from geniusweb.issuevalue.Bid import Bid from geniusweb.issuevalue.Domain import Domain from geniusweb.issuevalue.Value import Value from geniusweb.profile.utilityspace.LinearAdditive import LinearAdditive from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.AbstractImmutableList import AbstractImmutableList from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.FixedList import FixedList from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.ImmutableList import ImmutableList from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.JoinedList import JoinedList from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.MapList import MapList from tudelft.utilities.immutablelist.Tuple import Tuple from typing import List, Dict from geniusweb.bidspace.IssueInfo import IssueInfo from geniusweb.bidspace.Interval import Interval from geniusweb.utils import val from decimal import Decimal class BidsWithUtility : ''' WARNING DO NOT USE, NOT YET WORKING CORRECTLY Tool class containing functions dealing with utilities of all bids in a given {@link LinearAdditive}. This class caches previously computed values to accelerate the calls and subsequent calls. Re-use the object to keep/reuse the cache.


Internally, utilities of bids are rounded to the given precision. This may cause inclusion/exclusion of some bids in the results. See {@link #BidsWithUtility(LinearAdditive, int)} for more details Immutable. ''' def __init__(self, issuesInfo:List[IssueInfo] , precision:int ) : ''' @param issuesInfo List of the relevant issues (in order of relevance) and all info of each issue. @param precision the number of digits to use for computations. In practice, 6 seems a good default value.

All utilities * weight are rounded to this number of digits. This value should match the max number of (digits used in the weight of an issue + number of digits used in the issue utility). To determine the optimal value, one may consider the step size of the issues, and the range of interest. For instance if the utility function has values 1/3 and 2/3, then these have an 'infinite' number of relevant digits. But if the goal is to search bids between utility 0.1 and 0.2, then computing in 2 digits might already be sufficient.

This algorithm has memory and space complexity O( |nissues| 10^precision ). For spaces up to 7 issues, 7 digits should be feasible; for 9 issues, 6 digits may be the maximum. ''' if issuesInfo == None or len(issuesInfo)==0: raise ValueError("sortedissues list must contain at least 1 element") self._issueInfo = issuesInfo; self._precision = precision; # cache. Key = call arguments for {@link #get(int, Interval)}. Value=return # value of that call. self._cache:Dict[Tuple[int, Interval], ImmutableList[Bid]] = {} @staticmethod def create(space:LinearAdditive, precision:int=6) -> "BidsWithUtility": ''' Support constructor, uses default precision 6. This value seems practical for the common range of issues, utilities and weights. See {@link #BidsWithUtility(LinearAdditive, int)} for more details on the precision. @param space the {@link LinearAdditive} to analyze @param space the {@link LinearAdditive} to analyze. Optional, defaults to 6 ''' return BidsWithUtility(BidsWithUtility._getInfo(space, precision), precision); def getRange(self) ->Interval : ''' @return the (rounded) utility {@link Interval} of this space: minimum and maximum achievable utility. ''' return self._getRange(len(self._issueInfo) - 1) def getBids(self, range: Interval) -> ImmutableList[Bid] : ''' @param range the minimum and maximum utility required of the bids. to be included (both ends inclusive). @return a list with bids that have a (rounded) utility inside range. possibly empty. ''' return self._get(len(self._issueInfo) - 1, range.round(self._precision)); def getInfo(self) -> List[IssueInfo] : return self._issueInfo.copy() def getExtremeBid(self, isMax:bool) ->Bid : ''' @param isMax the extreme bid required @return the extreme bid, either the minimum if isMax=false or maximum if isMax=true ''' map:Dict[str, Value] = {} for info in self._issueInfo: map[info.getName()] = info.getExtreme(isMax) return Bid(map) def _get(self, n:int , goal:Interval) -> ImmutableList[Bid] : ''' Create partial BidsWithUtil list considering only issues 0..n, with utilities in given range. @param n the number of issueRanges to consider, we consider 0..n here. The recursion decreases n until n=0 @param goal the minimum and maximum utility required of the bids. to be included (both ends inclusive) @return BidsWithUtil list, possibly empty. ''' if goal == None: raise ValueError("Interval=null") # clamp goal into what is reachable. Avoid caching empty goal = goal.intersect(self._getRange(n)) if (goal.isEmpty()): return FixedList([]) cachetuple = Tuple(n, goal) if (cachetuple in self._cache): return self._cache[cachetuple] result = self._checkedGet(n, goal) self._cache[cachetuple]=result return result @staticmethod def _getInfo(space2:LinearAdditive , precision:int) -> List[IssueInfo] : dom = space2.getDomain() return [IssueInfo(issue, dom.getValues(issue), \ val(space2.getUtilities().get(issue)), \ space2.getWeight(issue), precision) \ for issue in dom.getIssues()] def _checkedGet(self, n:int, goal:Interval ) -> ImmutableList[Bid] : info = self._issueInfo[n] # issue is the first issuesWithRange. issue = info.getName() if n == 0: return OneIssueSubset(info, goal) # make new list, joining all sub-lists fulllist:ImmutableList[Bid] = FixedList([]) for val in info.getValues(): weightedutil = info.getWeightedUtil(val) subgoal = goal.subtract(weightedutil) # recurse: get list of bids for the subspace partialbids = self._get(n - 1, subgoal) bid = Bid({issue: val}) fullbids = BidsWithUtility.maplist(bid, partialbids) if fullbids.size() != 0: fulllist = JoinedList[Bid]([fullbids, fulllist]) return fulllist @staticmethod def maplist(bid: Bid, partialbids: ImmutableList[Bid]) -> ImmutableList[Bid]: ''' this is just to force a scope onto bid ''' return MapList[Bid, Bid](lambda pbid: pbid.merge(bid), partialbids) def _getRange(self, n:int) ->Interval : ''' @param n the maximum issuevalue utility to include. Use n=index of last issue s= (#issues in the domain - 1) for the full range of this domain. @return Interval (min, max) of the total weighted utility Interval of issues 0..n. All weighted utilities have been rounded to the set {@link #precision} ''' value = Interval(Decimal(0),Decimal(0)) for i in range(0,n+1): # include end point value = value.add(self._issueInfo[i].getInterval()) return value class OneIssueSubset (AbstractImmutableList[Bid]): ''' List of all one-issue bids that have utility inside given interval. ''' def __init__(self, info:IssueInfo , interval:Interval ) : ''' @param info the {@link IssueInfo} @param interval a utility interval (weighted) ''' self._info = info; self._interval = interval; self._size = info._subsetSize(interval) #Override def get(self, index:int) ->Bid : return Bid({self._info.getName(): self._info._subset(self._interval)[index]}) #Override def size(self) ->int: return self._size