1 | from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
2 | from pyson.JsonSubTypes import JsonSubTypes
3 | from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listenable import Listenable
4 |
5 | from geniusweb.events.ProtocolEvent import ProtocolEvent
7 | from geniusweb.protocol.NegoState import NegoState
8 | from geniusweb.protocol.partyconnection.ProtocolToPartyConnFactory import ProtocolToPartyConnFactory
9 | from geniusweb.references.PartyWithProfile import PartyWithProfile
10 | from geniusweb.references.ProtocolRef import ProtocolRef
11 |
12 |
13 | @JsonSubTypes(["SessionProtocol"])
14 | class NegoProtocol (Listenable[ProtocolEvent]):
15 | '''
16 | Abstract interface to all negotiation protocols, both single session and
17 | tournaments. Generally a protocol handles events on the provided connections
18 | according to the rules set by the protocol. The rules are explained by
19 | {@link #getDescription()}. A protocol reports the progress through its
20 | {@link Listenable} interface. <br>
21 | <h2>General information</h2>
22 |
23 | A protocol is mutable because the incoming connections cause state changes.
24 | But it is recommended to push changing properties into the state so that the
25 | complete state can be recovered and analysed.
26 | <p>
27 | Because a protocol contains an internal state, it can be used only once.
28 | <p>
29 | The protocol can emit a {@link CurrentState} event at any time. It should do
30 | so at least once, to log the final outcome of the nego.
31 | <p>
32 |
33 | Normally the constructor will receive a {@link ConnectionFactory} through
34 | which it can resolve received {@link Reference}s. <br>
35 | First call to instances <b>must be</b>
36 | {@link #start(ProtocolToPartyConnFactory)}.
37 |
38 | <h2>Ensure time deadline</h2>
39 |
40 | The protocol also needs to keep an eye on the deadline and take appropriate
41 | actions when the deadline is reached. <br>
42 | <p>
43 | All protocol implementations must ensure that the deadline is kept and that
44 | the session ends at the agreed time {@link Deadline#getDuration()}. This is
45 | to ensure that the negotiation ends and resources are freed up at or before
46 | some known time.
47 | '''
48 | def start(self, connectionfactory:ProtocolToPartyConnFactory):
49 | '''
50 | Start the protocol: make connection with parties and follow the protocol.
51 | This must be called once and should be the first call after construction.
52 | <p>
53 |
54 | The protocol implementation should not start any real work (eg making
55 | connections) before this point. That also allows us to construct protocol
56 | instances just to fetch the description.
57 | <p>
58 |
59 | All errors are to be handled through {@link SessionState#getResult()}
60 | except for bugs that use {@link RuntimeException} like
61 | {@link IllegalArgumentException}s. <br>
62 | The protocol usually uses the incoming connections to keep running. It
63 | does not need to run in a separate thread or so.
64 |
65 |
66 | @param connectionfactory the {@link ProtocolToPartyConnFactory} that
67 | allows the protocol to connect with the
68 | {@link Reference}s in the settings
69 | '''
70 |
71 | def getDescription(self)-> str:
72 | '''
73 | @return a complete description of how this protocol behaves. Presented to
74 | the end users who should know negotiation basics but not all
75 | technical terms.
76 | '''
77 | def getState(self)->"NegoState" :
78 | '''
79 | @return current state: the results of all sessions run so far and how to
80 | continue from that point. Changes over time as the session
81 | proceeds. Errors are also stored in the state.
82 | '''
83 |
84 |
85 | def getRef(self) -> ProtocolRef :
86 | '''
87 | @return the {@link ProtocolRef} for this protocol
88 | '''
89 |
90 | def addParticipant(self, party:PartyWithProfile ):
91 | '''
92 | Add a party after the protocol has started. Only some protocols can
93 | handle this call. Usual protocols take the settings with their
94 | constructor.
95 | @param party the {@link PartyWithProfile} to be added.
96 | '''
97 |