from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.UtilitySpace import UtilitySpace from geniusweb.opponentmodel.OpponentModel import OpponentModel from decimal import Decimal from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from typing import Dict, Optional from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action from geniusweb.progress.Progress import Progress from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters from geniusweb.utils import val, HASH, toStr class FrequencyOpponentModel(UtilitySpace, OpponentModel): ''' implements an {@link OpponentModel} by counting frequencies of bids placed by the opponent.

NOTE: {@link NumberValue}s are also treated as 'discrete', so the frequency of one value does not influence the influence the frequency of nearby values (as you might expect as {@link NumberValueSetUtilities} is only affected by the endpoints).

immutable. ''' _DECIMALS = 4 # accuracy of our computations. def __init__(self, domain:Optional[Domain], freqs:Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] , total:int, resBid:Optional[Bid] ) : ''' internal constructor. DO NOT USE, see create. Assumes the freqs keyset is equal to the available issues. @param domain the domain. Should not be None @param freqs the observed frequencies for all issue values. This map is assumed to be a fresh private-access only copy. @param total the total number of bids contained in the freqs map. This must be equal to the sum of the Integer values in the {@link #bidFrequencies} for each issue (this is not checked). @param resBid the reservation bid. Can be null ''' self._domain = domain self._bidFrequencies = freqs self._totalBids = total self._resBid = resBid @staticmethod def create() -> "FrequencyOpponentModel": return FrequencyOpponentModel(None, {}, 0 ,None ) #Override def With(self, newDomain:Domain, newResBid:Optional[Bid]) -> "FrequencyOpponentModel": if newDomain == None: raise ValueError("domain is not initialized") # FIXME merge already available frequencies? return FrequencyOpponentModel(newDomain, { iss: {} for iss in newDomain.getIssues() }, 0, newResBid) #Override def getUtility(self,bid:Bid ) -> Decimal: if self._domain == None: raise ValueError("domain is not initialized") if self._totalBids == 0: return Decimal(1) sum = Decimal(0) # Assume all issues have equal weight. for issue in val(self._domain).getIssues(): if issue in bid.getIssues(): sum = sum + self._getFraction(issue, val(bid.getValue(issue))) return round(sum / len(self._bidFrequencies), FrequencyOpponentModel._DECIMALS) #Override def getName(self)->str: if self._domain == None: raise ValueError("domain is not initialized") return "FreqOppModel" + str(hash(self)) + "For" + str(self._domain) #Override def getDomain(self)->Domain : return val(self._domain) #Override def WithAction(self, action:Action, progress:Progress) ->"FrequencyOpponentModel": if self._domain == None: raise ValueError("domain is not initialized") if not isinstance(action,Offer): return self bid:Bid = action.getBid() newFreqs:Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] = self.cloneMap(self._bidFrequencies) for issue in self._domain.getIssues(): #type:ignore freqs:Dict[Value, int] = newFreqs[issue] value = bid.getValue(issue) if value != None: oldfreq=0 if value in freqs: oldfreq = freqs[value] freqs[value]=oldfreq + 1 #type:ignore return FrequencyOpponentModel(self._domain, newFreqs, self._totalBids+1, self._resBid) def getCounts(self, issue:str) -> Dict[Value, int] : ''' @param issue the issue to get frequency info for @return a map containing a map of values and the number of times that value was used in previous bids. Values that are possible but not in the map have frequency 0. ''' if self._domain == None: raise ValueError("domain is not initialized") if not issue in self._bidFrequencies: return {} return dict(self._bidFrequencies.get(issue)) #type:ignore #Override def WithParameters(self,parameters:Parameters ) ->OpponentModel : return self # ignore parameters def _getFraction(self, issue:str, value:Value ) -> Decimal : ''' @param issue the issue to check @param value the value to check @return the fraction of the total cases that bids contained given value for the issue. ''' if self._totalBids == 0: return Decimal(1) if not (issue in self._bidFrequencies and value in self._bidFrequencies[issue]): return Decimal(0) freq:int = self._bidFrequencies[issue][value] return round(Decimal(freq) / self._totalBids, FrequencyOpponentModel._DECIMALS) #type:ignore @staticmethod def cloneMap(freqs: Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]]) -> Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] : ''' @param freqs @return deep copy of freqs map. ''' map:Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] = {} for issue in freqs: map[issue]=dict(freqs[issue]) return map #Override def getReservationBid(self) -> Optional[Bid] : return self._resBid def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \ self._domain == other._domain and\ self._bidFrequencies == other._bidFrequencies and\ self._totalBids == other._totalBids and\ self._resBid == other._resBid def __hash__(self): return HASH((self._domain, self._bidFrequencies, self._totalBids, self._resBid)) #Override #Override def __repr__(self)->str: return "FrequencyOpponentModel[" + str(self._totalBids) + "," + \ toStr(self._bidFrequencies) + "]"