from typing import Set, List, Dict, TypeVar, Optional from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.EndNegotiation import EndNegotiation from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException from geniusweb.utils import toTuple, val, toStr class PartyStates: ''' Invariant: contains the current state of all participating parties. A party either notYetActed, did action, reached an agreement, walked away or made a {@link ProtocolException}.
After a phase completes, the actions are filtered/handled to collect
agreements and move remaining parties back to notYetActed.
# all parties must be in exactly one state at all times.
def __init__(self, powers:Dict[PartyId, int],
actions: List[Action] =[],
agreements:Agreements = Agreements(),
exceptions:Dict[PartyId, ProtocolException] ={}):
notice: order of arguments, power is now first instead of last because
python requires obligatory arguments first.
if notYetActed!=None:
self._notYetActed = set(notYetActed) #type:ignore
self._notYetActed = set(powers.keys())
self._actions = list(actions)
self._agreements = agreements
self._walkedAway = list(walkedAway)
self._exceptions = dict(exceptions)
self._powers = dict(powers)
def WithAction(self, action:Action)-> "PartyStates":
@param action the action done by some party. The correctness of action,
particularly of {@link Action#getActor()}, must be correct.
@return new state with party done given action. This just accepts any
given action and is not considering number of rounds, time or
whether an action is allowed.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if party doing action already acted.
This is just a safety check as legality
of actions should be checked before
calling this.
if not action.getActor() in self._notYetActed:
raise ValueError("actor already acted: " + str(action))
if isinstance(action, EndNegotiation):
return self.WithWalkAway(action.getActor())
newActions = list(self._actions)
return PartyStates(self._powers, self._removeParty(action.getActor()), newActions,
self._agreements, self._walkedAway, self._exceptions)
def WithAgreements(self, newAgree:Agreements )->"PartyStates" :
@param newAgree a new agreements to be merged with existing agreements.
The parties in the agreement must have acted and thus in
@return new PartyStates with agreeing parties removed from actions and
added to Agreements.
parties = newAgree.getMap().keys()
newActions = [act for act in self._actions if not act.getActor() in parties]
return PartyStates(self._powers, self._notYetActed, newActions,
self._agreements.With(newAgree), self._walkedAway, self._exceptions)
def WithWalkAway(self, actor:PartyId ) ->"PartyStates":
if not actor in self._notYetActed:
raise ValueError("actor already acted: " + str(actor))
newWalkAway = list(self._walkedAway)
return PartyStates(self._powers,self._removeParty(actor), self._actions, self._agreements,
newWalkAway, self._exceptions)
def WithException(self, e:ProtocolException ) -> "PartyStates":
Move party from active to exceptions.
@param e the exception that the party caused
@return new PartyStates with party that caused the exception in the
exceptions list and removed from the active list. Nothing happens
if party is not active.
if not e.getParty() in self._notYetActed:
# complex case. Party did valid action but now is messing around.
# Easiest seems to completely ignore it. CHECK.
return self;
newExc = dict(self._exceptions)
newExc[val(e.getParty())]= e
return PartyStates(self._powers, self._removeParty(val(e.getParty())),
self._actions, self._agreements,self._walkedAway, newExc)
def getNotYetActed(self)->Set[PartyId]:
@return parties that have not yet acted
return self._notYetActed
def getNegotiatingParties(self)-> Set[PartyId]:
@return parties that are still in the negotiation. These are the parties
that not yet acted plus the ones that did an action.
parties = set([ act.getActor() for act in self._actions ])
parties = parties.union(self._notYetActed)
return parties
def _removeParty(self, party:PartyId )->Set[PartyId] :
@param actor
@return {@link #notYetActed} with actor removed
@throws IllegalArgumentException if party already acted (not in
{@link #notYetActed}).
newActiveParties = set(self._notYetActed)
if not party in newActiveParties:
raise ValueError(
"Party " + str(party) + " is not active, can't be removed")
return newActiveParties
def getAgreements(self)->Agreements :
return self._agreements
def getPowers(self)->Dict[PartyId,int] :
return dict(self._powers)
def getExceptions(self)->Dict[PartyId, ProtocolException]:
return dict(self._exceptions)
def finish(self)->"PartyStates":
@return new state where all {@link #notYetActed} are moved to the
exceptions list.
newstate = self
for party in self._notYetActed:
newstate = newstate.WithException(ProtocolException("Party did not act", party))
return newstate
def getActions(self)->List[Action] :
return list(self._actions)
def getWalkedAway(self)->List[PartyId] :
@return all parties that walked away
return list(self._walkedAway)
# T=TypeVar("T", Action)
def getActionsOfType(self, typ) -> List: