import importlib import re from typing import List from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listener import Listener from uri.uri import URI from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from import Party from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConn import ProtocolToPartyConn from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory import ProtocolToPartyConnFactory from geniusweb.references.Reference import Reference from geniusweb.simplerunner.BasicConnection import BasicConnection from geniusweb.utils import val class BasicConnectionWithParty (BasicConnection[Action, Inform], ProtocolToPartyConn): _id: PartyId def __init__(self, reference:Reference ,uri: URI): super().__init__(reference, uri) self._id = PartyId(re.sub("\.", "_", str(uri).replace("pythonpath:", ""))) def getParty(self)->PartyId : return self._id def __repr__(self)->str: return "WP" + super().__repr__() class ConnectionPair: ''' Contains the connection from protocol to party and from party to protocol. These two are dependent on each other, and must close together. ''' serialcounter = 1 # class variable. Keeps track of used valies. _SCHEME = "pythonpath" _PROTOCOLURI = URI("protocol:protocol") _party2protocol: BasicConnection[Inform, Action] _protocol2party: BasicConnectionWithParty def __init__(self, reference:Reference ) : ''' @param reference the party class path reference4 ''' # set up the whole other party including the connection to it. classpath = self._getClassPath(reference.getURI()) party = self._instantiate(classpath) this=self # if call to protocol would fail, we should also close the # protocol2party connection. But we assume that will work fine. class myBC(BasicConnection[Inform, Action]): def __init__(self): super().__init__(reference, ConnectionPair._PROTOCOLURI) def close(self): if self.isOpen(): super().close() this._protocol2party.close() self._party2protocol = myBC() # if callback from protocol to party fails, then also close the # other direction. class myBCP(BasicConnectionWithParty): def __init__(self): super().__init__(reference, \ URI("pythonpath:" + reference.getURI().getPath()\ + "." + str(ConnectionPair.serialcounter))) ConnectionPair.serialcounter += 1 def close(self): if self.isOpen(): super().close() this._party2protocol.close() self._protocol2party = myBCP() class party2protocolListener(Listener[Action]): def notifyChange(self, data: Action): this._protocol2party.notifyListeners(data) self._party2protocol.init(party2protocolListener()) class protocol2partyListener(Listener[Inform]): def notifyChange(self, data: Inform): this._party2protocol.notifyListeners(data) self._protocol2party.init(protocol2partyListener()) party.connect(self._party2protocol) def getOpenConnections(self)->List[BasicConnection] : ''' @return the open connections ''' open:List[BasicConnection] = [] if self._party2protocol.isOpen(): open.append(self._party2protocol) if self._protocol2party.isOpen(): open.append(self._protocol2party) return open def getProtocolToPartyConn(self)->BasicConnectionWithParty : return self._protocol2party def _getPartyToProtocolConn(self) ->BasicConnection : ''' Internal use for testing ''' return self._party2protocol def _instantiate(self, classpath:str)->Party : ''' @param classpath to a full.pythonpath.classname as string. The class must be on the python path. the 'full.pythonpath' must be the module "filename", the "classname" is the name of the class inside the module file. @return instance of the given {@link Party} on the classpath @throws ValueError if the Party can not be instantiated, eg because of a ClassCastException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException etc. Such an exception is considered a bug by the programmer, because this is a stand-alone runner. ''' print("Connecting with party '" + classpath + "'") try: [path, cla] = classpath.rsplit(".",1) mod=importlib.import_module(path) partyclass = getattr(mod, cla) return partyclass() except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "Failed to create connection to party " + classpath,e) importlib def _getClassPath(self, uri:URI) -> str: assert isinstance(uri, URI) if self._SCHEME != uri.getScheme(): raise ValueError("Required the " + self._SCHEME + " protocol but found " + uri.getScheme()) path = uri.getPath() if not path: raise ValueError( "Expected pythonpath not present in " + str(uri)) return path class ClassPathConnectionFactory (ProtocolToPartyConnFactory): ''' A connectionfactory that only accepts URLs of the form pythonpath:org/my/package/class ''' _allConnections: List[ConnectionPair] = [] def connect(self, reference:Reference ) ->ProtocolToPartyConn : ''' @param reference the party class path reference4 ''' connpair = ConnectionPair(reference) self._allConnections.append(connpair) return connpair.getProtocolToPartyConn() def connectAll(self, references:List[Reference] ) ->List[ProtocolToPartyConn] : connections:List[ProtocolToPartyConn] = [] for partyref in references: connections.append(self.connect(partyref)) return connections def getOpenConnections(self)->List[BasicConnection] : ''' @return list of connections that are still open. ''' openconns:List[BasicConnection] = [] for connpair in self._allConnections: openconns.extend(connpair.getOpenConnections()) return openconns