[89] | 1 | from typing import Set, List, Dict, TypeVar, Optional
| 2 |
| 3 | from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action
| 4 | from geniusweb.actions.EndNegotiation import EndNegotiation
| 5 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
| 6 | from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements
| 7 | from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException
| 8 | from geniusweb.utils import toTuple, val, toStr
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 | class PartyStates:
| 12 | '''
| 13 | Invariant: contains the current state of all participating parties. A party
| 14 | either notYetActed, did action, reached an agreement, walked away or made a
| 15 | {@link ProtocolException}.
| 16 | <p>
| 17 | After a phase completes, the actions are filtered/handled to collect
| 18 | agreements and move remaining parties back to notYetActed.
| 19 | '''
| 20 | # all parties must be in exactly one state at all times.
| 21 |
| 22 | def __init__(self, powers:Dict[PartyId, int],
| 23 | notYetActed:Optional[Set[PartyId]]=None,
| 24 | actions: List[Action] =[],
| 25 | agreements:Agreements = Agreements(),
| 26 | walkedAway:List[PartyId]=[],
| 27 | exceptions:Dict[PartyId, ProtocolException] ={}):
| 28 | '''
| 29 | notice: order of arguments, power is now first instead of last because
| 30 | python requires obligatory arguments first.
| 31 | '''
| 32 | if notYetActed!=None:
| 33 | self._notYetActed = set(notYetActed) #type:ignore
| 34 | else:
| 35 | self._notYetActed = set(powers.keys())
| 36 | self._actions = list(actions)
| 37 | self._agreements = agreements
| 38 | self._walkedAway = list(walkedAway)
| 39 | self._exceptions = dict(exceptions)
| 40 | self._powers = dict(powers)
| 41 |
| 42 |
| 43 |
| 44 | def WithAction(self, action:Action)-> "PartyStates":
| 45 | '''
| 46 | @param action the action done by some party. The correctness of action,
| 47 | particularly of {@link Action#getActor()}, must be correct.
| 48 | @return new state with party done given action. This just accepts any
| 49 | given action and is not considering number of rounds, time or
| 50 | whether an action is allowed.
| 51 |
| 52 | @throws IllegalArgumentException if party doing action already acted.
| 53 | This is just a safety check as legality
| 54 | of actions should be checked before
| 55 | calling this.
| 56 | '''
| 57 | if not action.getActor() in self._notYetActed:
| 58 | raise ValueError("actor already acted: " + str(action))
| 59 | if isinstance(action, EndNegotiation):
| 60 | return self.WithWalkAway(action.getActor())
| 61 | newActions = list(self._actions)
| 62 | newActions.append(action)
| 63 | return PartyStates(self._powers, self._removeParty(action.getActor()), newActions,
| 64 | self._agreements, self._walkedAway, self._exceptions)
| 65 |
| 66 | def WithAgreements(self, newAgree:Agreements )->"PartyStates" :
| 67 | '''
| 68 | @param newAgree a new agreements to be merged with existing agreements.
| 69 | The parties in the agreement must have acted and thus in
| 70 | actions.
| 71 | @return new PartyStates with agreeing parties removed from actions and
| 72 | added to Agreements.
| 73 | '''
| 74 | parties = newAgree.getMap().keys()
| 75 | newActions = [act for act in self._actions if not act.getActor() in parties]
| 76 | return PartyStates(self._powers, self._notYetActed, newActions,
| 77 | self._agreements.With(newAgree), self._walkedAway, self._exceptions)
| 78 |
| 79 |
| 80 | def WithWalkAway(self, actor:PartyId ) ->"PartyStates":
| 81 | if not actor in self._notYetActed:
| 82 | raise ValueError("actor already acted: " + str(actor))
| 83 | newWalkAway = list(self._walkedAway)
| 84 | newWalkAway.append(actor)
| 85 | return PartyStates(self._powers,self._removeParty(actor), self._actions, self._agreements,
| 86 | newWalkAway, self._exceptions)
| 87 |
| 88 | def WithException(self, e:ProtocolException ) -> "PartyStates":
| 89 | '''
| 90 | Move party from active to exceptions.
| 91 |
| 92 | @param e the exception that the party caused
| 93 | @return new PartyStates with party that caused the exception in the
| 94 | exceptions list and removed from the active list. Nothing happens
| 95 | if party is not active.
| 96 | '''
| 97 | if not e.getParty() in self._notYetActed:
| 98 | # complex case. Party did valid action but now is messing around.
| 99 | # Easiest seems to completely ignore it. CHECK.
| 100 | return self;
| 101 |
| 102 | newExc = dict(self._exceptions)
| 103 | newExc[val(e.getParty())]= e
| 104 | return PartyStates(self._powers, self._removeParty(val(e.getParty())),
| 105 | self._actions, self._agreements,self._walkedAway, newExc)
| 106 |
| 107 | def getNotYetActed(self)->Set[PartyId]:
| 108 | '''
| 109 | @return parties that have not yet acted
| 110 |
| 111 | '''
| 112 | return self._notYetActed
| 113 |
| 114 | def getNegotiatingParties(self)-> Set[PartyId]:
| 115 | '''
| 116 | @return parties that are still in the negotiation. These are the parties
| 117 | that not yet acted plus the ones that did an action.
| 118 | '''
| 119 | parties = set([ act.getActor() for act in self._actions ])
| 120 |
| 121 | parties = parties.union(self._notYetActed)
| 122 | return parties
| 123 |
| 124 | def _removeParty(self, party:PartyId )->Set[PartyId] :
| 125 | '''
| 126 | @param actor
| 127 | @return {@link #notYetActed} with actor removed
| 128 | @throws IllegalArgumentException if party already acted (not in
| 129 | {@link #notYetActed}).
| 130 | '''
| 131 | newActiveParties = set(self._notYetActed)
| 132 | if not party in newActiveParties:
| 133 | raise ValueError(
| 134 | "Party " + str(party) + " is not active, can't be removed")
| 135 | newActiveParties.remove(party)
| 136 | return newActiveParties
| 137 |
| 138 | def getAgreements(self)->Agreements :
| 139 | return self._agreements
| 140 |
| 141 | def getPowers(self)->Dict[PartyId,int] :
| 142 | return dict(self._powers)
| 143 |
| 144 | def getExceptions(self)->Dict[PartyId, ProtocolException]:
| 145 | return dict(self._exceptions)
| 146 |
| 147 | def finish(self)->"PartyStates":
| 148 | '''
| 149 | @return new state where all {@link #notYetActed} are moved to the
| 150 | exceptions list.
| 151 | '''
| 152 | newstate = self
| 153 | for party in self._notYetActed:
| 154 | newstate = newstate.WithException(ProtocolException("Party did not act", party))
| 155 | return newstate
| 156 |
| 157 | def getActions(self)->List[Action] :
| 158 | return list(self._actions)
| 159 |
| 160 | def getWalkedAway(self)->List[PartyId] :
| 161 | '''
| 162 | @return all parties that walked away
| 163 | '''
| 164 | return list(self._walkedAway)
| 165 |
| 166 | # T=TypeVar("T", Action)
| 167 | def getActionsOfType(self, typ) -> List:
| 168 | '''
| 169 | @param <T> the type of objects requested
| 170 | @param typ the type of actions to extract. Must be of type T, needed
| 171 | because of java's type erasure.
| 172 |
| 173 | @return all actions of requested type in this phase
| 174 | '''
| 175 | return [act for act in self._actions if isinstance(act, typ) ]
| 176 |
| 177 | def __repr__(self):
| 178 | return "PartyStates[" + str(list(self._notYetActed)) + "," + str(self._actions) + "," + \
| 179 | str(self._agreements)+ "," + str(self._walkedAway) + "," + toStr(self._exceptions) + "]"
| 180 |
| 181 | def flush(self)->"PartyStates" :
| 182 | '''
| 183 | @return states with all parties that are in {@link #actions} moved back
| 184 | to {@link #notYetActed}. This state is then ready for a next
| 185 | phase.
| 186 | @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #notYetActed} is not empty
| 187 | '''
| 188 | if len(self._notYetActed)!=0:
| 189 | raise ValueError(
| 190 | "Some parties did not yet act:" + str(self._notYetActed))
| 191 | return PartyStates(self._powers, self.getNegotiatingParties(), [],
| 192 | self._agreements, self._walkedAway, self._exceptions)
| 193 |
| 194 | def __hash__(self):
| 195 | return hash((tuple(self._actions), self._agreements, toTuple(self._exceptions),
| 196 | tuple(self._notYetActed), toTuple(self._powers), tuple(self._walkedAway)))
| 197 |
| 198 | def __eq__(self, other):
| 199 | return isinstance(other, self.__class__)\
| 200 | and self._actions == other._actions \
| 201 | and self._agreements == other._agreements \
| 202 | and self._exceptions == other._exceptions \
| 203 | and self._notYetActed == other._notYetActed \
| 204 | and self._powers == other._powers \
| 205 | and self._walkedAway == other._walkedAway
| 206 |