This is the homepage of the Genius2 run server implementation (the code, planned work, known issues). The Genius2 main page is [ here]. The run server can run sessions and tournaments as specified. == Installation == * Install your apache-tomcat 8 installation ​ You can re-use an existing installation. * Download the runserver war file from [ the artifactory]. Go into the latest version of the runserver and download (right click) the war file. NOTICE: your browser must have cookies enabled to access the artifactory. * Copy the downloaded war file into the tomcat webapps directory * (Re)start tomcat After (re)starting tomcat your local profilesserver should be up and running. After installing and starting, go to ​http://localhost:8080/runserver to see if it works. == Running a Session To run a session using the new-session GUI : * Go to ​http://localhost:8080/runserver and click on "new session". * enter a valid profilesserver URL in the domain/profile server field * enter a valid partiesserver URL in the parties server field * Inside the Participants area, select the party and profile for the first party and click add * Repeat that until all parties have been added. * Press the "Start Session" button. [[Image(]] At this moment there are two ways to check the progress on the running session * Check the output of the tomcat web server (eg in catalina.out) * Check the log files written by the protocol. == The source code You can read the source code through the "Browse source" button at the top of this page. You can check out the source code through svn with {{{ svn checkout }}}