from abc import abstractmethod from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.PartyStates import PartyStates from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.phase.Phase import Phase, PHASE_MINTIME, \ PHASE_MAXTIME from import VotingEvaluator class DefaultPhase(Phase): # deadline for this phase, ms since 1970 def __init__(self, partyStates:PartyStates, deadline:int, evaluator:VotingEvaluator ): ''' @param partyStates the {@link PartyStates} @param deadline deadline for this phase, ms since 1970 @param evaluator the {@link VotingEvaluator} to be used ''' self._partyStates = partyStates self._deadline = deadline self._evaluator = evaluator def isFinal(self, now:int)->bool: return now >= self._deadline or len(self._partyStates.getNotYetActed())==0 def getDeadline(self)->int: return self._deadline def _checkAction(self, actor:PartyId ,action: Action , now:int): ''' Check if actor can do given action. Basic checks: @param actor the actor that really acted @param action the action that was done @param now current time @throws ProtocolException if the action violates the protocol ''' if action == None: raise ProtocolException("Action=null", actor) if actor != action.getActor(): raise ProtocolException( "Incorrect actor info in action:" + str(action.getActor()), actor) if self.isFinal(now): raise ProtocolException("passed deadline", actor) if not type(action) in self.getAllowedActions(): raise ProtocolException("Action not allowed in " + type(self).__name__ + ": " + str(action), actor) if not actor in self._partyStates.getNotYetActed(): raise ProtocolException("Actor can not act anymore", actor) return def getPartyStates(self)->PartyStates : ''' @return current PartyStates ''' return self._partyStates def getEvaluator(self)->VotingEvaluator : return self._evaluator def next(self, now:int, duration:int)->Phase : if duration < PHASE_MINTIME or duration > PHASE_MAXTIME: raise ValueError("Bug, illegal duration") if not self.isFinal(now): raise ValueError("phase is not final") return self._checkedNext(now + duration) @abstractmethod def _checkedNext(self, dl:int)-> Phase: ''' As {@link #next(long, long)} but DefaultPhase already checked that 1. there is enough time for a next phase 2. current state is final 3. @param dl the deadline for the next phase (ms since 1970). @return the next phase ''' def __repr__(self): return type(self).__name__ + "[" + str(self._partyStates) + "," + \ str(self._deadline) + "," + str(self._evaluator) + "]" def __hash__(self): return hash((self._deadline, self._evaluator, self._partyStates)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \ and self._partyStates==other._partyStates \ and self._deadline==other._deadline\ and self._evaluator==other._evaluator