[95] | 1 | from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.UtilitySpace import UtilitySpace
| 2 | from geniusweb.opponentmodel.OpponentModel import OpponentModel
| 3 | from decimal import Decimal
| 4 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain
| 5 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid
| 6 | from typing import Dict, Optional
| 7 | from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value
| 8 | from geniusweb.actions.Action import Action
| 9 | from geniusweb.progress.Progress import Progress
| 10 | from geniusweb.actions.Offer import Offer
| 11 | from geniusweb.references.Parameters import Parameters
| 12 | from geniusweb.utils import val, HASH, toStr
| 13 |
| 14 | class FrequencyOpponentModel(UtilitySpace, OpponentModel):
| 15 | '''
| 16 | implements an {@link OpponentModel} by counting frequencies of bids placed by
| 17 | the opponent.
| 18 | <p>
| 19 | NOTE: {@link NumberValue}s are also treated as 'discrete', so the frequency
| 20 | of one value does not influence the influence the frequency of nearby values
| 21 | (as you might expect as {@link NumberValueSetUtilities} is only affected by
| 22 | the endpoints).
| 23 | <p>
| 24 | immutable.
| 25 | '''
| 26 |
| 27 | _DECIMALS = 4 # accuracy of our computations.
| 28 |
| 29 | def __init__(self, domain:Optional[Domain],
| 30 | freqs:Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] , total:int,
| 31 | resBid:Optional[Bid] ) :
| 32 | '''
| 33 | internal constructor. DO NOT USE, see create. Assumes the freqs keyset is
| 34 | equal to the available issues.
| 35 |
| 36 | @param domain the domain. Should not be None
| 37 | @param freqs the observed frequencies for all issue values. This map is
| 38 | assumed to be a fresh private-access only copy.
| 39 | @param total the total number of bids contained in the freqs map. This
| 40 | must be equal to the sum of the Integer values in the
| 41 | {@link #bidFrequencies} for each issue (this is not
| 42 | checked).
| 43 | @param resBid the reservation bid. Can be null
| 44 | '''
| 45 | self._domain = domain
| 46 | self._bidFrequencies = freqs
| 47 | self._totalBids = total
| 48 | self._resBid = resBid
| 49 |
| 50 | @staticmethod
| 51 | def create() -> "FrequencyOpponentModel":
| 52 | return FrequencyOpponentModel(None, {}, 0 ,None )
| 53 |
| 54 | #Override
| 55 | def With(self, newDomain:Domain, newResBid:Optional[Bid]) -> "FrequencyOpponentModel":
| 56 | if newDomain == None:
| 57 | raise ValueError("domain is not initialized")
| 58 | # FIXME merge already available frequencies?
| 59 | return FrequencyOpponentModel(newDomain,
| 60 | { iss: {} for iss in newDomain.getIssues() },
| 61 | 0, newResBid)
| 62 |
| 63 | #Override
| 64 | def getUtility(self,bid:Bid ) -> Decimal:
| 65 | if self._domain == None:
| 66 | raise ValueError("domain is not initialized")
| 67 | if self._totalBids == 0:
| 68 | return Decimal(1)
| 69 | sum = Decimal(0)
| 70 | # Assume all issues have equal weight.
| 71 | for issue in val(self._domain).getIssues():
| 72 | if issue in bid.getIssues():
| 73 | sum = sum + self._getFraction(issue, val(bid.getValue(issue)))
| 74 | return round(sum / len(self._bidFrequencies), FrequencyOpponentModel._DECIMALS)
| 75 |
| 76 | #Override
| 77 | def getName(self)->str:
| 78 | if self._domain == None:
| 79 | raise ValueError("domain is not initialized")
| 80 | return "FreqOppModel" + str(hash(self)) + "For" + str(self._domain)
| 81 |
| 82 | #Override
| 83 | def getDomain(self)->Domain :
| 84 | return val(self._domain)
| 85 |
| 86 | #Override
| 87 | def WithAction(self, action:Action, progress:Progress) ->"FrequencyOpponentModel":
| 88 | if self._domain == None:
| 89 | raise ValueError("domain is not initialized")
| 90 |
| 91 | if not isinstance(action,Offer):
| 92 | return self
| 93 |
| 94 | bid:Bid = action.getBid()
| 95 | newFreqs:Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] = self.cloneMap(self._bidFrequencies)
| 96 | for issue in self._domain.getIssues(): #type:ignore
| 97 | freqs:Dict[Value, int] = newFreqs[issue]
| 98 | value = bid.getValue(issue)
| 99 | if value != None:
| 100 | oldfreq=0
| 101 | if value in freqs:
| 102 | oldfreq = freqs[value]
| 103 | freqs[value]=oldfreq + 1 #type:ignore
| 104 |
| 105 | return FrequencyOpponentModel(self._domain, newFreqs,
| 106 | self._totalBids+1, self._resBid)
| 107 |
| 108 | def getCounts(self, issue:str) -> Dict[Value, int] :
| 109 | '''
| 110 | @param issue the issue to get frequency info for
| 111 | @return a map containing a map of values and the number of times that
| 112 | value was used in previous bids. Values that are possible but not
| 113 | in the map have frequency 0.
| 114 | '''
| 115 | if self._domain == None:
| 116 | raise ValueError("domain is not initialized")
| 117 | if not issue in self._bidFrequencies:
| 118 | return {}
| 119 | return dict(self._bidFrequencies.get(issue)) #type:ignore
| 120 |
| 121 | #Override
| 122 | def WithParameters(self,parameters:Parameters ) ->OpponentModel :
| 123 | return self # ignore parameters
| 124 |
| 125 | def _getFraction(self, issue:str, value:Value ) -> Decimal :
| 126 | '''
| 127 | @param issue the issue to check
| 128 | @param value the value to check
| 129 | @return the fraction of the total cases that bids contained given value
| 130 | for the issue.
| 131 | '''
| 132 | if self._totalBids == 0:
| 133 | return Decimal(1)
| 134 | if not (issue in self._bidFrequencies and value in self._bidFrequencies[issue]):
| 135 | return Decimal(0)
| 136 | freq:int = self._bidFrequencies[issue][value]
| 137 | return round(Decimal(freq) / self._totalBids, FrequencyOpponentModel._DECIMALS) #type:ignore
| 138 |
| 139 | @staticmethod
| 140 | def cloneMap(freqs: Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]]) -> Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] :
| 141 | '''
| 142 | @param freqs
| 143 | @return deep copy of freqs map.
| 144 | '''
| 145 | map:Dict[str, Dict[Value, int]] = {}
| 146 | for issue in freqs:
| 147 | map[issue]=dict(freqs[issue])
| 148 | return map
| 149 |
| 150 | #Override
| 151 | def getReservationBid(self) -> Optional[Bid] :
| 152 | return self._resBid
| 153 |
| 154 |
| 155 | def __eq__(self, other):
| 156 | return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and \
| 157 | self._domain == other._domain and\
| 158 | self._bidFrequencies == other._bidFrequencies and\
| 159 | self._totalBids == other._totalBids and\
| 160 | self._resBid == other._resBid
| 161 |
| 162 |
| 163 | def __hash__(self):
| 164 | return HASH((self._domain, self._bidFrequencies, self._totalBids, self._resBid))
| 165 | #Override
| 166 |
| 167 | #Override
| 168 | def __repr__(self)->str:
| 169 | return "FrequencyOpponentModel[" + str(self._totalBids) + "," + \
| 170 | toStr(self._bidFrequencies) + "]"