import logging import numpy as np from time import time from typing import cast from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.bidspace.AllBidsList import AllBidsList from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain from import Capabilities from import DefaultParty from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace import LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace from geniusweb.profileconnection.ProfileConnectionFactory import ProfileConnectionFactory from geniusweb.progress.ProgressTime import ProgressTime from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters from tudelft_utilities_logging.ReportToLogger import ReportToLogger class agentBidHistory: def __init__(self): self.bidHistory = [] def addBid(self, bid, label): self.bidHistory.append((bid, label)) class Agent007(DefaultParty): """Agent007""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._profileint: LinearAdditiveUtilitySpace = None self.lastOfferedBid = None self.logger: ReportToLogger = self.getReporter() self.logger.log(logging.INFO, "party is initialized") PartyId = None self.progress: ProgressTime = None self.settings: Settings = None self.domain: Domain = None self.parameters: Parameters = None self.other: str = None self.storage_dir: str = None self.bidHistory = None def notifyChange(self, data: Inform): """ Arg: info (Inform): Contains either a request for action or information. """ if isinstance(data, Settings): self.settings = cast(Settings, data) = self.settings.getID() self.progress = self.settings.getProgress() self._profileint = ProfileConnectionFactory.create( # the profile contains the preferences of the agent over the domain data.getProfile().getURI(), self.getReporter() ) self.parameters = self.settings.getParameters() self.storage_dir = self.parameters.get("storage_dir") self.domain = self._profileint.getProfile().getDomain() self._profileint.close() self.rejected_bids = [] self.bidHistory = agentBidHistory() self.issues = [issue for issue in sorted(self.domain.getIssues())] self.num_values_in_issue = [self.domain.getValues(issue).size() for issue in self.issues] self.bid_dict = self.bid_decode() elif isinstance(data, ActionDone): # if opponent answered (reject or accept) action: Action = data.getAction() if isinstance(action, Offer): # [1] if opponent respond by reject our offer + proposed his offer if self.lastOfferedBid: # if we have already proposed an offer before self.rejected_bids.append(self.lastOfferedBid) self.bidHistory.addBid(self.bid_encode(self.lastOfferedBid), 0) # opponent rejected our offer (negative label) actor = action.getActor() self.other = str(actor).rsplit("_", 1)[0] # obtain the name of the opponent, cutting of the position ID. self.lastOfferedBid = cast(Offer, action).getBid() self.bidHistory.addBid(self.bid_encode(self.lastOfferedBid), 1) # opponent offer (positive label) else: # if [2] opponent accepted our offer self.bidHistory.addBid(self.bid_encode(self.lastOfferedBid), 1) # opponent accepted our offer (positive label) elif isinstance(data, YourTurn): # [3] YourTurn notifies you that it is your turn to act action = self.chooseAction() self.send_action(action) elif isinstance(data, Finished): # [2] Finished will be send if the negotiation has ended (through agreement or deadline) self.save_data() self.logger.log(logging.INFO, "party is terminating:") super().terminate() # terminate the agent MUST BE CALLED else: self.logger.log(logging.WARNING, "Ignoring unknown info " + str(data)) def send_action(self, action: Action): """Sends an action to the opponent(s) """ self.getConnection().send(action) def getCapabilities(self) -> Capabilities: return Capabilities(set(["SAOP"]),set(["geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive"])) def getDescription(self) -> str: return "Agent007 for the ANL 2022 competition" def save_data(self): """This method is called after the negotiation is finished. It can be used to store data for learning capabilities. Note that no extensive calculations can be done within this method. Taking too much time might result in your agent being killed, so use it for storage only. """ data = "Data for learning (see" with open(f"{self.storage_dir}/", "w") as f: f.write(data) def bid_decode(self): ''' perform decoding on the bid''' bid_dict = {} for bid in AllBidsList(self.domain): bid_vals = tuple(self.domain.getValues(issue).getValues().index(bid.getValue(issue)) for issue in self.issues) bid_dict[bid_vals] = bid return bid_dict def bid_encode(self, bid: Bid): ''' perform One Hot Encoding on the bid''' bid_vals = [self.domain.getValues(issue).getValues().index(bid.getValue(issue)) for issue in self.issues] total_num_values = sum(self.num_values_in_issue) ohe_vec = np.zeros(1+total_num_values) # added 1 for bias ohe_vec[0] = 1.0 # the bias term start = 1 for i in range(len(self.num_values_in_issue)): ohe_vec[start + bid_vals[i]] = 1.0 start += self.num_values_in_issue[i] return ohe_vec def chooseAction(self): ''' Choose if to accept the last offer or make a new offer @return The chosen action ''' progress = self.progress.get(time() * 1000) if self.shouldAccept(): action = Accept(, self.lastOfferedBid) elif progress > 0.7: # if we have enough data nextBid = self.get_bid() self.lastOfferedBid = nextBid action = Offer(, nextBid) else: nextBid = self.findNextBid() self.lastOfferedBid = nextBid action = Offer(, nextBid) return action def shouldAccept(self): ''' @return Whether to accept the last bid or offer the nextBid ''' progress = self.progress.get(time() * 1000) if self.lastOfferedBid == None: return False if progress > 0.97: return True if progress > 0.9 and self._profileint.getProfile().getUtility(self.lastOfferedBid) > 0.5: return True if progress > 0.8 and self._profileint.getProfile().getUtility(self.lastOfferedBid) > 0.6: return True return False def get_bid(self): issue_pos = [1]+[sum(self.num_values_in_issue[:i])+1 for i in range(1, len(self.num_values_in_issue))] profile = self._profileint.getProfile() issue_weight = [float(profile.getWeights()[issue]) for issue in profile.getWeights()] utilities = [profile.getUtilities()[issue] for issue in profile.getUtilities()] issues_values = [[float(v) for v in util.getUtilities().values()] for util in utilities] total_num_values = sum(self.num_values_in_issue) offered = np.zeros(1+total_num_values) # added 1 for bias for bid in self.bidHistory.bidHistory: if bid[1] == 1: offered = np.add(offered, bid[0]) issues_offered = [offered[v_pos: v_pos+v_len] for (v_pos, v_len) in zip(issue_pos, self.num_values_in_issue)] vec = [] for i in range(len(self.issues)): avg = sum(issue_weight) / len(issue_weight) weight_ = issue_weight[i]/avg avg = sum(issues_offered[i]) / len(issues_offered[i]) issues_offered_ = [issue_offered/avg for issue_offered in issues_offered[i]] avg = (sum(issues_values[i])/len(issues_values[i])) issues_values_ = [issue_value/avg for issue_value in issues_values[i]] candidates = [(j,offer,val) for (j,offer,val) in zip(range(len(issues_offered_)), issues_offered_, issues_values_) if (offer >= 1 and val >= 1)] if len(candidates) == 0: if weight_ >= 1: value_id = np.argmax(issues_values_) # select best for my agent else: value_id = np.argmax(issues_offered_) # select best for opponent elif len(candidates) == 1: value_id = candidates[0][0] # select best for both my agent and opponent else: values_ids, offers, values = zip(*candidates) if weight_ >= 1: id = np.argmax(values) # select best for my agent else: id = np.argmax(offers) # select best for opponent value_id = values_ids[id] vec.append(value_id) bid = self.bid_dict[tuple(vec)] return bid def findNextBid(self): ''' @return The next bid to offer ''' all_bids = AllBidsList(self.domain) bestBidEvaluation = 0 nextBid = None for _ in range(500): domain_size = all_bids.size() id = np.random.randint(domain_size) bid = all_bids.get(id) bid_utility = float(self._profileint.getProfile().getUtility(bid)) if bid_utility >= bestBidEvaluation: nextBid = bid bestBidEvaluation = bid_utility return nextBid