[100] | 1 | from typing import Dict, Optional
| 2 |
| 3 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
| 4 | from geniusweb.inform.Agreements import Agreements
| 5 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
| 6 | from geniusweb.utils import toStr, toTuple
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 | class SessionResult:
| 10 | '''
| 11 | All results collected from running a session. Normally this does not contain
| 12 | all the details, only the final outcome and other global notes.
| 13 | '''
| 14 |
| 15 | def __init__(self, participants: Dict[PartyId, PartyWithProfile],
| 16 | agreements:Agreements , penalties:Dict[PartyId, float] ,
| 17 | error:Optional[Exception]):
| 18 | '''
| 19 | @param participants the list oof {@link PartyWithProfile}. Should never
| 20 | be null. Some of them may have entered later of left
| 21 | early. This list should contain them all.
| 22 | @param agreements the final Agreements. The key is the party ID, value
| 23 | is the bid that the party agreed on. Only parties
| 24 | that reached an agreement are in this list.
| 25 | @param penalties Key is the party ID, the value is the penalties in
| 26 | [0,1] for that participant. A penalty only applies to
| 27 | an agreement, not to a reservation bid.
| 28 | @param error a fatal error that terminated the session. Non-fatal
| 29 | errors (warnings) are not to be reported. Null if no
| 30 | fatal error occured (session ended following the
| 31 | protocol). Normally, a fatal error results in no
| 32 | agreement but there might be protocols that allow a
| 33 | session to end with an error but stick with a already
| 34 | reached agreement as well.
| 35 | '''
| 36 | self._participants = dict(participants)
| 37 | self._agreements = agreements
| 38 | self._penalties = dict(penalties)
| 39 | self._error = error
| 40 |
| 41 | def getParticipants(self) -> Dict[PartyId, PartyWithProfile]:
| 42 | '''
| 43 | @return the map with for each {@link PartyId} the
| 44 | {@link PartyWithProfile}. Should never be null. Some of them may
| 45 | have entered later of left early. This list should contain them
| 46 | all.
| 47 | '''
| 48 | return dict(self._participants)
| 49 |
| 50 | def getAgreements(self) -> Agreements:
| 51 | '''
| 52 | @return the final {@link Agreements} of the session. May be empty, not
| 53 | null
| 54 | '''
| 55 | return self._agreements;
| 56 |
| 57 | def getPenalties(self) -> Dict[PartyId, float]:
| 58 | '''
| 59 | @return Map of penalties,
| 60 | '''
| 61 | return dict(self._penalties)
| 62 |
| 63 | def getError(self) -> Optional[Exception]:
| 64 | '''
| 65 | @return a fatal error that terminated the session. Non-fatal errors
| 66 | (warnings) are not to be reported. Null if no fatal error occured
| 67 | (session ended following the protocol). Normally, a fatal error
| 68 | results in no agreement but there might be protocols that allow a
| 69 | session to end with an error but stick with a already reached
| 70 | agreement as well.
| 71 | '''
| 72 | return self._error
| 73 |
| 74 | def __repr__(self) -> str:
| 75 | return "SessionResult[" + toStr(self._participants) + "," + str(self._agreements) + ","\
| 76 | +toStr(self._penalties) + "," + str(self._error) + "]"
| 77 |
| 78 | def __hash__(self):
| 79 | return hash((toTuple(self._participants), toTuple(self._penalties), self._agreements))
| 80 |
| 81 | def __eq__(self, other):
| 82 | return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
| 83 | self._participants == other._participants and \
| 84 | self._agreements == other._agreements and\
| 85 | self._penalties == other._penalties and \
| 86 | self._error == other._error