1 | from __future__ import annotations
2 | from abc import abstractmethod
3 | from typing import List, Dict, Optional, TypeVar, Generic
4 |
5 | from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action
6 | from geniusweb.actions.PartyId import PartyId
7 | from geniusweb.progress.Progress import Progress
8 | from geniusweb.protocol.ProtocolException import ProtocolException
9 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionSettings import SessionSettings
10 | from geniusweb.protocol.session.SessionState import SessionState
11 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
12 | from geniusweb.utils import toTuple
13 |
14 |
15 | S = TypeVar('S',bound=SessionSettings)
16 | P = TypeVar('P',bound="DefaultSessionState")
17 |
18 |
19 | class DefaultSessionState (SessionState, Generic[S,P]):
20 | '''
21 | The default current state of the session. immutable.
22 |
23 | @param <P> the actual SessionState object
24 | @param <S> the actual SessionSettings object
25 | '''
26 |
27 | # error: Optional[ProtocolException]
28 | # progress: Progress
29 | # partyprofiles: Optional[Dict[PartyId, PartyWithProfile]]
30 | # settings: S
31 |
32 |
33 | def __init__(self, actions:List[Action], connections:List[PartyId],
34 | progress:Optional[Progress], settings:S,
35 | partyprofiles:Optional[Dict[PartyId, PartyWithProfile]]=None,
36 | error:Optional[ProtocolException]=None):
37 | '''
38 | @param actions value for actions done so far. None equals to empty
39 | list
40 | @param conns the currently existing connections. Can be empty. If
41 | None it is assumed to be empty. Each connection
42 | represents another party. Normally there is exactly
43 | 1 connection for every party. The protocol should
44 | check this.
45 | @param progr the {@link Progress} that governs this session. Can
46 | be null if session did not yet start.
47 | @param settings the settings used for the session
48 | @param partyprofiles map with the {@link PartyWithProfile} for connected
49 | parties. None is equivalent to an empty map.
50 | @param e the exception that occured, usually None. All errors
51 | occuring due to faulty {@link Action}s translate to
52 | {@link ProtocolException}s. All errors in our own
53 | code are bugs (not ProtocolExceptions) and should
54 | result in a throw and terminate the session.
55 | '''
56 |
57 | self._partyprofiles = dict(partyprofiles) if partyprofiles else {}
58 |
59 | self._connections = list(connections) if connections else []
60 |
61 | self._actions = list(actions) if actions else []
62 |
63 | if len(self._connections) != len(set(self._connections)):
64 | raise ValueError("There can not be multiple connections for a party:"
65 | + str(self._connections))
66 |
67 | if not settings:
68 | raise ValueError("Settings must be not null");
69 | self._progress = progress;
70 | self._settings = settings;
71 | self._error = error;
72 |
73 | @abstractmethod
74 | def With(self,actions1:List[Action] , conns:List[PartyId],
75 | progress1:Optional[Progress] , settings1:S,
76 | partyprofiles1:Dict[PartyId, PartyWithProfile] , e: Optional[ProtocolException]) -> P :
77 | '''
78 | Construct a new session state, where the DefaultSessionState changes
79 | while the rest of the state remains unchanged. Notice the return type P.
80 |
81 | @param actions1 the new {@link Action}s
82 | @param conns the new connected {@link PartyId}s
83 | @param progress1 the new {@link Progress}
84 | @param settings1 the new {@link SessionSettings}. Normally this is
85 | constant during a session.
86 | @param partyprofiles1 the new {@link PartyWithProfile}s for all parties.
87 | Normally this remains constant during a session.
88 | @param e an error that occured that caused the session to
89 | reach its terminated/final state. If an error does
90 | not cause termination, only a warning should be
91 | logged.
92 | @return the new state of the derived sessionstate.
93 | '''
94 |
95 | def getConnections(self)->List[PartyId] :
96 | '''
97 | @return existing connections.
98 | '''
99 | return list(self._connections)
100 |
101 | def getPartyProfiles(self)->Dict[PartyId, PartyWithProfile] :
102 | '''
103 | @return map with {@link PartyWithProfile} for the parties. May be an
104 | incomplete map, as more parties with their profiles may be set
105 | only later.
106 | '''
107 | return dict(self._partyprofiles)
108 |
109 | def getActions(self)->List[Action] :
110 | '''
111 | @return unmodifyable list of actions done so far.
112 | '''
113 | return list(self._actions)
114 |
115 | def getProgress(self)->Optional[Progress] :
116 | return self._progress
117 |
118 | def getSettings(self)->S :
119 | return self._settings
120 |
121 | def isFinal(self,currentTimeMs:int) ->bool :
122 | return self._error != None or \
123 | (self._progress!=None and self._progress.isPastDeadline(currentTimeMs)) #type:ignore
124 |
125 | def getError(self)-> Optional[ProtocolException]:
126 | '''
127 | @return an error that occured that caused the session to
128 | reach its terminated/final state. If an error does
129 | not cause termination, only a warning should be
130 | logged. None if no error occured.
131 | '''
132 | return self._error
133 |
134 | def WithDeadlineReached(self)->P :
135 | return self.With(self._actions, self._connections, self._progress, self._settings,
136 | self._partyprofiles, self._error)
137 |
138 | def WithoutParty(self, party:PartyId )->P :
139 | assert isinstance(party, PartyId)
140 | newconn = list(self._connections)
141 | newconn.remove(party);
142 | return self.With(self._actions, newconn, self._progress, \
143 | self._settings, self._partyprofiles, self._error)
144 |
145 | def WithException(self, e:ProtocolException)-> P:
146 | '''
147 | @param e the error that occured
148 | @return a new state with the error set/updated.
149 | '''
150 | assert isinstance(e, ProtocolException)
151 | return self.With(self._actions, self._connections, self._progress,
152 | self._settings, self._partyprofiles, e)
153 |
154 | def WithParty(self, connection:PartyId, partyprofile:PartyWithProfile) -> P :
155 | assert isinstance(connection, PartyId)
156 | assert isinstance(partyprofile, PartyWithProfile)
157 | newconns = list(self.getConnections())
158 | newconns.append(connection)
159 | newprofiles = dict(self.getPartyProfiles())
160 | newprofiles[connection]= partyprofile
161 | return self.With(self.getActions(), newconns, self.getProgress(), self.getSettings(),
162 | newprofiles, None)
163 |
164 | def WithProgress(self,newprogress:Progress )->P :
165 | '''
166 | Sets the new progress for this session.
167 |
168 | @param newprogress the new progress
169 | @return new SAOPState with the progress set to new value
170 | '''
171 | assert isinstance(newprogress, Progress)
172 | if not newprogress:
173 | raise ValueError("newprogress must be not null");
174 | return self.With(self._actions, self._connections, newprogress, self._settings,
175 | self._partyprofiles,self._error)
176 |
177 | def WithAction(self,actor:PartyId , action:Action )->P :
178 | '''
179 | @param actor the actor that did this action. Can be used to check if
180 | action is valid. NOTICE caller has to make sure the current
181 | state is not final.
182 | @param action the action that was proposed by actor.
183 | @return new SAOPState with the action added as last action.
184 | '''
185 | msg = self.checkAction(actor, action)
186 | if msg:
187 | raise ValueError(msg)
188 |
189 | newactions = list(self.getActions())
190 | newactions.append(action)
191 | return self.With(newactions, self._connections, self._progress,
192 | self._settings, self._partyprofiles,self._error)
193 |
194 | def checkAction(self, actor:PartyId , action:Action) -> Optional[str]:
195 | '''
196 | @param actor the known real actor that did this action
197 | @param action an {@link Action}
198 | @return null if action seems ok, or message explaining why not.
199 | '''
200 | if not actor :
201 | return "actor must not be null"
202 | if not action:
203 | return "action is null"
204 | if actor != action.getActor():
205 | return "act contains wrong credentials: " + str(action)
206 | return None
207 |
208 | def __repr__(self)->str:
209 | return type(self).__name__ + "[" + str(self._actions) + ","\
210 | + str(self._connections) + "," + str(self._progress) + "," + \
211 | str(self._settings) + "," + str(self._error);
212 |
213 | def __hash__(self):
214 | return hash((tuple(self._actions), tuple(self._connections),
215 | toTuple(self._partyprofiles),
216 | self._progress, self._settings, self._error))
217 |
218 | def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
219 | return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
220 | self._partyprofiles == other._partyprofiles and \
221 | self._actions==other._actions and \
222 | self._connections == other._connections and \
223 | self._progress == other._progress and \
224 | self._settings == other._settings and \
225 | self._error == other._error
226 |