1 | import json
2 | from typing import List
3 | import unittest
4 | from unittest.mock import Mock
5 |
6 | from pyson.ObjectMapper import ObjectMapper
7 | from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter
8 | from unitpy.GeneralTests import GeneralTests
9 | from uri.uri import URI
10 |
11 | from geniusweb.deadline.DeadlineRounds import DeadlineRounds
12 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionSettings import SessionSettings
13 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.TeamInfo import TeamInfo
14 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.learn.LearnSettings import LearnSettings
15 | from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters
16 | from geniusweb.references.PartyRef import PartyRef
17 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithParameters import PartyWithParameters
18 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
19 | from geniusweb.references.ProfileRef import ProfileRef
20 |
21 |
22 | class LearnSettingsTest (unittest.TestCase, GeneralTests[LearnSettings]):
23 | jackson = ObjectMapper()
24 |
25 | serialized = "{\"LearnSettings\":{\"participants\":[{\"TeamInfo\":{\"parties\":[{\"party\":{\"partyref\":\"party1\",\"parameters\":{\"persistentstate\":\"6bb5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391074\",\"negotiationdata\":[\"12b5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391012\"]}},\"profile\":\"http://prof1\"}]}}],\"deadline\":{\"DeadlineRounds\":{\"rounds\":10,\"durationms\":10000}}}}"
26 |
27 | def setUp(self):
28 | self.params = Parameters()
29 | self.params = self.params.With("persistentstate",
30 | "6bb5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391074")
31 | self.params = self.params.With("negotiationdata",
32 | ["12b5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391012"])
33 |
34 | # define participants
35 | self.participants = self.createTeam(self.params, 1)
36 |
37 | # participants2
38 | # ProfileRef profile2 = new ProfileRef("http://prof2");
39 | # PartyWithProfile partywithp2 = new PartyWithProfile(party1, profile2);
40 | # List<PartyWithProfile> team2pp = Arrays.asList(partywithp2);
41 | # TeamInfo team2 = new TeamInfo(team2pp);
42 | self.participants2 = self.createTeam(self.params, 2)
43 |
44 | self.deadline = DeadlineRounds(10, 10000)
45 | self.deadline2 = DeadlineRounds(20, 10000)
46 |
47 | self.settings1 = LearnSettings(self.participants, self.deadline)
48 | self.settings1a = LearnSettings(self.participants, self.deadline)
49 | self.settings2 = LearnSettings(self.participants2, self.deadline)
50 | self.settings3 = LearnSettings(self.participants, self.deadline2)
51 |
52 |
53 | def createTeam(self, params:Parameters, partynr:int) -> List[TeamInfo] :
54 | '''
55 | @param params the parameters for the party
56 | @param partynr the serialnr for the party, eg 1 or 2.
57 | @return a List of TeamInfo with just 1 team.
58 | '''
59 | party1ref = PartyRef(URI("party" + str(partynr)))
60 | party1 = PartyWithParameters(party1ref, params)
61 | profile1 = ProfileRef(URI("http://prof" + str(partynr)))
62 | partywithp1 = PartyWithProfile(party1, profile1)
63 | team1pp = [partywithp1]
64 | team1 = TeamInfo(team1pp)
65 | return [team1]
66 |
67 | def getGeneralTestData(self) ->List[List[LearnSettings]]:
68 | return [[self.settings1, self.settings1a],[self.settings2], [self.settings3]]
69 |
70 | def getGeneralTestStrings(self)->List[str]:
71 | return [
72 | "LearnSettings.TeamInfo.*PartyWithProfile.*PartyRef.*party1.*persistentstate=6b.*, negotiationdata=\\[12.*..*ProfileRef.*prof1.*,DeadlineRounds.*10,10000.*",
73 | "LearnSettings.TeamInfo.*PartyWithProfile.*PartyRef.*party2.*persistentstate=6b.*, negotiationdata=\\[12.*..*ProfileRef.*prof2.*,DeadlineRounds.*10,10000.*",
74 | "LearnSettings.TeamInfo.*PartyWithProfile.*PartyRef.*party1.*persistentstate=6b.*, negotiationdata=\\[12.*..*ProfileRef.*prof1.*,DeadlineRounds.*20,10000.*"]
75 |
76 | def testNullParticipants(self):
77 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:LearnSettings(None, self.deadline))
78 |
79 | def testNullDeadline(self):
80 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:LearnSettings(self.participants, None))
81 |
82 | def testgetMaxRuntimeTest(self):
83 | self.assertEqual(10, self.settings1.getMaxRunTime(), 0.00000001)
84 |
85 | def testgetProtocolTest(self):
86 | # this will throw if not Learn protocol or another problem.
87 | protocol = self.settings1.getProtocol(Mock(Reporter))
88 |
89 |
90 | def testbadPersistentTest(self):
91 | # hack. #1933.
92 | newparams = self.params.With("persistentstate",
93 | "\"notproperUUID\"")
94 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
95 |
96 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:LearnSettings(participants, self.deadline))
97 |
98 | def testpersistentNotStringTest(self):
99 | newparams = self.params.With("persistentstate", 32)
100 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
101 |
102 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: LearnSettings(participants, self.deadline))
103 |
104 | def testpersistentWithoutQuotesTest(self) :
105 | newparams = self.params.With("persistentstate",
106 | "6bb5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391074")
107 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
108 |
109 | LearnSettings(participants, self.deadline)
110 |
111 | def testpersistentExtraQuoteTest(self) :
112 | newparams = self.params.With("persistentstate",
113 | "\"6bb5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391074\"")
114 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
115 |
116 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:LearnSettings(participants, self.deadline))
117 |
118 | def testnegotiationDataNotList(self):
119 | newparams = self.params.With("negotiationdata",
120 | "\"12b5f909-0079-43ac-a8ac-a31794391012\"")
121 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
122 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:LearnSettings(participants, self.deadline))
123 |
124 | def testnegotiationDataBadContents(self):
125 | newparams = self.params.With("negotiationdata", "\"bad\"")
126 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
127 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: LearnSettings(participants, self.deadline))
128 |
129 | def testnegotiationDataNotString(self):
130 | newparams = self.params.With("negotiationdata", 12)
131 | participants = self.createTeam(newparams, 1)
132 | self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda:LearnSettings(participants,self.deadline))
133 |
134 | def testgetTeamsTest(self):
135 | self.assertEqual(self.participants, self.settings1.getTeams())
136 | self.assertEqual(1, self.settings1.getTeamSize())
137 |
138 | def testgetDeadlineTest(self):
139 | self.assertEqual(self.deadline, self.settings1.getDeadline())
140 |
141 | def testwithTeamTest(self):
142 | newset = self.settings1.With(self.participants2[0])
143 | self.assertEqual(2, len(newset.getTeams()))
144 |
145 | def testDeserialize(self) :
146 | obj = self.jackson.parse(json.loads(self.serialized), SessionSettings)
147 | print(obj)
148 | self.assertEqual(self.settings1, obj)
149 |
150 | def testSerialize(self):
151 | jsonobj = self.jackson.toJson(self.settings1);
152 | print(jsonobj)
153 | self.assertEqual(json.loads(self.serialized), jsonobj)
154 |