from collections import deque from multiprocessing import Queue from threading import Thread, Condition import threading import traceback from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List, Optional from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listener import Listener from uri.uri import URI from geniusweb.connection.ConnectionEnd import ConnectionEnd from geniusweb.references.Reference import Reference from geniusweb.simplerunner.BlockingQueue import BlockingQueue S=TypeVar("S") class Info (Generic[S]): ''' Wrapper around data so that we can put Null end EOS in a {@link ArrayBlockingQueue} @param the type of contained data. ''' class Data (Info[S]): def __init__(self, data:S): self._data = data def get(self)->S: return self._data; def __repr__(self): return str(self._data) class EOS (Info[S]): ''' End of stream. ''' def __repr__(self): return "EOS" # I use this single instance everywhere THE_EOS:EOS = EOS() IN = TypeVar('IN') OUT = TypeVar('OUT') class BasicConnection(ConnectionEnd[IN, OUT]): ''' A basic connection that implements connection with direct calls @param the type of the incoming data @param the type of outgoing data ''' def __init__(self, reference:Reference , uri:URI ): ''' @param reference Reference that was used to create this connection. @param uri the URI of the remote endpoint that makes up the connection. This is a URI that uniquely identifies the remote object ''' self._reference = reference self._uri = uri self._listeners:List[Listener[IN]] = [] self._synclock = threading.RLock() self._error:Optional[Exception]=None # to be initialized self._handler:Optional[Listener[OUT]] = None self._messages = BlockingQueue[Info](4) def init(self, newhandler:Listener[OUT] ) : ''' To be called to hook up the other side that will handle a send action from us. Must be called first. @param newhandler a Listener<OUT> that can handle send actions. ''' if self._handler: raise ValueError("already initialized") self._handler = newhandler this=self class MyHandlerThread(Thread): ''' thread that handles this._messages until EOS is hit. It runs in scope of init and uses 'this' ''' def run(self): try: while (True): #print("INTO"+str(self)) mess = this._messages.take() #print("OUT"+str(self)) if mess==THE_EOS: break; this._handler.notifyChange(mess.get()) except Exception as e: this.setError(e) this._handler = None print("BasicConnection closed"); handlerThread=MyHandlerThread() handlerThread.start(); def setError(self, e:Exception): ''' Error condition occurs. Record error and close connection @param e ''' with self._synclock: if not self._error: # maybe log instead? traceback.print_exc() self._error = e self.close() def send(self, data:OUT ) : with self._synclock: if not self._handler: raise ValueError( "BasicConnection has not been initialized or was closed") # it seems there is no InterruptedException possible in python. self._messages.put(Data(data)) def getReference(self) -> Reference : return self._reference def getRemoteURI(self)->URI: return self._uri def close(self): with self._synclock: print("flushing and terminating " + str(self)) if not self._handler or self._messages.contains(THE_EOS): return # it seems there is no InterruptedException possible in python. self._messages.put(THE_EOS) def __repr__(self): return "BasicConnection[" + str(self._reference) + "]" def getError(self)->Optional[Exception]: return self._error; def isOpen(self)->bool: ''' @return true iff this connection is open. Returns false also when then handler is in the close-down process ''' return self._handler != None and not self._messages.contains(THE_EOS) #****************** implements listenable **************** # override because notifyListeners should throw exceptions. def addListener(self, l:Listener[IN]): self._listeners.append(l) def removeListener(self, l:Listener[IN] ) : self._listeners.remove(l) def notifyListeners(self, data:IN ) : for l in self._listeners: l.notifyChange(data)