1 | from abc import ABC
2 | from typing import List, Any
3 |
4 | from pyson.JsonSubTypes import JsonSubTypes
5 | from pyson.JsonTypeInfo import JsonTypeInfo, Id, As
6 |
7 | from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action
8 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
9 | from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform
10 | from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException
11 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.PartyStates import PartyStates
12 | from geniusweb.voting.VotingEvaluator import VotingEvaluator
13 |
14 |
15 | PHASE_MAXTIME = 30000 # 30sec
16 | PHASE_MINTIME = 100 # 100 millisec
17 |
18 |
19 | @JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.NAME, include=As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)
20 | @JsonSubTypes(["geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.phase.OfferPhase.OfferPhase",
21 | "geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.phase.OptInPhase.OptInPhase",
22 | "geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.phase.VotingPhase.VotingPhase"])
23 | class Phase(ABC):
24 | '''
25 | A Phase is a part of the round structure. In each round parties have to take
26 | multiple actions. Each action is part of a phase.
27 |
28 | Invariant: A phase object handles negotiation events, ensuring that the
29 | events are handled according to the possible actions in this phase. A phase
30 | object must always remain in a consistent state. It does so by modifying the
31 | contained {@link PartyStates} as needed.
32 | <p>
33 | The standard exception handling is assumed: unchecked exceptions are thrown
34 | only if there is a bug in the protocol. Because none of the functions in this
35 | interface throws, any error must be either ignored or the party must be
36 | kicked.
37 | '''
38 |
39 | def With(self, actor:PartyId ,action: Action ,now:int)->"Phase" :
40 | '''
41 | Handle an actor's action. If a {@link ProtocolException} occurs, this is
42 | handled by updating the PartyStates
43 |
44 | @param actor the real actor (may differ from the actor contained in the
45 | action)
46 | @param action the action submitted by actor, which this phase can really
47 | handle.
48 | @param now the current time
49 | @return new VotingPhase
50 | '''
51 |
52 | def WithException(self, e:ProtocolException)->"Phase" :
53 | '''
54 | @param e a {@link ProtocolException}
55 | @return new Phase with a party disabled because it violated a protocol eg
56 | breaking a websocket link.
57 | '''
58 |
59 | def getInform(self)->Inform :
60 | '''
61 | @return the inform object to send to all parties at start of phase.
62 | '''
63 |
64 | def isFinal(self, now:int) -> bool:
65 | '''
66 | @param now the current time
67 | @return true iff past deadline or no more actions are allowed anyway.
68 | (which usually means, all parties have done exactly one act).
69 | Notice, this is the main reason that it is desirable to require
70 | all parties to act exactly once in each phase. Without such a
71 | rule, the protocol will always have to wait till the deadline.
72 | '''
73 |
74 | def finish(self)->"Phase" :
75 | '''
76 | @return finished state. That means, all parties that did not act have
77 | been kicked, new agreements have been computed, etc.
78 | '''
79 |
80 | def next(self, now:int, duration:int) -> "Phase" :
81 | '''
82 | Determines the next phase. Resets the actions field. Can only be called
83 | after {@link #finish()}
84 |
85 | @param now the current time
86 | @param duration the max duration (ms) of the next phase. Must be between
87 | {@link #PHASE_MINTIME} and {@link #PHASE_MAXTIME}. Also
88 | make sure that now+duration is at most at the total
89 | negotiation deadline.
90 | @return the next phase, or null if negotiation is complete.
91 | '''
92 |
93 | def getEvaluator(self)->VotingEvaluator :
94 | '''
95 | @return the voting evaluator
96 | '''
97 |
98 | def getDeadline(self)->int:
99 | '''
100 | @return time (ms since 1970) at which phase ends. The phase may end
101 | before, but never after this.
102 | '''
103 |
104 | def getPartyStates(self)->PartyStates :
105 | '''
106 | @return the party states. Notice that someone must call
107 | {@link PartyStates#finish()} if passed the deadline.
108 | '''
109 |
110 | def getAllowedActions(self) -> List[Any]: # Class<? extends Action>...
111 | '''
112 | @return the allowed actinos in this phase
113 | '''