Changes between Version 87 and Version 88 of WikiStart

07/16/20 16:50:21 (5 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v87 v88  
    101101[[Image(tourtable.png, 80%)]]
     103== Using hard coded profiles
     104As mentioned on [ the profilesserver wiki page] you can easily generate a partial profile out of an existing utilityspace. A big advantage of this is that [#Visualizingresultsinolderlogfiles the result plotters] can hack out the filter and use the utilityspace that the profile was generated from to show "hypothetical" utility values. However there are reasons not to do this, for example
     105* A party getting the URL can easily hack out the filter option to gain access to the utilityspace
     106* Every time a websocket is created to the URL, a new, different filtered profile is generated. This may not fit the use case.
     108Of course, profiles can also be written by hand to avoid this. However if that is done, [#Visualizingresultsinolderlogfiles the result plotters] can not apply this convenient trick anymore.
     110If you want a hard fixed profile but keep the trick used by  the results plotters to remain working, an easy hack can be applied:
     111 * create the utilityspaces that reflect your idealized/hypothetical  profile to be used by the result plotters
     112 * [Download filtered profiles programmatically] or write them by hand and store these on the server under a hashed name preventing recovery of the utilityspace name.
     113 * run the parties with these hashed profiles
     114 * after the run completes, manually edit the log files, replacing the hashed profilename with the original utilityapsce name. Make sure you make a backup of the log file, in case you screw up the replace.
     115 * view the modified log file using the [#Visualizingresultsinolderlogfiles existing-log viewer]
    104119== Visualizing results in older log files