[42] | 1 | package geniusweb.clienttest;
| 2 |
| 3 | import org.python.core.Py;
| 4 | import org.python.core.PyObject;
| 5 | import org.python.core.PySystemState;
| 6 |
| 7 | /**
| 8 | * Jython Object Factory using PySystemState
| 9 | */
| 10 | public class JythonObjectFactory {
| 11 |
| 12 | private final Class interfaceType;
| 13 | private final PyObject klass;
| 14 |
| 15 | // Constructor obtains a reference to the importer, module, and the class
| 16 | // name
| 17 | public JythonObjectFactory(PySystemState state, Class interfaceType, String moduleName, String className) {
| 18 | this.interfaceType = interfaceType;
| 19 | PyObject importer = state.getBuiltins().__getitem__(Py.newString("__import__"));
| 20 | PyObject module = importer.__call__(Py.newString(moduleName));
| 21 | klass = module.__getattr__(className);
| 22 | System.err.println("module=" + module + ",class=" + klass);
| 23 | }
| 24 |
| 25 | // This constructor passes through to the other constructor
| 26 | public JythonObjectFactory(Class interfaceType, String moduleName, String className) {
| 27 | this(new PySystemState(), interfaceType, moduleName, className);
| 28 | }
| 29 |
| 30 | // All of the followng methods return
| 31 | // a coerced Jython object based upon the pieces of information
| 32 | // that were passed into the factory. The differences are
| 33 | // between them are the number of arguments that can be passed
| 34 | // in as arguents to the object.
| 35 |
| 36 | public Object createObject() {
| 37 | return klass.__call__().__tojava__(interfaceType);
| 38 | }
| 39 |
| 40 | public Object createObject(Object arg1) {
| 41 | return klass.__call__(Py.java2py(arg1)).__tojava__(interfaceType);
| 42 | }
| 43 |
| 44 | public Object createObject(Object arg1, Object arg2) {
| 45 | return klass.__call__(Py.java2py(arg1), Py.java2py(arg2)).__tojava__(interfaceType);
| 46 | }
| 47 |
| 48 | public Object createObject(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) {
| 49 | return klass.__call__(Py.java2py(arg1), Py.java2py(arg2), Py.java2py(arg3)).__tojava__(interfaceType);
| 50 | }
| 51 |
| 52 | public Object createObject(Object args[], String keywords[]) {
| 53 | PyObject convertedArgs[] = new PyObject[args.length];
| 54 | for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
| 55 | convertedArgs[i] = Py.java2py(args[i]);
| 56 | }
| 57 |
| 58 | return klass.__call__(convertedArgs, keywords).__tojava__(interfaceType);
| 59 | }
| 60 |
| 61 | public Object createObject(Object... args) {
| 62 | return createObject(args, Py.NoKeywords);
| 63 | }
| 64 |
| 65 | }