[96] | 1 | from datetime import datetime
| 2 | import logging
| 3 | from threading import Timer
| 4 | import threading
| 5 | from time import time, sleep
| 6 | from typing import Optional, List
| 7 |
| 8 | from tudelft.utilities.listener.DefaultListenable import DefaultListenable
| 9 | from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listener import Listener
| 10 | from tudelft.utilities.repository.NoResourcesNowException import NoResourcesNowException
| 11 | from tudelft_utilities_logging.Reporter import Reporter
| 12 | from uri.uri import URI
| 13 |
| 14 | from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action
| 15 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
| 16 | from geniusweb.events.ProtocolEvent import ProtocolEvent
| 17 | from geniusweb.inform.Finished import Finished
| 18 | from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform
| 19 | from geniusweb.inform.Settings import Settings
| 20 | from geniusweb.progress.ProgressFactory import ProgressFactory
| 21 | from geniusweb.protocol.CurrentNegoState import CurrentNegoState
| 22 | from geniusweb.protocol.NegoState import NegoState
| 23 | from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException
| 24 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConn import ProtocolToPartyConn
| 25 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory import ProtocolToPartyConnFactory
| 26 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnections import ProtocolToPartyConnections
| 27 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionProtocol import SessionProtocol
| 28 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.learn.LearnState import LearnState
| 29 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
| 30 | from geniusweb.references.ProtocolRef import ProtocolRef
| 31 | from geniusweb.utils import val
| 32 |
| 33 |
| 34 | MIN_SLEEP_TIME = 1000
| 35 | MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 60000
| 36 | TIME_MARGIN = 20 # ms extra delay after deadline
| 37 | LEARN = ProtocolRef(URI("Learn"))
| 38 |
| 39 | class Learn (DefaultListenable[ProtocolEvent],SessionProtocol):
| 40 | '''
| 41 | The Learn protocol allows parties to learn until the deadline set in the
| 42 | {@link LearnSettings}.
| 43 | '''
| 44 | _deadlinetimer:Optional[Timer] = None
| 45 | # private volatile AtomicBoolean isFinishedInfoSent = new AtomicBoolean(
| 46 | # false);
| 47 | _conns = ProtocolToPartyConnections([])
| 48 | _synclock = threading.RLock()
| 49 | _isFinishedInfoSent = False
| 50 |
| 51 | def __init__(self, state:LearnState, logger:Reporter ):
| 52 | super().__init__()
| 53 | self._state = state
| 54 | self._log = logger
| 55 |
| 56 | def start(self, connectionfactory:ProtocolToPartyConnFactory ):
| 57 | try:
| 58 | self._connect(connectionfactory)
| 59 | self._setDeadline()
| 60 | self._setupParties()
| 61 | except Exception as e:
| 62 | self._handleError("Failed to start up session", None, e)
| 63 |
| 64 | def getDescription(self)->str:
| 65 | return "Sends all parties the Settings. Parties can start learning immediately but must respect the deadline. When party is done, it should send LearningDone."
| 66 |
| 67 | def getState(self)->NegoState :
| 68 | return self._state
| 69 |
| 70 |
| 71 | def getRef(self)-> ProtocolRef:
| 72 | return LEARN
| 73 |
| 74 | def addParticipant(self, party:PartyWithProfile ) :
| 75 | raise ValueError(
| 76 | "Dynamic joining a negotiation is not allowed in LEARN")
| 77 |
| 78 | #####################################################################
| 79 | # private functions. Some are protected only, for testing purposes
| 80 | #####################################################################
| 81 | def _connect(self, connectionfactory:ProtocolToPartyConnFactory ):
| 82 | '''
| 83 | step 1 in protocol: connect all involved parties and start the clock.
| 84 | This always "succeeds" with a valid (but possibly final) state
| 85 | <p>
| 86 | This is 'protected' to allow junit testing, this code is not a 'public'
| 87 | part of the interface.
| 88 |
| 89 | @param connectionfactory the connectionfactory for making party
| 90 | connections
| 91 |
| 92 | @throws InterruptedException if the connection procedure is unterrupted
| 93 |
| 94 | @throws IOException if this fails to properly conect to the
| 95 | parties, eg interrupted or server not
| 96 | responding..
| 97 | '''
| 98 | with self._synclock:
| 99 | participants:List[PartyWithProfile] = self._state.getSettings().getAllParties()
| 100 |
| 101 | parties = [parti.getParty().getPartyRef() for parti in participants ]
| 102 | connections:Optional[List[ProtocolToPartyConn]] = None
| 103 | self._log.log(logging.INFO, "LEARN connect " + str(parties))
| 104 | while connections == None:
| 105 | try:
| 106 | connections = connectionfactory.connectAll(parties) # type:ignore
| 107 | except NoResourcesNowException as e:
| 108 | waitms = (e.getLater().timestamp()-time())*1000
| 109 | self._log.log(logging.INFO,
| 110 | "No resources available to run session, waiting"+ str(waitms))
| 111 | sleep(min(MAX_SLEEP_TIME,
| 112 | max(MIN_SLEEP_TIME, waitms))/1000)
| 113 | # need val because mypy fails to see that connections can't be None here.
| 114 | for i in range(len(participants)):
| 115 | self._conns = self._conns.With(val(connections)[i])
| 116 | self._setState(self._state.WithParty(val(connections)[i].getParty(),
| 117 | participants[i]))
| 118 |
| 119 | def _actionRequest(self, partyconn:ProtocolToPartyConn , action:Action ) :
| 120 | '''
| 121 | This is called when one of the party connections does an action.
| 122 | Synchronized so that we always handle only 1 action at a time.
| 123 |
| 124 | @param partyconn the connection on which the action came in.
| 125 | @param action the {@link Action} taken by some party
| 126 | '''
| 127 | with self._synclock:
| 128 | if action == None:
| 129 | err = partyconn.getError()
| 130 | if err == None:
| 131 | err = ProtocolException("Party sent a null action",
| 132 | partyconn.getParty())
| 133 | self._handleError(str(partyconn) + "Protocol error", partyconn.getParty(),
| 134 | err) #type:ignore
| 135 | return
| 136 |
| 137 | try:
| 138 | self._setState(self._state.WithAction(partyconn.getParty(), action))
| 139 | except Exception as e:
| 140 | self._handleError("failed to handle action " + str(action),
| 141 | partyconn.getParty(), e)
| 142 |
| 143 |
| 144 |
| 145 |
| 146 | def _setupParties(self):
| 147 | '''
| 148 | step 2 in protocol: listen to connections and send settings to the
| 149 | parties.
| 150 | <p>
| 151 | This is 'protected' to allow junit testing, this code is not a 'public'
| 152 | part of the interface.
| 153 |
| 154 | @throws ProtocolException if a party does not follow the protocol
| 155 | '''
| 156 | this=self
| 157 | class MyListener(Listener[Action]):
| 158 | def notifyChange(self, act:Action):
| 159 | this._actionRequest(act)
| 160 |
| 161 |
| 162 | with self._synclock:
| 163 |
| 164 | for conn in self._conns:
| 165 | conn.addListener(MyListener())
| 166 |
| 167 | for connection in self._conns:
| 168 | try:
| 169 | self._sendSettings(connection)
| 170 | except ConnectionError as e:
| 171 | raise ProtocolException("Failed to initialize",
| 172 | connection.getParty(), e)
| 173 |
| 174 |
| 175 | def _sendSettings(self, connection:ProtocolToPartyConn ):
| 176 | '''
| 177 | Inform a party about its settings
| 178 |
| 179 | @param connection
| 180 | @throws IOException if party got disconnected
| 181 | '''
| 182 | with self._synclock:
| 183 | partyid = connection.getParty()
| 184 | profile = self._state.getPartyProfiles()[partyid].getProfile()
| 185 | params = self._state.getPartyProfiles()[partyid].getParty().getParameters()
| 186 | if profile == None:
| 187 | raise ValueError(
| 188 | "Missing profile for party " + str(connection.getReference()))
| 189 | connection.send(Settings(connection.getParty(), profile, self.getRef(),
| 190 | val(self._state.getProgress()), params))
| 191 |
| 192 | def _setDeadline(self):
| 193 | '''
| 194 | Set state to proper deadline. Starts the timer tasks. This tasks triggers
| 195 | a call to handleError when the session times out.
| 196 | '''
| 197 | with self._synclock:
| 198 | now = int(time()*1000)
| 199 | deadline = self._state.getSettings().getDeadline()
| 200 | self._setState(self._state.WithProgress(ProgressFactory.create(deadline, now)))
| 201 | duration=(deadline.getDuration() + TIME_MARGIN)/1000.0
| 202 | self._deadlinetimer = Timer(duration, self._timertask);
| 203 |
| 204 | # set timer TIME_MARGIN after real deadline to ensure we're not too early
| 205 | duration=(deadline.getDuration() + TIME_MARGIN)/1000.0
| 206 | self._deadlinetimer = Timer( duration, self._timertask)
| 207 | self._deadlinetimer.start()
| 208 | self._log.log(logging.INFO, "SAOP deadline set to "
| 209 | + datetime.utcfromtimestamp( (duration+now)/1000. ).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
| 210 |
| 211 | def _timertask(self):
| 212 | if not self._state.isFinal(1000.*time()):
| 213 | self._log.log(logging.CRITICAL,
| 214 | "BUG. Deadline timer has triggered but state is not final")
| 215 | self._log.log(logging.INFO,
| 216 | "LEARN deadline reached. Terminating session.")
| 217 | self._finish()
| 218 |
| 219 |
| 220 | def _handleError(self, message:str, party:Optional[PartyId], e:Exception):
| 221 | '''
| 222 | Update state to include the given error and finishes up the session.
| 223 |
| 224 | @param message The message to attach to the error
| 225 | @param party the party where the error occured
| 226 | @param e the exception that occured.
| 227 | '''
| 228 | with self._synclock:
| 229 | if isinstance(e, ProtocolException):
| 230 | self._setState(self._state.WithException( e))
| 231 | else:
| 232 | self._setState(self._state.WithException(ProtocolException(message, party, e)))
| 233 | self._log.log(logging.WARNING, "LEARN protocol intercepted error due to party "\
| 234 | + str(party) + ":" + message, e)
| 235 |
| 236 | def _setState(self, newstate:LearnState) :
| 237 | '''
| 238 | Sets the new state. If the new state is final, the finish-up procedure is
| 239 | executed.
| 240 |
| 241 | @param newstate the new state.
| 242 | '''
| 243 | with self._synclock:
| 244 | now = int(1000*time())
| 245 | if self._state.isFinal(now):
| 246 | self._finish()
| 247 | return
| 248 | self._state = newstate;
| 249 | if newstate.isFinal(now):
| 250 | self._finish()
| 251 |
| 252 | def _finish(self):
| 253 | '''
| 254 | Called when we reach final state. Cancels deadline timer. Send finished
| 255 | info to all parties, notify current nego state as final and set
| 256 | {@link #isFinishedInfoSent}. Double calls are automatically ignored.
| 257 | '''
| 258 | with self._synclock:
| 259 | if self._deadlinetimer :
| 260 | self._deadlinetimer.cancel()
| 261 | self._deadlinetimer = None
| 262 | if self._isFinishedInfoSent:
| 263 | return;
| 264 | self._isFinishedInfoSent=True
| 265 | finished = Finished(self._state.getAgreements());
| 266 | for conn in self._conns:
| 267 | self._sendFinish(conn, finished)
| 268 | self.notifyListeners(CurrentNegoState(self._state))
| 269 |
| 270 |
| 271 | def _sendFinish(self, connection:ProtocolToPartyConn , finished:Inform ):
| 272 | try:
| 273 | connection.send(finished)
| 274 | connection.close()
| 275 | except Exception as e:
| 276 | self._log.log(logging.INFO, "Failed to send Finished to " + str(connection), e)
| 277 |
| 278 |