1 | from decimal import Decimal
2 | from typing import Dict, List
3 | import unittest
4 | from unittest.mock import Mock
5 |
6 | from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.Range import Range
7 |
8 | from geniusweb.bidspace.pareto.GenericPareto import GenericPareto
9 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid
10 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.DiscreteValue import DiscreteValue
11 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.DiscreteValueSet import DiscreteValueSet
12 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain
13 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.NumberValue import NumberValue
14 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.NumberValueSet import NumberValueSet
15 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value
16 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.ValueSet import ValueSet
17 | from geniusweb.profile.PartialOrdering import PartialOrdering
18 |
19 |
20 | class GenericParetoTest(unittest.TestCase):
21 | I1V2 = DiscreteValue("i1v2")
22 | I1V1 = DiscreteValue("i1v1")
23 | I2V1 = NumberValue(Decimal("2.00"))
24 | I2V2 = NumberValue(Decimal("2.45"))
25 | I2V3 = NumberValue(Decimal("2.90"))
26 | DOMAINNAME = "testdomain"
27 | ISSUE1 = "issue1"
28 | ISSUE2 = "issue2"
29 | issues:Dict[str, ValueSet] = {}
30 |
31 | def setUp(self):
32 | discretevalues1 = []
33 | discretevalues1.append(self.I1V1)
34 | discretevalues1.append(self.I1V2)
35 | values1 = DiscreteValueSet(discretevalues1)
36 | self.issues[self.ISSUE1] = values1
37 |
38 | values2 = NumberValueSet(Range(Decimal(2), Decimal(3), Decimal("0.45")))
39 | self.issues[self.ISSUE2] = values2
40 |
41 | self.domain = Domain(self.DOMAINNAME, self.issues)
42 |
43 | issuevalues:Dict[str, Value] = {}
44 | issuevalues[self.ISSUE1] = self.I1V1
45 | issuevalues[self.ISSUE2] = self.I2V1
46 | self.bid1 = Bid(issuevalues)
47 | issuevalues[self.ISSUE1] = self.I1V1
48 | issuevalues[self.ISSUE2] = self.I2V2
49 | self.bid2 = Bid(issuevalues)
50 | issuevalues[self.ISSUE1] = self.I1V2
51 | issuevalues[self.ISSUE2] = self.I2V1
52 | self.bid3 = Bid(issuevalues)
53 |
54 | self.profile1 = Mock(PartialOrdering)
55 | self.profile2 = Mock(PartialOrdering)
56 | self.profile3 = Mock(PartialOrdering)
57 | self.profile1.getDomain = Mock(return_value=self.domain)
58 | self.profile2.getDomain = Mock(return_value=self.domain)
59 | self.profile3.getDomain = Mock(return_value=self.domain)
60 |
61 | self.pareto = GenericPareto([self.profile1, self.profile2])
62 |
63 | def testgenericParetoTest(self):
64 |
65 | # fefault: there is no preference at all, all isPreferredOrEqual
66 | # returns false and we can't remove pareto points.
67 |
68 | profiles:List[PartialOrdering] = [self.profile1, self.profile2]
69 | # In python we need to set also False values
70 | self.profile1.isPreferredOrEqual = Mock(return_value=False)
71 | self.profile2.isPreferredOrEqual = Mock(return_value=False)
72 | pareto = GenericPareto(profiles)
73 |
74 | points = pareto.getPoints()
75 | self.assertEqual(6, len(points))
76 |
77 | def testgenericParetoTest1(self):
78 |
79 | # both prefer bid1 over any other bid.
80 | self.profile1.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
81 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid1
82 | self.profile2.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
83 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid1
84 |
85 | points = self.pareto.getPoints()
86 | self.assertEqual(1, len(points))
87 | self.assertEqual(self.bid1, next(iter(points)))
88 |
89 | def testgenericParetoTest2(self):
90 |
91 | # both prefer bid2 over any other bid.
92 | self.profile1.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
93 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid2
94 | self.profile2.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
95 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid2
96 |
97 | points = self.pareto.getPoints()
98 | # since both prefer bid2, bid is pareto point.
99 | self.assertEqual(1, len(points))
100 | self.assertEqual(self.bid2, next(iter(points)))
101 |
102 | def testgenericParetoTest3(self):
103 | # profile1 prefers bid1, profile2 prefers bid2.
104 | # now neither bid1 nor bid2 are dominating each other
105 | # and nor does bid1 or bid2 dominate anything else.
106 | self.profile1.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
107 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid1
108 | self.profile2.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
109 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid2
110 |
111 | points = self.pareto.getPoints()
112 | # since both prefer bid2, bid is pareto point.
113 | self.assertEquals(6, len(points))
114 |
115 | def testgenericParetoTest4(self):
116 |
117 | # profile1 prefers bid1, profile2 prefers bid2.
118 | # but they both hate bid3.
119 | self.profile1.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
120 | lambda b1, b2: b1 == self.bid1 or b2 == self.bid3
121 | self.profile2.isPreferredOrEqual.side_effect = \
122 | lambda b1, b2: b2 == self.bid3 or b1 == self.bid2
123 |
124 | points = self.pareto.getPoints()
125 | # both hate bid3 but don't agree on bid1/2. bid3 is ruled out.
126 | self.assertEqual(5, len(points))
127 |
128 | def testNullNotOk(self):
129 | self.assertRaises(ValueError,
130 | lambda:GenericPareto([self.profile1, None, self.profile1]))
131 |
132 | def testImmutable(self):
133 | list = [self.profile1, self.profile2]
134 | pareto = GenericPareto(list)
135 | # if we modify the list, the pareto should not change
136 | list.append(self.profile3)
137 | self.assertEqual(2, len(pareto.getProfiles()))
138 |
139 | # in python we just copy the list so adding should do nothing
140 | def testGetParetoAndAdd(self):
141 | list = self.pareto.getProfiles()
142 | list.append(self.profile3)
143 | self.assertEqual(2, len(self.pareto.getProfiles()))
144 |
145 | def testGetPointsAndAdd(self):
146 | self.assertEqual(1, len(self.pareto.getPoints()))
147 | list = self.pareto.getPoints()
148 | list.add(self.bid1)
149 | self.assertEqual(1, len(self.pareto.getPoints()))