from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from pyson.JsonSubTypes import JsonSubTypes from pyson.JsonTypeInfo import Id, As from pyson.JsonTypeInfo import JsonTypeInfo from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements from import CollectedVotes @JsonSubTypes(["", ""]) @JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.NAME, include=As.WRAPPER_OBJECT) class VotingEvaluator(ABC) : ''' Evaluates the {@link CollectedVotes}, determining the agreements and if the negotiation should continue. Implementations should be immutable and not serialize internal variables (eg @JsonIgnore them). ''' @abstractmethod def create(self, votes:CollectedVotes)->"VotingEvaluator" : ''' This function is the effective constructor. This mechanism serves several purposes: @param votes the Votes made by parties in the round to be evaluated.. All active parties in the negotiation must be available, even if they did not vote, to ensure that {@link #isFinished()} can work properly. @return new VotingEvaluation object containing the given votes. ''' @abstractmethod def getAgreements(self)-> Agreements: ''' @return the agreements that is contained in the current available votes. The exact procedure varies with the implementation. ''' def isFinished(self )->bool: ''' @return true iff the negotiation is finished after taking the agreement returned by {@link #getAgreements()} '''