import json import sys from typing import Optional from pyson.ObjectMapper import ObjectMapper from tudelft.utilities.listener.DefaultListenable import DefaultListenable from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listener import Listener from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.connection.ConnectionEnd import ConnectionEnd from geniusweb.inform.Inform import Inform class StdInOutConnectionEnd(DefaultListenable[Inform],ConnectionEnd[Inform, Action]): ''' A connectionend for a party that forwards stdin to the party, and pushes outdata from the party back into the stream. ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._pyson = ObjectMapper() def send(self,act:Action ): data=json.dumps(self._pyson.toJson(act)) sys.stdout.buffer.write(len(data).to_bytes(4,'little')) sys.stdout.buffer.write(bytes(data, 'utf-8')) sys.stdout.buffer.flush() def run(self, receiver: Listener[Inform]): ''' @param receiver the listener for the information runs until the input breaks. returns only after termination @raise exception if the read or the receiver throws: ''' # blocking read while True: data=self.readblock() if not data: break obj=self._pyson.parse(json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")),Inform) receiver.notifyChange(obj) # FIXME receiver.terminate? def readblock(self)->Optional[bytearray]: ''' @return next block of data from stdin, or None if stream closed. ''' #type:ignore if len(sizedata)<4: return None remaining=int.from_bytes(sizedata, byteorder='little',signed=True) if remaining>20000000: raise ValueError("Received bad block:"+str(remaining)) #sys.stderr.write("remaining: "+str(remaining)) data=bytearray() while remaining>0: #type:ignore if len(newdata)==0: # FIXME receiver.terminate ? return None data.extend(bytearray(newdata)) remaining=remaining-len(newdata) return data