from typing import List from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter from geniusweb.deadline.Deadline import Deadline from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionProtocol import SessionProtocol from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionSettings import SessionSettings from geniusweb.protocol.session.TeamInfo import TeamInfo from geniusweb.protocol.tournament.Team import Team from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile from import VotingEvaluator class MOPACSettings (SessionSettings): ''' Settings for MOPAC negotiation. in MOPAC, each party may get a "power" parameter containing an natural number ≤1. ''' def __init__(self, participants:List[TeamInfo] , deadline:Deadline , votingevaluator:VotingEvaluator): ''' @param participants the list of {@link PartyWithProfile} in clockwise order. There must be at least 2 to run the MOPAC protocol. This is not tested in the constructor because this can be initialized with less, for use in TournamentSettings. @param deadline the {@link Deadline} for the negotiation @param votingeval the {@link VotingEvaluator} to use. ''' self._participants = participants; self._deadline = deadline; if participants == None or deadline == None or votingevaluator == None: raise ValueError( "participants, deadline and votingeval must be not none") self._votingevaluator = votingevaluator self._checkTeams(); def getMaxRunTime(self)->float: return self._deadline.getDuration() / 1000. def getProtocol(self, logger:Reporter) -> SessionProtocol : from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.MOPACState import MOPACState from geniusweb.protocol.session.mopac.MOPAC import MOPAC return MOPAC(MOPACState(None, [], None, self, {}), logger) def getTeams(self ) -> List[TeamInfo] : return list(self._participants) def getParticipants(self ) -> List[TeamInfo] : ''' bit hacky, same as getTeams, for deserialization... ''' return list(self._participants) def getDeadline(self)-> Deadline : ''' @return the deadline for this negotiation ''' return self._deadline def getAllParties(self)->List[PartyWithProfile] : return [ particip.getParties()[0] for particip in self._participants] def getVotingEvaluator(self)->VotingEvaluator : ''' @return a class that allows us to evaluate the voting results in different ways, selectable by the user. ''' return self._votingevaluator def With(self, team:TeamInfo ) -> "MOPACSettings" : if team.getSize() != 1: raise ValueError( "Added party must have one party but got " + str(team)) newparts:List[TeamInfo] = list(self._participants) newparts.append(team) return MOPACSettings(newparts, self._deadline, self._votingevaluator) def __repr__(self)->str: return "MOPACSettings[" + str(self._participants) + "," +\ str(self._deadline) + "," + \ type(self._votingevaluator).__name__ + "]"; def getTeamSize(self)->int: return 1; def __hash__(self): return hash((tuple(self._participants), self._deadline, self._votingevaluator)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__)\ and self._participants == other._participants \ and self._deadline == other._deadline \ and self._votingevaluator == other._votingevaluator def _checkTeams(self): ''' @throws IllegalArgumentException if teams have improper power settings. ''' for team in self._participants: if team.getSize() != 1: raise ValueError("All teams must be size 1 but found " + str(team)) party = team.getParties()[0] if 'power' in party.getParty().getParameters().getParameters(): power = party.getParty().getParameters().get("power") if not isinstance(power, int): raise ValueError( "parameter 'power' for party" + str(party) + " must be integer but found " + str(power)) if power < 1: raise ValueError( "parameter 'power' for party" + str(party) + " must be >=1 but found " + str(power))