from datetime import datetime import logging from threading import Timer import threading from time import time, sleep from typing import Optional, List from tudelft.utilities.listener.DefaultListenable import DefaultListenable from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listener import Listener from tudelft.utilities.repository.NoResourcesNowException import NoResourcesNowException from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter from uri.uri import URI from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId from import ProtocolEvent from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings from geniusweb.progress.ProgressFactory import ProgressFactory from geniusweb.protocol.CurrentNegoState import CurrentNegoState from geniusweb.protocol.NegoState import NegoState from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConn import ProtocolToPartyConn from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory import ProtocolToPartyConnFactory from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnections import ProtocolToPartyConnections from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionProtocol import SessionProtocol from geniusweb.protocol.session.learn.LearnState import LearnState from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile from geniusweb.references.ProtocolRef import ProtocolRef from geniusweb.utils import val MIN_SLEEP_TIME = 1000 MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 60000 TIME_MARGIN = 20 # ms extra delay after deadline LEARN = ProtocolRef(URI("Learn")) class Learn (DefaultListenable[ProtocolEvent],SessionProtocol): ''' The Learn protocol allows parties to learn until the deadline set in the {@link LearnSettings}. ''' _deadlinetimer:Optional[Timer] = None # private volatile AtomicBoolean isFinishedInfoSent = new AtomicBoolean( # false); _conns = ProtocolToPartyConnections([]) _synclock = threading.RLock() _isFinishedInfoSent = False def __init__(self, state:LearnState, logger:Reporter ): super().__init__() self._state = state self._log = logger def start(self, connectionfactory:ProtocolToPartyConnFactory ): try: self._connect(connectionfactory) self._setDeadline() self._setupParties() except Exception as e: self._handleError("Failed to start up session", None, e) def getDescription(self)->str: return "Sends all parties the Settings. Parties can start learning immediately but must respect the deadline. When party is done, it should send LearningDone." def getState(self)->NegoState : return self._state def getRef(self)-> ProtocolRef: return LEARN def addParticipant(self, party:PartyWithProfile ) : raise ValueError( "Dynamic joining a negotiation is not allowed in LEARN") ##################################################################### # private functions. Some are protected only, for testing purposes ##################################################################### def _connect(self, connectionfactory:ProtocolToPartyConnFactory ): ''' step 1 in protocol: connect all involved parties and start the clock. This always "succeeds" with a valid (but possibly final) state

This is 'protected' to allow junit testing, this code is not a 'public' part of the interface. @param connectionfactory the connectionfactory for making party connections @throws InterruptedException if the connection procedure is unterrupted @throws IOException if this fails to properly conect to the parties, eg interrupted or server not responding.. ''' with self._synclock: participants:List[PartyWithProfile] = self._state.getSettings().getAllParties() parties = [parti.getParty().getPartyRef() for parti in participants ] connections:Optional[List[ProtocolToPartyConn]] = None self._log.log(logging.INFO, "LEARN connect " + str(parties)) while connections == None: try: connections = connectionfactory.connectAll(parties) # type:ignore except NoResourcesNowException as e: waitms = (e.getLater().timestamp()-time())*1000 self._log.log(logging.INFO, "No resources available to run session, waiting"+ str(waitms)) sleep(min(MAX_SLEEP_TIME, max(MIN_SLEEP_TIME, waitms))/1000) # need val because mypy fails to see that connections can't be None here. for i in range(len(participants)): self._conns = self._conns.With(val(connections)[i]) self._setState(self._state.WithParty(val(connections)[i].getParty(), participants[i])) def _actionRequest(self, partyconn:ProtocolToPartyConn , action:Action ) : ''' This is called when one of the party connections does an action. Synchronized so that we always handle only 1 action at a time. @param partyconn the connection on which the action came in. @param action the {@link Action} taken by some party ''' with self._synclock: if action == None: err = partyconn.getError() if err == None: err = ProtocolException("Party sent a null action", partyconn.getParty()) self._handleError(str(partyconn) + "Protocol error", partyconn.getParty(), err) #type:ignore return try: self._setState(self._state.WithAction(partyconn.getParty(), action)) except Exception as e: self._handleError("failed to handle action " + str(action), partyconn.getParty(), e) def _setupParties(self): ''' step 2 in protocol: listen to connections and send settings to the parties.

This is 'protected' to allow junit testing, this code is not a 'public' part of the interface. @throws ProtocolException if a party does not follow the protocol ''' this=self class MyListener(Listener[Action]): def notifyChange(self, act:Action): this._actionRequest(act) with self._synclock: for conn in self._conns: conn.addListener(MyListener()) for connection in self._conns: try: self._sendSettings(connection) except ConnectionError as e: raise ProtocolException("Failed to initialize", connection.getParty(), e) def _sendSettings(self, connection:ProtocolToPartyConn ): ''' Inform a party about its settings @param connection @throws IOException if party got disconnected ''' with self._synclock: partyid = connection.getParty() profile = self._state.getPartyProfiles()[partyid].getProfile() params = self._state.getPartyProfiles()[partyid].getParty().getParameters() if profile == None: raise ValueError( "Missing profile for party " + str(connection.getReference())) connection.send(Settings(connection.getParty(), profile, self.getRef(), val(self._state.getProgress()), params)) def _setDeadline(self): ''' Set state to proper deadline. Starts the timer tasks. This tasks triggers a call to handleError when the session times out. ''' with self._synclock: now = int(time()*1000) deadline = self._state.getSettings().getDeadline() self._setState(self._state.WithProgress(ProgressFactory.create(deadline, now))) duration=(deadline.getDuration() + TIME_MARGIN)/1000.0 self._deadlinetimer = Timer(duration, self._timertask); # set timer TIME_MARGIN after real deadline to ensure we're not too early duration=(deadline.getDuration() + TIME_MARGIN)/1000.0 self._deadlinetimer = Timer( duration, self._timertask) self._deadlinetimer.start() self._log.log(logging.INFO, "SAOP deadline set to " + datetime.utcfromtimestamp( (duration+now)/1000. ).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) def _timertask(self): if not self._state.isFinal(1000.*time()): self._log.log(logging.CRITICAL, "BUG. Deadline timer has triggered but state is not final") self._log.log(logging.INFO, "LEARN deadline reached. Terminating session.") self._finish() def _handleError(self, message:str, party:Optional[PartyId], e:Exception): ''' Update state to include the given error and finishes up the session. @param message The message to attach to the error @param party the party where the error occured @param e the exception that occured. ''' with self._synclock: if isinstance(e, ProtocolException): self._setState(self._state.WithException( e)) else: self._setState(self._state.WithException(ProtocolException(message, party, e))) self._log.log(logging.WARNING, "LEARN protocol intercepted error due to party "\ + str(party) + ":" + message, e) def _setState(self, newstate:LearnState) : ''' Sets the new state. If the new state is final, the finish-up procedure is executed. @param newstate the new state. ''' with self._synclock: now = int(1000*time()) if self._state.isFinal(now): self._finish() return self._state = newstate; if newstate.isFinal(now): self._finish() def _finish(self): ''' Called when we reach final state. Cancels deadline timer. Send finished info to all parties, notify current nego state as final and set {@link #isFinishedInfoSent}. Double calls are automatically ignored. ''' with self._synclock: if self._deadlinetimer : self._deadlinetimer.cancel() self._deadlinetimer = None if self._isFinishedInfoSent: return; self._isFinishedInfoSent=True finished = Finished(self._state.getAgreements()); for conn in self._conns: self._sendFinish(conn, finished) self.notifyListeners(CurrentNegoState(self._state)) def _sendFinish(self, connection:ProtocolToPartyConn , finished:Inform ): try: connection.send(finished) connection.close() except Exception as e: self._log.log(logging.INFO, "Failed to send Finished to " + str(connection), e)