1 | from datetime import datetime
2 | import json
3 | import time
4 | import unittest
5 | from unittest.mock import Mock
6 |
7 | from pyson.ObjectMapper import ObjectMapper
8 | from tudelft.utilities.repository.NoResourcesNowException import NoResourcesNowException
9 | from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter
10 |
11 | from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer
12 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
13 | from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform
14 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConn import ProtocolToPartyConn
15 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory import ProtocolToPartyConnFactory
16 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.MOPAC import MOPAC
17 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.MOPACSettings import MOPACSettings
18 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.MOPACState import MOPACState
19 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.PartyStates import PartyStates
20 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.phase.OfferPhase import OfferPhase
21 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.phase.VotingPhase import VotingPhase
22 |
23 |
24 | class MOPACTest(unittest.TestCase):
25 |
26 | jackson = ObjectMapper()
27 |
28 | PARTY1ID = PartyId("party1")
29 | PARTY2ID = PartyId("party2")
30 | PARTY3ID = PartyId("party3")
31 |
32 | # don't try to mock settings, all parts are needed and mocking
33 | # makes the test unreadable.
34 | setstr = "{\"MOPACSettings\":{\"participants\":[" +\
35 | "{\"TeamInfo\":{\"parties\":[{\"party\":{\"partyref\":\"http://party1\",\"parameters\":{}},\"profile\":\"http://profile1\"}]}}," +\
36 | "{\"TeamInfo\":{\"parties\":[{\"party\":{\"partyref\":\"http://party2\",\"parameters\":{}},\"profile\":\"http://profile2\"}]}}," +\
37 | "{\"TeamInfo\":{\"parties\":[{\"party\":{\"partyref\":\"http://party3\",\"parameters\":{}},\"profile\":\"http://profile3\"}]}}]," +\
38 | "\"deadline\":{\"DeadlineTime\":{\"durationms\":100}},\"votingevaluator\":{\"LargestAgreement\":{}}}}"
39 |
40 |
41 | logger = Mock(Reporter)
42 |
43 | factory = Mock( ProtocolToPartyConnFactory)
44 |
45 |
46 | def setUp(self):
47 | self.conn1 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConn)
48 | self.conn2 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConn)
49 | self.conn3 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConn)
50 |
51 | self.settings = self.jackson.parse(json.loads(self.setstr), MOPACSettings)
52 | self.mopac = self.settings.getProtocol(self.logger)
53 |
54 | self.connections = [self.conn1, self.conn2, self.conn3]
55 | self.factory.connectAll=Mock(return_value=self.connections)
56 |
57 | # hack the state.with(connection) stuff simplistically
58 |
59 | self.conn1.getParty=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY1ID)
60 | self.conn2.getParty=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY2ID)
61 | self.conn3.getParty=Mock(return_value=self.PARTY3ID)
62 |
63 | def testSmoke(self):
64 | pass
65 |
66 | def testGetDescr(self):
67 | self.assertNotEqual(None, self.mopac.getDescription())
68 |
69 | def testInitialState(self):
70 | state = self.mopac.getState()
71 | self.assertEqual(self.settings, state.getSettings())
72 | self.assertEqual(0, len(state.getActions()))
73 |
74 | def testProtocol(self):
75 | self.assertEquals("MOPAC", str(self.mopac.getRef().getURI().getPath()))
76 |
77 | def testWorkingCheckDeadline(self):
78 | self.mopac.start(self.factory)
79 |
80 | self.assertFalse(self.mopac.getState().isFinal(time.time()*1000))
81 | # we have deadline in 100ms so check
82 | time.sleep(200/1000)
83 | self.assertTrue(self.mopac.getState().isFinal(time.time()*1000))
84 |
85 | def testSubscribedToConnections(self):
86 | self.mopac.start(self.factory)
87 |
88 | self.assertEquals(1, self.conn1.addListener.call_count)
89 | self.assertEquals(1, self.conn2.addListener.call_count)
90 | self.assertEquals(1, self.conn3.addListener.call_count)
91 |
92 |
93 | def testActionIsBroadcast(self):
94 | self.mopac.start(self.factory)
95 | offer = Mock(Offer)
96 | self.mopac._actionRequest(self.conn1, offer, 1)
97 |
98 | # 1 time for YourTurn, one time for ActionDone.
99 | # but filtering ActionDone here (instead of Action) does not work,
100 | # maybe bug in Mockito?
101 |
102 | self.assertEqual( 2, len([call for call in self.conn1.send.call_args_list
103 | if isinstance(call[0][0], Inform)]))
104 |
105 |
106 | #@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
107 | def testPartyFailsConnect(self):
108 | '''
109 | Fatal error occurs, run should fail
110 | '''
111 | factory1 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConnFactory)
112 | # irrecoverable fail test
113 | def doExc(conn):
114 | raise ConnectionError("Failed to connect to parties")
115 |
116 | factory1.connectAll.side_effect=doExc
117 |
118 | self.assertRaises(ConnectionError, lambda:self.mopac.start(factory1))
119 |
120 |
121 | callnr=0
122 |
123 | def testPartyFailsConnect2ndtimeOK(self):
124 | '''
125 | Nonfatal error occurs, protocol should retry till success
126 | '''
127 | now = time.time()*1000
128 | factory1 = Mock(ProtocolToPartyConnFactory)
129 | # recoverable fail, and then success.
130 |
131 | this=self
132 | def doExcThenOk(con):
133 | if this.callnr==0:
134 | this.callnr=1
135 | raise NoResourcesNowException("try again later",
136 | datetime.fromtimestamp((now + 100)/1000.))
137 | return this.connections
138 |
139 | factory1.connectAll.side_effect=doExcThenOk
140 |
141 | self.mopac.start(factory1)
142 |
143 | def testProceedsNextPhase(self):
144 | '''
145 | Test that in Offer phase, and party does action, the next phase is
146 | entered.
147 | '''
148 | # the state before the last party makes the offer
149 | offerstate = Mock(MOPACState)
150 | offerstate.getSettings=Mock(return_value=self.settings)
151 | offerphase = Mock(OfferPhase)
152 | offerphase.isFinal=Mock(return_value=False)
153 | offerstate.getPhase=Mock(return_value=offerphase)
154 | offerstate.__repr__=Mock(return_value="offerstate")
155 |
156 | # the phase where all parties placed an offer
157 | finalofferphase = Mock(OfferPhase)
158 | finalofferphase.isFinal=Mock(return_value=True)
159 | finalofferstate = Mock(MOPACState)
160 | finalofferstate.getPhase=Mock(return_value=finalofferphase)
161 | finalofferstate.finishPhase=Mock(return_value=finalofferstate)
162 | finalofferstate.__repr__=Mock(return_value="finalofferstate")
163 |
164 | #ADD
165 | finalofferstate.isFinal = Mock(return_value=False)
166 |
167 | offerstate.WithAction=Mock(return_value=finalofferstate)
168 |
169 | # the phase where all parties can start voting.
170 | # this is the state to be reached.
171 | now = time.time()*1000
172 | votingstate = Mock(MOPACState)
173 | votingphase = Mock(VotingPhase)
174 | votingpartystates = Mock(PartyStates)
175 | votingpartystates.getNotYetActed=Mock(return_value=set())
176 | votingphase.getDeadline=Mock(return_value=now + 100)
177 | votingphase.getPartyStates=Mock(return_value=votingpartystates)
178 | votingstate.getPhase=Mock(return_value=votingphase)
179 | votingstate.__repr__=Mock(return_value="voringstate")
180 |
181 | finalofferstate.nextPhase=Mock(return_value=votingstate)
182 |
183 | mopac = MOPAC(offerstate, self.logger)
184 | action = Mock(Offer)
185 | mopac._actionRequest(self.conn3, action, now)
186 |
187 | # check that the action result in reaching the voting phase
188 | self.assertEqual(votingstate, mopac.getState())
189 |