility() \ if self.learnedData != None \ else self.avgUtil self.utilThreshold = maxVlue \ - (maxVlue - 0.55 * self.avgUtil - 0.4 * avgMaxUtility + 0.5 * pow(self.stdUtil, 2)) \ * (math.exp(self.alpha * self.progress.get(int(time.time() * 1000))) - 1) \ / (math.exp(self.alpha) - 1) if (self.utilThreshold < self.MIN_UTILITY): self.utilThreshold = self.MIN_UTILITY return float(self.utilitySpace.getUtility(bid)) >= self.utilThreshold def calcOpValue(self, bid: Bid): value: float = 0 issues = bid.getIssues() valUtil: list = [0] * len(issues) issWeght: list = [0] * len(issues) k: int = 0 # index for s in issues: p: Pair = self.freqMap[s] v: Value = bid.getValue(s) vs: str = self.valueToStr(v, p) # calculate utility of value (in the issue) sumOfValues: int = 0 maxValue: int = 1 for vString in p.vList.keys(): sumOfValues += p.vList[vString] maxValue = max(maxValue, p.vList[vString]) # calculate estimated utility of the issuevalue valUtil[k] = p.vList.get(vs) / maxValue # calculate the inverse std deviation of the array mean: float = sumOfValues / len(p.vList) for vString in p.vList.keys(): issWeght[k] += pow(p.vList.get(vString) - mean, 2) issWeght[k] = 1.0 / math.sqrt((issWeght[k] + 0.1) / len(p.vList)) k += 1 sumOfWght: float = 0 for k in range(len(issues)): value += valUtil[k] * issWeght[k] sumOfWght += issWeght[k] return value / sumOfWght def isOpGood(self, bid: Bid): if bid == None: return False value: float = self.calcOpValue(bid) index: int = int(((tSplit - 1) / (1 - tPhase) * (self.progress.get(int( time.time() * 1000)) - tPhase))) # change opThreshold: float = max(max(2 * self.opThreshold[index] - 1, self.opReject[index]), 0.2) if self.opThreshold != None and self.opReject != None else 0.6 return value > opThreshold def updateFreqMap(self, bid: Bid): if not (bid == None): issues = bid.getIssues() for s in issues: p: Pair = self.freqMap.get(s) v: Value = bid.getValue(s) vs: str = self.valueToStr(v, p) p.vList[vs] = (p.vList.get(vs) + 1) def valueToStr(self, v: Value, p: Pair): v_str: str = "" if p.type == 0: v_str = cast(DiscreteValue, v).getValue() elif p.type == 1: v_str = cast(NumberValue, v).getValue() if v_str == "": print("Warning: Value wasn't found") return v_str def getPath(self, dataType: str, opponentName: str): return os.path.join(self.storage_dir, dataType + "_" + opponentName + ".json") def updateAndLoadLearnedData(self): # we didn't meet this opponent before if exists(self.negotiationDataPath): try: # Load the negotiation data object of a previous negotiation with open(self.negotiationDataPath, "r") as f: negotiationData: NegotiationData = NegotiationData() negotiationData.encode(list(json.load(f).values())) except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "Negotiation data does not exist") if exists(self.learnedDataPath): try: # Load the negotiation data object of a previous negotiation with open(self.learnedDataPath, "r") as f: self.learnedData = LearnedData() self.learnedData.encode(list(json.load(f).values())) except: self.logger.log(logging.ERROR, "learned data does not exist") else: self.learnedData = LearnedData() # Process the negotiation data in our learned Data self.learnedData.update(negotiationData) self.avgUtil = self.learnedData.getAvgUtility() self.stdUtil = self.learnedData.getStdUtility()