from copy import copy import re from typing import Dict, Set, Optional from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.issuevalue.ValueSet import ValueSet class Domain: ''' A dmain description. ''' def __init__(self, name:str, issuesValues :Dict[str, ValueSet]) : ''' @param name a short name for display/toString. This name must contain simple characters only (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). @param issuesValues the issues and values, Map with key: the issue name and value: {@link ValueSet} with the allowed values for the issue. ''' if issuesValues == None: raise ValueError("issues=null") if name == None: raise ValueError("shortName=null") if not re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]+", name): raise ValueError("domain name can have only simple characters but found "+ name) if len(issuesValues)==0: raise ValueError("issuesValues is empty set"); self._name = name; self._issuesValues = dict(issuesValues) #'freeze'... def getName(self) ->str: ''' @return short name for this domain. ''' return self._name def getIssues(self) -> Set[str] : ''' @return set of the issues in this domain. ''' #workaround bug, issueValue return set(self._issuesValues.keys()) def getIssuesValues(self): return copy(self._issuesValues) def isFitting(self, bid:Bid) -> Optional[str]: ''' @param bid the {@link Bid} to be checked @return None if bid is fitting, or a string containing a message explaining why not. A bid is fitting if all issues are in the domain and all issue values are known values. ''' for issue in bid.getIssues(): if not issue in self._issuesValues: return "bid " + str(bid) + " refers to non-domain issue '" + issue + "'" if not bid.getValue(issue) in self._issuesValues[issue]: return "issue '" + issue + "' in bid has illegal value " + str(bid.getValue(issue)) return None def isComplete(self, bid:Bid) -> Optional[str] : ''' @param bid a Bid @return null if this bid is complete, or an error message explaining why the bid is not complete. Complete means that the bid contains a valid value for each issue in the domain and no values for unknown issues. ''' if self._issuesValues.keys() != bid.getIssues(): return "Issues in bid (" + str(bid.getIssues()) \ + ") do not match issues in domain (" \ +str(self._issuesValues.keys()) + ")" return self.isFitting(bid); def getValues( self, issue:str) ->ValueSet : ''' @param issue the issue for which allowed values are needed @return set of allowed values for given issue, or null if there is no such an issue. ''' return self._issuesValues[issue] def __hash__(self): return hash((self._name, tuple(self._issuesValues.items()))) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \ and self._issuesValues == other._issuesValues and self._name==other._name def __repr__(self): return "Domain["+self._name+","+repr(self._issuesValues)+"]"