1 | from datetime import datetime, timedelta
2 | import time
3 | import unittest
4 | from unittest.mock import Mock
5 |
6 | from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listener import Listener
7 | from tudelft.utilities.repository.NoResourcesNowException import NoResourcesNowException
8 | from tudelft_utilities_logging.ReportToLogger import ReportToLogger
9 | from uri.uri import URI
10 |
11 | from geniusweb.actions.Accept import Accept
12 | from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action
13 | from geniusweb.actions.EndNegotiation import EndNegotiation
14 | from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer
15 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
16 | from geniusweb.deadline.Deadline import Deadline
17 | from geniusweb.deadline.DeadlineTime import DeadlineTime
18 | from geniusweb.events.CurrentState import CurrentState
19 | from geniusweb.inform.ActionDone import ActionDone
20 | from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements
21 | from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished
22 | from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform
23 | from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings
24 | from geniusweb.inform.YourTurn import YourTurn
25 | from geniusweb.progress.Progress import Progress
26 | from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException
27 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConn import ProtocolToPartyConn
28 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory import ProtocolToPartyConnFactory
29 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnections import ProtocolToPartyConnections
30 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.TeamInfo import TeamInfo
31 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.saop.SAOP import SAOP
32 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.saop.SAOPSettings import SAOPSettings
33 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.saop.SAOPState import SAOPState
34 | from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters
35 | from geniusweb.references.PartyRef import PartyRef
36 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithParameters import PartyWithParameters
37 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
38 | from geniusweb.references.ProfileRef import ProfileRef
39 | from geniusweb.references.ProtocolRef import ProtocolRef
40 |
41 |
42 | class SAOPTest(unittest.TestCase):
43 | '''
44 | This test tests inner workings of the SAOP protocol, AKA 'white box' testing.
45 | This adds brittleness to this test, because these internal workings may be
46 | modified as long as the public API remains working. This approach was
47 | necessary because fully testing the public API directly would lead to
48 | excessive amounts of Mocking and unfocused tests. (with "focused test" we
49 | mean that a junit test should test a small part of the code and thus aid in
50 | locating the actual issue).
51 | '''
52 | PARTY2ID = PartyId("party2")
53 | PARTY1ID = PartyId("party1")
54 | parameters = Parameters()
55 | SAOPPROTOCOL = ProtocolRef(URI("SAOP"))
56 |
57 | NOW = 1000
58 | DEADLINE =1000
59 | party1ref = PartyRef(URI("party1"))
60 | party2ref = PartyRef(URI("party2"))
61 | partywithparam1 = PartyWithParameters(party1ref, parameters)
62 | partywithparam2 = PartyWithParameters(party2ref, parameters)
63 |
64 |
65 | def setUp(self):
66 | self.state = Mock(SAOPState)
67 | self.connectedstate = Mock(SAOPState)
68 | self.failstate = Mock(SAOPState)
69 | self.finalstate = Mock(SAOPState)
70 |
71 | self.settings = Mock(SAOPSettings)
72 | self.team1 = Mock(TeamInfo)
73 | self.team2 = Mock(TeamInfo)
74 | self.conn1 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConn)
75 | self.conn2 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConn);
76 | self.progress = Mock(Progress)
77 | self.testlistener = Mock(Listener)
78 |
79 | self.deadlinetime = Mock(DeadlineTime)
80 |
81 |
82 | self.profile1 = Mock(ProfileRef)
83 | self.profile2 = Mock(ProfileRef)
84 |
85 | pwp1 = PartyWithProfile(self.partywithparam1, self.profile1);
86 | pwp2 = PartyWithProfile(self.partywithparam2, self.profile2);
87 | self.team1.getParties=Mock(return_value=[pwp1])
88 | self.team2.getParties=Mock(return_value=[pwp2])
89 |
90 | partyprofiles = {}
91 | partyprofiles[self.PARTY1ID]= self.team1
92 | partyprofiles[self.PARTY2ID]= self.team2
93 |
94 |
95 | self.pwpmap = {}
96 | self.pwpmap[self.PARTY1ID]=pwp1
97 | self.pwpmap[self.PARTY2ID]=pwp2
98 | self.deadlinetime.getDuration=Mock(return_value=self.DEADLINE)
99 |
100 | teams = []
101 | teams.append(self.team1);
102 | teams.append(self.team2);
103 | self.settings.getTeams=Mock(return_value=teams)
104 | self.settings.getAllParties=Mock(return_value=[pwp1, pwp2])
105 | self.settings.getDeadline=Mock(return_value=self.deadlinetime)
106 |
107 | self.factory = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConnFactory)
108 | # connections = Mock(List);
109 | connections = [self.conn1, self.conn2]
110 | self.factory.connectAll=Mock(return_value=connections)
111 |
112 | # hack the state.with(connection) stuff simplistically
113 |
114 | self.conn1.getParty=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY1ID)
115 | self.conn2.getParty=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY2ID)
116 |
117 | self.MockState(self.connectedstate, "connected state", True)
118 | self.MockState(self.state, "running state",True);
119 |
120 | self.MockState(self.finalstate, "final state",True);
121 | self.finalstate.isFinal=Mock(return_value=True)
122 | self.MockState(self.failstate, "fail state", True);
123 | self.failstate.isFinal=Mock(return_value=True)
124 |
125 | self.connectionswithparties = ProtocolToPartyConnections([self.conn1, self.conn2])
126 |
127 | # HACK thenReturn twice, so that 2nd call to iterator() returns new
128 | # iterator instead of the old one
129 | profilesmap = {}
130 | profilesmap[self.PARTY1ID]= pwp1
131 | profilesmap[self.PARTY2ID]= pwp2
132 | self.state.getPartyProfiles=Mock(return_value=profilesmap)
133 |
134 | self.saop = SAOP(self.state, ReportToLogger("test"),
135 | self.connectionswithparties)
136 | self.saop.addListener(self.testlistener)
137 |
138 |
139 | def MockState(self, state:SAOPState , asText:str, isConnected:bool ) :
140 | '''
141 | All states are more or less the same, but are slightly modified
142 |
143 | @param state the state to Mock (must be already
144 | @param asText short name for the state, for debugging
145 | @param bool true if parties are connected
146 | '''
147 | state.getSettings=Mock(return_value=self.settings) #type:ignore
148 | if isConnected:
149 | state.getConnections=Mock(return_value=[self.PARTY1ID, self.PARTY2ID]) #type:ignore
150 | else:
151 | state.getConnections=Mock(return_value=[]) #type:ignore
152 | # when(state.getConnections()).thenReturn(connectionswithparties);
153 |
154 | state.getProgress=Mock(return_value=self.progress) #type:ignore
155 | state.WithParty=Mock(return_value=self.connectedstate) #type:ignore
156 | state._getNextActor=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY1ID) #type:ignore
157 | state.WithAction= Mock(side_effect=lambda pid, act: #type:ignore
158 | self.finalstate if isinstance(act, EndNegotiation) else\
159 | state )
160 |
161 | state.WithProgress=Mock(return_value=state) #type:ignore
162 | state.__repr__=Mock(return_value=asText) #type:ignore
163 | state.WithException=Mock(return_value=self.failstate) #type:ignore
164 | state.getAgreements=Mock(return_value=Agreements()) #type:ignore
165 |
166 | #explicit default. This differs from Java, where default bools to false
167 | state.isFinal=Mock(return_value=False) #type:ignore
168 | state.getPartyProfiles = Mock(return_value=self.pwpmap) #type:ignore
169 |
170 | def testConstructor(self):
171 | state1 = Mock(SAOPState)
172 | dl = Mock(Deadline)
173 | set = Mock(SAOPSettings)
174 | state1.getSettings=Mock(return_value=set)
175 | set.getDeadline=Mock(return_value=dl)
176 | dl.getDuration=Mock(return_value=1000)
177 | SAOP(state1, ReportToLogger("test"), self.connectionswithparties)
178 | self.assertEqual([], self.state.WithException.call_args_list)
179 | self.assertEqual([], self. testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list)
180 |
181 |
182 | def testConnect(self):
183 | self.saop._connect(self.factory)
184 |
185 | self.assertEqual(self.connectedstate, self.saop.getState())
186 | self.assertEqual([], self.state.WithException.call_args_list)
187 | self.assertEqual([], self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list)
188 |
189 |
190 | def testConnectFailingConnection(self):
191 | # override the factory connect to throw IOException. This exception
192 | # should boil up and cause the connect to fail.
193 | def __raise(refs):
194 | raise ConnectionError("Refusing connection")
195 | self.factory.connectAll=Mock(side_effect=__raise)
196 | this=self
197 | self.assertRaises(ConnectionError, lambda:this.saop._connect(this.factory))
198 | # following was never reached?
199 | #verify(state, times(0)).with(any(ProtocolException));
200 | #verify(testlistener, times(0)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState));
201 |
202 | def testConnectRetry(self):
203 | # override the factory connect to throw NoResourcesNowException and
204 | # then succeed 2nd time.
205 | this=self
206 |
207 | firsttime=True
208 | def __throwsThenSucceeds():
209 | if firsttime:
210 | firsttime=False
211 | raise NoResourcesNowException("Refusing connection",\
212 | datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=0.5))
213 | return this.connections
214 | self.factory.connect=Mock(side_effect=__throwsThenSucceeds)
215 |
216 | self.saop._connect(self.factory)
217 |
218 | self.assertEqual(self.connectedstate, self.saop.getState())
219 | #verify(state, times(0)).with(any(ProtocolException));
220 | self.assertEqual([], [e \
221 | for e in self.state.WithException.call_args_list\
222 | if not isinstance( e,ProtocolException)])
223 | self.assertEqual([],self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list)
224 |
225 | def testSetup(self) :
226 | self.saop._setupParties()
227 |
228 | # were the connections attached properly?
229 | self.assertEqual(1, len(self.conn1.addListener.call_args_list))
230 | self.assertEqual(1, len(self.conn2.addListener.call_args_list))
231 |
232 | # were the settings send to each party?
233 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list \
234 | if isinstance(call[0][0],Settings)]))
235 | self.assertEqual(
236 | Settings(self.PARTY1ID, self.profile1, self.SAOPPROTOCOL, self.progress, self.parameters),
237 | self.conn1.send.call_args_list[0][0][0])
238 |
239 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn2.send.call_args_list \
240 | if isinstance(call[0][0],Settings)]))
241 | self.assertEqual(
242 | Settings(self.PARTY2ID, self.profile2, self.SAOPPROTOCOL, self.progress, self.parameters),
243 | self.conn2.send.call_args_list[0][0][0])
244 |
245 | self.assertEqual([], self.state.WithException.call_args_list)
246 | self.assertEqual([], [v for v in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list if isinstance(v, CurrentState)])
247 |
248 |
249 | def testActionRequestWrongActor(self):
250 | self.saop._actionRequest(self.conn2, Mock(EndNegotiation))
251 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.state.WithException.call_args_list\
252 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ProtocolException) ]))
253 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
254 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState)]))
255 |
256 | def testActionRequest(self):
257 | self.saop._nextTurn()
258 |
259 | self.state._getNextActor=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY1ID)
260 | self.state.withAction = Mock(return_value=self.finalstate)
261 |
262 | self.saop._actionRequest(self.conn1, Mock(EndNegotiation))
263 |
264 | self.assertEqual([] , [call for call in self.state.WithException.call_args_list
265 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ProtocolException)])
266 | #verify(state, times(1)).with(eq(PARTY1ID), any(EndNegotiation));
267 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.state.WithAction.call_args_list
268 | if call[0][0]==self.PARTY1ID and\
269 | isinstance(call[0][1], EndNegotiation)]))
270 | # verify broadcast
271 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
272 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ActionDone)]))
273 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn2.send.call_args_list
274 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ActionDone)]))
275 |
276 | # state.getNextActor() is frozen to PARTY1 by our Mocking
277 | #verify(conn1, times(1)).send(isA(YourTurn));
278 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
279 | if isinstance(call[0][0], YourTurn)]))
280 | #verify(conn2, times(0)).send(isA(YourTurn));
281 | self.assertEqual(0, len([call for call in self.conn2.send.call_args_list
282 | if isinstance(call[0][0], YourTurn)]))
283 | #listener should be informed about final state.
284 | #verify(testlistener, times(0)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState));
285 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
286 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState)]))
287 |
288 | def testFinalActionRequest(self):
289 | this=self
290 | #FIXME double mock??
291 | #self.state.getNextActor=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY1ID)
292 | def __nextstate(pid:PartyId, act:Action):
293 | if isinstance(act, EndNegotiation):
294 | return this.finalstate
295 |
296 | self.state.withAction=Mock(side_effect=__nextstate)
297 | # when(finalstate.getAgreements()).thenReturn(Mock(Agreements));
298 |
299 | self.saop._nextTurn() # ensure we send YourTurn to party1.
300 | self.saop._actionRequest(self.conn1, Mock(EndNegotiation))
301 |
302 | #verify(state, times(0)).with(any(ProtocolException));
303 | self.assertEqual([], [call for call in self.state.WithException.call_args_list
304 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ProtocolException) ])
305 | #verify(state, times(1)).with(eq(PARTY1ID), any(EndNegotiation));
306 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.state.WithAction.call_args_list\
307 | if isinstance(call[0][1], EndNegotiation)]))
308 |
309 | # verify broadcast
310 | #erify(conn1, times(1)).send(isA(Finished));
311 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
312 | if isinstance(call[0][0], Finished)]))
313 |
314 | #verify(conn2, times(1)).send(isA(Finished));
315 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn2.send.call_args_list
316 | if isinstance(call[0][0], Finished)]))
317 |
318 | #verify(testlistener, times(1)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState));
319 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
320 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState)]))
321 |
322 | #verify(conn1, times(1)).send(isA(YourTurn));
323 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
324 | if isinstance(call[0][0], YourTurn)]))
325 | #verify(conn2, times(0)).send(isA(YourTurn));
326 | self.assertEqual( [] , [call for call in self.conn2.send.call_args_list
327 | if isinstance(call[0][0], YourTurn)])
328 |
329 | def testStart(self):
330 | self.saop.start(self.factory)
331 |
332 | def testActionFailNextYourturn(self):
333 | this=self
334 | def __throwExc(inf:Inform):
335 | if isinstance(inf, YourTurn):
336 | raise ConnectionError("fail sending yourturn")
337 | self.conn1.send=Mock(side_effect=__throwExc)
338 | # CHECK is the state really final after an exception?
339 | self.state.WithException=Mock(return_value=this.finalstate)
340 | # when(state.getAgreements()).thenReturn(Mock(Agreements));
341 | self.saop._actionRequest(self.conn1, Mock(Accept))
342 |
343 |
344 | #verify(state, times(1)).with(any(ProtocolException));
345 | self.assertEqual( 1, len([call for call in self.state.WithException.call_args_list
346 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ProtocolException) ]))
347 | #verify(testlistener, times(1)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState));
348 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
349 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState)]))
350 |
351 | def testActionNotTheTurn(self) :
352 | def __throwExc(inf:Inform):
353 | if isinstance(inf, YourTurn):
354 | raise ConnectionError("fail sending yourturn")
355 | self.conn1.send=Mock(side_effect=__throwExc)
356 |
357 | # when(failstate.getAgreements()).thenReturn(Mock(Agreements));
358 | # not turn of conn2.
359 | self.saop._actionRequest(self.conn2, Mock(EndNegotiation))
360 |
361 | #verify(state, times(1)).with(any(ProtocolException));
362 | self.assertEqual( 1, len([call for call in self.state.WithException.call_args_list
363 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ProtocolException) ]))
364 | #verify(testlistener, times(1)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState));
365 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
366 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState)]))
367 |
368 |
369 | def testActionInFinalState(self):
370 | saop = SAOP(self.finalstate, ReportToLogger("test"),
371 | self.connectionswithparties);
372 | # when(finalstate.getAgreements()).thenReturn(Mock(Agreements));
373 |
374 | saop._actionRequest(self.conn1, Mock(Offer))
375 |
376 | #verify(finalstate, times(0)).with(any(ProtocolException));
377 | self.assertEqual( [], [call for call in self.state.WithException.call_args_list
378 | if isinstance(call[0][0], ProtocolException) ])
379 | #verify(testlistener, times(0)).notifyChange(any());
380 | self.assertEqual([], self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list)
381 |
382 | def testDescription(self):
383 | self.assertNotEquals(None,self.saop.getDescription())
384 |
385 | def testAddParticipant(self):
386 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:self.saop.addParticipant(None))
387 |
388 | def testDeadlineTimer(self):
389 | unconnectedstate = Mock(SAOPState)
390 | self.MockState(unconnectedstate, "unconnected state", False)
391 | saopempty = SAOP(unconnectedstate, ReportToLogger("test"),
392 | ProtocolToPartyConnections([]))
393 | saopempty.addListener(self.testlistener)
394 |
395 | saopempty.start(self.factory);
396 | # verify(testlistener, times(0)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState.class));
397 | self.assertEqual([], [call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
398 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState) ])
399 |
400 | #verify(conn1, times(1)).send(isA(YourTurn.class));
401 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
402 | if isinstance(call[0][0], YourTurn)]))
403 | time.sleep( (self.DEADLINE + SAOP._TIME_MARGIN + 100)/1000.)
404 | #verify(testlistener, times(1)).notifyChange(any(CurrentState.class));
405 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.testlistener.notifyChange.call_args_list
406 | if isinstance(call[0][0], CurrentState)]))
407 | #verify(conn1, times(1)).send(isA(Finished.class));
408 | self.assertEqual(1, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
409 | if isinstance(call[0][0], Finished)]))
410 |
411 |