from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements from import CollectedVotes from import VotingEvaluator class LargestAgreementsLoop (VotingEvaluator): ''' {@link #getAgreements()} collects all possible {@link Agreements}. We're finished only when {@link #getAgreements()} covers all except possibly 1 party. The agreements is a list of {@link Bid}s and a maximum-sized list of {@link PartyId}s that placed a satisfied vote for that bid. maximum-sized means that there is no larger subset of votes for that bid. There may be other subsets of equal size for the bid. If there are no agreements at all for a bid, the bid is not placed in the map. ''' def __init__(self) : self._allVotes = CollectedVotes({},{}) self._maxAgreements = None def getAgreements(self)->Agreements: if self._maxAgreements == None: self._maxAgreements = self._collectAgreements() return self._maxAgreements; def isFinished(self)->bool: parties = set(self._allVotes.keys()) parties= set([ party for party in parties if not party in self.getAgreements().getMap().keys()]) return len(parties) < 2 def create(self, votes:CollectedVotes ) -> "LargestAgreementsLoop" : res= LargestAgreementsLoop() res._allVotes = votes return res def _collectAgreements(self)-> Agreements : ''' @return the agreements that were reached from the given votes, using the greedy algorithm picking the largets votesets. ''' remainingvotes = self._allVotes; newagreements = Agreements() while True: agrees = remainingvotes.getMaxAgreements() if len(agrees)==0: break; # find the bid with max group power maxbid = max(agrees.keys(), key=lambda bid: self._allVotes.getTotalPower(agrees[bid])) maxparties = agrees[maxbid] agreemap = {party:maxbid for party in maxparties } newagreements = newagreements.With(Agreements(agreemap)) remainingvotes = remainingvotes.Without(maxparties) return newagreements def __hash__(self): ''' WARNING you must manually set prime=37 here to fix collision with {@link LargestAgreement}. ''' return 37*hash(self._allVotes) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and\ self._allVotes == other._allVotes def __repr__(self): return "LargestAgreementsLoop";