1 | from abc import ABC
2 | from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List, Optional
3 |
4 | from tudelft.utilities.listener.Listenable import Listenable
5 | from uri.uri import URI
6 |
7 | from geniusweb.references.Reference import Reference
8 |
9 |
10 | INTYPE = TypeVar('INTYPE')
11 | OUTTYPE = TypeVar('OUTTYPE')
12 |
13 | class ConnectionEnd(Listenable[INTYPE], Generic[INTYPE,OUTTYPE]):
14 | '''
15 | One end of a general two-way connection. incoming data is reported through
16 | the {@link Listenable} channel, sending events of the INTYPE.
17 | <p>
18 |
19 | The connection mechanism assumed here is fundamentally asymmetric. One side
20 | is "Connectable", the other side is a ConnectionEnd created (usually from a
21 | {@link Reference}. This matches the typical client-server system (web
22 | architecture).
23 |
24 | <p>
25 | If an internal error occurs, eg a socket failure, timeout, or parser error, a
26 | null event is sent into the Listenable. {@link #getError()} can be called to
27 | find out about the error.
28 | @param <INTYPE> the type of incoming messages (incoming for the user of this
29 | connection end). Incoming messages are received through
30 | Listener#not. Incoming messages are usually asynchronous.
31 | @param <OUTTYPE> the type of outgoing messages (outgoing for the user of this
32 | connection end). Outgoing messages can be sent directly with
33 | #send.
34 | '''
35 |
36 | def send(self,data:OUTTYPE ):
37 | '''
38 | Send data out (and flush the output so that there are no excessive delays
39 | in sending the data). This call is assumed to return immediately (never
40 | block, eg on synchronized, Thread.sleep, IO, etc). When this is called
41 | multiple times in sequence, the data should arrive at the receiver end in
42 | the same order.
43 |
44 | @param data the data to be sent.
45 | @throws ConnectionError if the data failed to be sent.
46 | '''
47 |
48 | def getReference(self) -> Reference:
49 | '''
50 | @return Reference that was used to create this connection
51 | '''
52 |
53 | def getRemoteURI(self)->URI:
54 | '''
55 | @return the URI of the remote endpoint that makes up the connection. This
56 | is a URI that uniquely identifies the remote object.
57 | '''
58 |
59 | def close(self):
60 | '''
61 | Close the connection. Should return immediately (not block). Before
62 | really closing, this should attempt to send out possibly cached messages
63 | before closing the connection.
64 | '''
65 | def getError(self) -> Optional[Exception]:
66 | '''
67 | @return the latest internal error, or null if no error occured. If the
68 | channel is closed, this is set to {@link SocketException} "Socket
69 | closed", even if the close was a "normal" termination eg when
70 | {@link #close()} was called.
71 | '''
72 |