1 | import json
2 | import traceback
3 |
4 | from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QGridLayout, QLabel, QComboBox, QSpinBox, \
5 | QFrame, QSplitter, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QTableView, QScrollArea, QVBoxLayout, \
6 | QTextEdit, QMessageBox
7 | from pyson.ObjectMapper import ObjectMapper
8 | from uri.uri import URI
9 |
10 | from geniusweb.deadline.Deadline import Deadline
11 | from geniusweb.deadline.DeadlineRounds import DeadlineRounds
12 | from geniusweb.deadline.DeadlineTime import DeadlineTime
13 | from geniusweb.protocol.NegoSettings import NegoSettings
14 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.TeamInfo import TeamInfo
15 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.saop.SAOPSettings import SAOPSettings
16 | from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters
17 | from geniusweb.references.PartyRef import PartyRef
18 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithParameters import PartyWithParameters
19 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
20 | from geniusweb.references.ProfileRef import ProfileRef
21 | from geniusweb.simplerunner.gui.MyFileChooser import MyFileChooser
22 | from geniusweb.simplerunner.gui.SelectionModel import SelectionModel
23 |
24 |
25 | class SettingsPanel(QWidget):
26 |
27 | def __init__(self):
28 | super().__init__()
29 | self.jackson = ObjectMapper()
30 | self.protocolcombo = QComboBox()
31 | self.protocolcombo.addItems([ "SAOP" ])
32 | self.timepanel = TimePanel()
33 | self.nextparty = QLineEdit()
34 | self.nextparameters = QLineEdit()
35 |
36 | self.nextprofile = MyFileChooser()
37 | self.addButton = QPushButton()
38 | self.addButton.setText("add")
39 | self.selectedparties = SelectionModel()
40 |
41 | layout = QGridLayout()
42 | self.setLayout(layout)
43 |
44 | layout.addWidget(WithLabel("protocol", self.protocolcombo))
45 | layout.addWidget(WithLabel("deadline", self.timepanel))
46 | layout.addWidget(Separator())
47 |
48 | partic = QLabel()
49 | partic.setText("participants")
50 | layout.addWidget(partic)
51 |
52 | layout.addWidget(WithLabel("party:", self.nextparty))
53 | layout.addWidget(WithLabel("parameters:", self.nextparameters))
54 | layout.addWidget(WithLabel("profile:", self.nextprofile))
55 |
56 | layout.addWidget(Separator())
57 |
58 | layout.addWidget(self.addButton)
59 |
60 | label = QLabel()
61 | label.setText("Selected Profiles, parties for the session")
62 | layout.addWidget(label)
63 |
64 | table = QTableView()
65 | table.setModel(self.selectedparties)
66 | layout.addWidget(table)
67 | self.addButton.clicked.connect(self.addparty);
68 |
69 | def addparty(self):
70 | try:
71 | self.addparty1()
72 | except ValueError as e:
73 | traceback.print_exc()
74 | mbox = QMessageBox()
75 | mbox.setText(str(e))
76 | mbox.setWindowTitle("Failed to add party")
77 | mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning)
78 | mbox.exec_()
79 |
80 | def addparty1(self):
81 | try:
82 | partyref = PartyRef(URI("pythonpath:" + self.nextparty.text()))
83 | except Exception as e:
84 | raise ValueError("Party not set correctly:" + str(e))
85 |
86 | try:
87 | parameters = self.jackson.parse(json.loads("{" + self.nextparameters.text() + "}"),
88 | Parameters)
89 | except Exception as e:
90 | raise ValueError("Parameters not set correctly:" + str(e))
91 |
92 | try:
93 | profile = ProfileRef(URI("file:" + self.nextprofile.getFile()))
94 | except Exception as e:
95 | raise ValueError("Profile not set correctly:" + str(e))
96 |
97 | partywithparams = PartyWithParameters(partyref, parameters);
98 | partywithprofile = PartyWithProfile(partywithparams, profile);
99 | teaminfo = TeamInfo([partywithprofile])
100 | self.selectedparties.addTeam(teaminfo)
101 |
102 | def getSettings(self) -> NegoSettings:
103 | return SAOPSettings(self.selectedparties.getTeams(),
104 | self.timepanel.getDeadline())
105 |
106 |
107 | class WithLabel (QWidget):
108 | '''
109 | adds label to left of component
110 | '''
111 |
112 | def __init__(self, label:str, component:QWidget):
113 | super().__init__()
114 | layout = QGridLayout()
115 | self.setLayout(layout)
116 |
117 | qlabel = QLabel()
118 | qlabel.setText(label)
119 |
120 | layout.addWidget(qlabel, 0, 0)
121 | layout.addWidget(component, 0, 1)
122 |
123 |
124 | class TimePanel(QWidget):
125 | DEFAULTDEADLINE = 10000 # millisecs
126 |
127 | def __init__(self):
128 | super().__init__()
129 | self.unitcombo = QComboBox()
130 | self.unitcombo.addItems(["seconds", "rounds"])
131 | self.time = QSpinBox()
132 | self.time.setMinimum(1)
133 | self.time.setMaximum(1000)
134 | self.time.setValue(10)
135 |
136 | layout = QGridLayout()
137 | self.setLayout(layout)
138 |
139 | layout.addWidget(self.time, 0, 0)
140 | layout.addWidget(self.unitcombo, 0, 1)
141 |
142 | def getDeadline(self) -> Deadline:
143 | if self.unitcombo.currentIndex() == 0: # time
144 | return DeadlineTime(self.time.value() * 1000);
145 | return DeadlineRounds(self.time.value(), self.DEFAULTDEADLINE)
146 |
147 |
148 | class Separator(QFrame):
149 | '''
150 | Equivalent of java's JSeparator: just a horizontal line for layout
151 | '''
152 |
153 | def __init__(self):
154 | super().__init__()
155 | self.setFrameShape(QFrame.Shape.HLine)
156 | self.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Shadow.Sunken)
157 |